How Risky Is Coronary Heart Disease

Since it is changing into a typical medical malady, it is necessary to concentrate on the risk factors for coronary heart disease. There are a variety of irregular conditions that have an effect on the guts and the vessels supplying the heart with blood. Coronary heart disease is the foremost widespread quite heart problem. It’s additionally the foremost common reason for heart attacks.

Injury that occurs to the center when the supply of blood is reduced is known as coronary heart disease. What normally happens is, deposits that are fatty in nature, build up among the liner of blood vessels whose job it’s to supply blood to the guts muscles. This causes narrowing of the blood vessels and the ensuing issue could be a reduction within the blood provide to the heart muscles. This causes symptoms of pain called angina.

Causes of Coronary Heart Disease

There are risk factors for coronary heart disease that are thought of to be responsible for this disease. The most important and most well-known culprit is high cholesterol. Worldwide cholesterol levels in numerous populations vary quite dramatically. The Japanese population as an example, has a lot of lower blood cholesterol levels and the rate of heart drawback is lower. But in alternative populations that have similar incidences of blood cholesterol levels typically have very varied disease rates.

Smoking tobacco is usually quoted joined of the key risk factors for coronary heart disease. The smoker features a twice greater probability of developing heart drawback than a nonsmoker. Studies indicate that once having given up smoking for five years, the danger issue of developing heart drawback lowers to that of a one that has never smoked.

There’s a medically proven relationship between smoking tobacco product and coronary heart disease. While smoking is legal and remains a personal selection, it is a dangerous follow and it is necessary for people to understand that smoking habits play a role within the causes of serious disease for the heart. Many people could be in denial regarding the association between smoking and heart disease. This denial is usually based mostly upon a would like to mollify criticism towards smoking and may conjointly stem from those companies who make the most of the sale of tobacco products.

Pop Cultural Influences

When watching recent episodes of the TONIGHT SHOW with Johnny Carson, it’s shocking to determine that he casually smokes cigarettes during the bigger half of the program. In the classic films made within the 1930’s and 40’s, several actors puff away on cigarettes during the period of the film. In one in all the foremost bizarre scenes within the 1973 film THE EXORCIST portrays doctors smoking whilst acting in the examination scene. Fans of classic motion footage and television programs can notice that the number of folks portrayed smoking while acting out their roles as very high by today’s standards. It’s no wonder that the incidences of coronary heart disease were therefore high only a few decades ago.

At only once, smoking was so routinely shown in film and television productions worldwide that it acquired a foothold in pop culture. The result of this is that much of the general public, shut to fifty%, was profoundly dependent on tobacco products. This addiction has not been without consequences as coronary heart disease and lung cancer incidences increased to correspond with the huge quantity of people who enjoyed smoking cigarettes.

How Smoking Contributes To Coronary Heart Disease

Despite numerous makes an attempt by stakeholders within the tobacco trade to deny the link between smoking tobacco product and coronary heart disease, medical technologists have confirmed the link between the 2 after various analysis programs during the last 2 decades. The continuous inhalation of smoke into the lungs over an extended period of your time constricts the arteries and leads to heart problem. This limits the blood flow throughout the arteries and the potential for a heart attack becomes terribly significant. This is often a very dangerous state of affairs to be in. Besides this, the smoking of tobacco merchandise can cause varied alternative ravaging effects on the human body. This can include respiratory issues and the stunting of growth.

Diagnosis Of Coronary Heart Disease

The only certain manner that coronary heart disease can be diagnosed is with a special procedure known as a coronary angiography. An x-ray sensitive dye is introduced to the blood flow to the heart. X-rays are then taken to look at how well the blood is flowing through the heart. This procedure is undertaken at the side of cardiac catherization when the patient is underneath sedation.


The most effective potential method to stop risk factors of coronary heart disease is to avoid them as a lot of as possible. The most necessary thing to try and do is to keep up a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating healthily and guaranteeing the right quantity of daily physical activity. Solely by living as healthily as attainable can you be able to guard yourself from any of the risk factors.

The Dangers Of Developing Diabetes And Heart Disease

In spite of extensive campaigns by national health authorities to publicize the dangers of developing diabetes because of being overweight and becoming obese, the number of cases of diabetes diagnosed each year grows at an alarming rate.

It appears that many overweight people do not realize the seriousness of their condition or the diminished quality of life that comes with being diabetic. They do not understand the dangers they will face in addition to diabetes, a disease that is a major risk factor for several forms of cardiovascular disease (CVD), the disease that causes the death of about 70 percent of adults who have diabetes.

