Woman’s day

A symbol of modesty and mercy
Healing for the whole of humanity
Gentle her touch, so her words
Bless the women for her powers

Women, the truth and the love
Showers on children and her love
Looking nothing, seeking no rewards
Only piety flowing through her glance”……

“I wonder if there was a women
A women who i could really care for
A women that would be down to ride
If there was a women like this
she’ll be my night sky

My stars, my sun, and my moon
She’ll be my everlasting love my
She’ll be ‘A Women’
We’ll be as close as we could
Holding each other thinking

about the decisions we’ll make
Thinking about our future
Looking each other in the eyes
Knowing our LOVE is true……..

Let’s contend no more, Love,
Strive nor weep:
All be as before, Love,
Only sleep!

What so wild as words are?
I and thou
In debate, as birds are,
Hawk on bough!…….

A mother’s love determines how
We love ourselves and others.
There is no sky we’ll ever see
Not lit by that first love.

Stripped of love, the universe
Would drive us mad with pain;
But we are born into a world
That greets our cries with joy…….

A mother casts her dreams into the sea;
We, the words sent bobbing towards the sun,
The eggs of stone, the shards of prophesy.

Because she must conclude her melody
And fall back to the sweet dark hush of One,
A mother casts her dreams into the sea,

Hoping to cross that wild infinity
And on some infant shore again to run,
The eggs of stone, the shards of prophesy…….