Diabetes and higher than normal blood sugar levels
Diabetes is a disease in which higher than normal blood sugar levels exist in the body, especially after eating a meal, due to an impaired system of the body that would normally enable the circulating blood sugars to be absorbed by cells of the body that need the blood sugars to fuel their metabolic activities.

The most prevalent form of diabetes, called Type-2 diabetes, affecting about 90 percent of the total diabetic population, occurs frequently in people who are overweight or obese and who follow a sedentary lifestyle lacking in regular exercise or physical exertion in their work or play.

Cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease, sometimes called by the broader encompassing term of heart disease, includes a number of diseases of the arteries, blood vessels and blood circulation system. As in diabetes, being overweight or obese and having an inactive lifestyle are major contributing factors that can lead to developing heart disease. High blood cholesterol levels and/or smoking are other primary factors. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America and it is reported that more than 70 million Americans have heart disease.

Many heart disease risks are preventable
Many risk factors can be reversed or prevented and while it would be easy to continue to cite the depressing statistics relating to heart disease and diabetes, it is perhaps more encouraging to emphasize that the condition can be prevented by becoming active — for those who can physically do so — and by adopting an appropriate healthy diet.

There is no cure for diabetes
However, like heart disease, diabetes is preventable and also like heart disease, diet and exercise have large roles to play. The prevention of diabetes does not require the adoption of a restricted diet, few foods are off limits but the objective is to choose foods that do not cause a big increase in normal blood sugar levels — and those are usually simple carbohydrate foods such as cakes, pastries, candies, and sugary foods and beverages that the body’s digestive system quickly breaks down to their glucose content. It is also wise to avoid or minimize consumption of foods containing saturated fats. Unfortunately, many “fast foods” are the wrong foods, a hamburger with cheese provides a lot of calories, check it out.

Control weight and weight-gain
Also don’t consume more calories of food than are needed to support a healthy body weight and an active lifestyle including work and play.

In conclusion
Anyone who is overweight, should take warning, unless dietary and lifestyle changes are made, the risk for diabetes and heart disease increases with age. It may be time to consider a medical checkup. A doctor can order a simple blood test that will provide the essential information regarding blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Diabetes and heart diseases are life threatening but their impact can be controlled and minimized – but the earlier the better.

Know More About Heart Disease And Its Treatment Options

Heart is considered as the most important part of body. The heart muscle umps blood, oxygen and other vital nutrients to all part of the body. An impediment in this pumping mechanism can lead to vital parts of our body like brain and kidneys being negatively affected. And this can lead to heart ailments that can definitely affect your lifestyle. Heart disease is a serious illness that takes a person in surprise. There are loads of symptoms and signs that portray the beginning of these ailments.

Symptoms of heart disease

Chest pain
Uneven beating of the heart
Shortness of breath

Factors that contributes an ailing heart are

High cholesterol
Life style risk factors

Among different types of coronary cardiac ailments coronary artery disease is the most common. To avoid such severe ailment there are different types of coronary artery disease treatment are available. Usually when the arteries get blocked due to plaques, heart fails to pump blood in the entire body. This can lead to heart attacks or strokes.

Treatments options available to overcome this situation are

Bypass or surgery

At times one might face shortness of breath even while taking rest anyone facing this symptom should immediately consult with a cardiologist. This can lead to a condition called heart failure. It is a condition when the heart muscle fails to pumps blood as they become weak. There are different types of coronary artery disease symptoms; they seem to develop slowly but certain time it is seen there is sudden leading to heart failure and other heart problems.

Some Symptoms that shows failure of heart are

Shortness of breath
Weight gain
Decreased urines production

There are different types of heart failure treatment options available nowadays that can help one to stay healthy and live much longer life. The factors that can contribute to treatment of the patients having heart that is unable to pump blood and oxygen into the entire body.

Factors that are responsible are

Change in lifestyle

One needs to have a healthy diet with low sodium and fat. Aside this there is many surgical treatments that can be adopted by a cardiac surgeon to cure heart defects. If the condition is not too severe then by having medication you can get relief from these awful ailments.

We live in a society that places enormous value on the ability to recover rapidly after a medical intervention to return to a normal life style. Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery techniques have truly revolutionized the way our patients perceive their surgical experience and their heart surgery recovery. Singapore offers the most effective medical care in the world. Some of the most sought after treatments facilities that one can get here is orthopedic surgery, cardiac surgeries, neurology and neuro surgery. Are you suffering from severe cardiac problems and looking forward for a good cardiologist in Singapore then get in touch with Dr. Lim Ing Haan a leading consultant cardiologist known for cardiac surgery in Singapore. She is known for her treatments regarding heart and vascular diseases. So if you want to avoid any unnecessary consequences, its better you take precautions.

Three Easy Things That A Bodybuilder Must Do To Prevent Heart Disease


FISH OIL THE ARTERIAL CLEANER Fish Oil is the first powerhouse in keeping the bodybuilder safe from heart disease. Many bodybuilders that use illegal anabolic steroids, but even standard natural bodybuilders should consider supplements that will spare them the heart disease associated with higher blood pressure. Anabolic steroids could possibly alter lipid profiles, so it is even more important for people using steroids to maintain safe lipid levels and blood pressure. Fish Oil contains two main ingredients; DHA and EPA. These omega-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) have a multitude of health benefits for the bodybuilder specifically, including increased fat burning and improved sugar metabolism, which are good for obvious reasons. In addition, EPA and DHA decrease the effect of genes involved in fat storage which helps maintain lean mass while bulking. They also down-regulate genes involved in inflammation, which is an important marker of long term health. In fact I also take a baby aspirin per day to keep the damaging effects of inflammation at bay. EPA/DHA have been shown to reduce the risk of stroke and sudden death along with improving blood lipid profiles by increasing the beneficial HDL cholesterol and slightly reducing the damaging LDL cholesterol. All of these things are great for the bodybuilder who is using steroids/prosteroids and important for bodybuilders of any variety that want to maintain maximum health and vitality. Fish oil is a great source for anti-inflammatory prostaglandins and is implicated in the reduction of bowel disorders and cancer of the bowel, which is of importance to anyone who is concerned about health. Colon cancer is a very common form of cancer that affects millions of people. Fish oil causes a reduction in platelet aggregation and stickiness which reduces arterial inflammation is good for everyone, including the bodybuilder, but especially one who takes anabolic steroids or the pro-steroids found on the market (which are steroids by the way). Finally, fish oil have been shown to reduce liver tumor metastasis and formation, which is a good thing for people that chronically take anabolic steroids. I take 4-6 fish oil capsules per day in divided doses as a way to increase the positive effects of a healthy diet and keep blood lipids in check.

MAGNESIUM: THE COFACTOR FOR HEART HEALTH MAY MAKE CREATINE PERFORM BETTER Magnesium is a very important mineral that is almost lost in our refined and cleaned water supply. This simple mineral has the power to save lives and increase the effectiveness of your creatine supplements and it is cheap and available in safe over the counter supplements! So why arent we taking Magnesium? Low magnesium has been linked to increased risks for sudden death, high blood pressure, type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The average American is not even close to the lowest RDA dose of 420mg. Remember the RDA is the ABSOUTE MINIMUM needed to prevent diseases, not the OPTIMAL dose. I take 1000mg of Magnesium Oxide per day as a way to supplement my diet. Unless you eat a diet VERY high in vegetables, you are probably running on the low side of magnesium. Running low on minerals is like running your car with only 1 quart of oil in it. It might still get you around, but your chances of failure are higher than if you dont run ar optimal fluid levels! With magnesium being so inexpensive, you cant afford to miss this crucial mineral in your supplement plan. (oh, plan on getting a bottle for your mom & dad if you want to help them prevent heart disease and type II diabetes…I have a bottle for mom and dad). Good magnesium intake is associated with improved insulin sensitivity, optimal lipoprotein levels, suppression of abnormal heart rhythms, reduced blood pressure, headache relief, and improved exercise capability. Magnesium can also augment your use of creatine by helping the cells take in more creatine via increased membrane permeability and osmotic factors. Magnesium can also reduce lactic acid in the cells, making it essential prior to a heavy training session if you want to squeeze the most out of each workout. Magnesium is very hard to get in the diet, so dont skimp on the MgO!

WHY BODYBUILDERS SHOULD GIVE BLOOD! Bloodbanks are often low in this country and it is a great idea to give blood, it could help save your life and the lives of many people in need, but is there more benefit to giving blood other than doing the public good? Yes, it seems that giving blood for men could also save your life lessen the effects of the bodybuilding lifestyle. Men have a higher incidence of heart disease and congestive heart failure than women and one of the possible causes is the higher blood iron levels found in men. Giving blood at least once a year is a way to reduce these harmful levels of blood iron. Bodybuilders specifically have a tendency to have high blood iron levels due to their consumption of meat products as a way to get increased protein. One of the reason for mens version of multi-vitamins is the difference in need for iron between men and women. You will find many of the mens formulas do not contain iron supplementations due to the implications on heart disease. Men and women with a genetic abnormality that have slightly higher iron levels were found to have over two times as much chance of developing cardiovascular disease. Also, a Finnish study showed that men who give blood at least once a year had an 88% reduced risk of heart attacks. With bodybuilders relying on lean red meat to supply increased protein, the need to give blood is even more substantial! There is no negative to donating blood and the potential health benefits could be amazing! So, take advantage of your local blood drive to do yourself and your community some good! Tell your friends and family to do themselves a favor and donate blood at least once a year to maintain good heart health! One last positive benefit of giving blood is that you are screened for almost every blood born pathogen which is a positive side benefit!

This article does not constitute medical advice. Check with your physician before starting any supplement program.

Copyright Eric Marchewitz 2007

Copyright (c) 2007 LG Sciences

How depression may affect your heart

Cardiovascular disease remains a leading cause of death worldwide. several risk factors have been identified for the development of cardiovascular disease. the link between depression and cardiac disease has been extensively researched over the past two decades. there is mounting evidence that depression is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and outcomes have been noted to be worse in patients with cardiac disease who are depressed. depression has been associated with blood pressure changes, altered heart rhythms, altered blood clotting and elevated insulin and cholesterol levels.

Depression is a serious medical condition that affects the way a parson thinks, feels and carries out everyday functions. it affects 6% of men and 18% of women in the general population. symptoms of depression include feelings of guilt, hopelessness, worthlessness, persistent sad or anxious mood, loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed, decreased energy, fatigue, poor appetite, insomnia or oversleeping, restlessness, irritability, difficulty remembering, concentrating and making decisions, weight changes and thoughts of death or suicide attempts.

Heart disease includes two conditions called angina pectoris and acute myocardial infarction, also known as a heart attack. Interruption of the blood supply to the heart via the coronary blood vessels as result of narrowing or clogging of these vessels leads to coronary artery disease. The heart responds to this disease with pain called angina. This pain is felt in the center of the chest and radiates to the jaw, left arm and shoulder. When the blood supply is cut off completely to the heart and the heart tissue starts to die, the result is a heart attack.

Research has shown that people with heart disease are more likely to suffer from depression than healthy people and people with established depression are at greater risk of developing heart disease. People with heart disease who are depressed have an increased risk of death after a heart attack compare to those who are not depressed. After a heart attack the incidence of major depression is from 15% to 20%, and an additional 27% of patients develop minor depression.

A number of mechanisms have been suggested for the increased risk for heart disease seen in depressed persons. These mechanisms include excess cortisol, altered autonomic function and increased platelet activation. Increased brain activity especially in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis and increased platelet activity commonly seen in depressed persons ultimately result in vascular damage and plaque formation. Patients with depression commonly show a decreased variability in their heart rate brought about by altered autonomic function. Decreased heart rate variability is associated with greater variation in blood pressure, increased risk of ventricular arrythmias and sudden death.

Diagnosing depression in persons with heart disease may be difficult as these persons may develop certain symptoms as poor appetite and fatigue which are also symptoms of depression. Careful observation and history taking may be essential to making a diagnosis in such patients. Prescription antidepressant medication particularly the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are safe and well tolerated in patients with heart disease. The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have a good cardiac profile, and are effective in alleviating symptoms of depression. However, it is important to note that some antidepressant medications raise the level of some cardiac drugs by interfering with their metabolism. Patients taking cardiac drugs and antidepressants should be carefulyl monitored for possible side effects and adverse effects of these medications. Other treatment alternatives include psychotherapy, exercise and social support.

Acai Berry With Heart Medications

Can acai berry mend a broken heart? If the broken heart pertains to a heart disease that continues to be one of the leading causes of deaths, acai may help tame it before it becomes a full blown killer.

Heart diseases encompass a variety of conditions relating to the cardiovascular system. It may involve the ability of your heart to pump out blood, its valves, your blood vessels, and more instances that compromise the function of your heart.

Below are some of the most common heart conditions that warrant urgent attention:

Myocardial Infarction or heart attack
It happens when the cells of the heart die due to the disruption of its blood supply. The formation of cholesterol plaques contributes a great deal to the blockage of the coronary blood vessels. When the blood flow is compromised, there is no delivery of oxygen to the tissues, leading to cell death.

Hypertension or high blood pressure
When it requires more force to get the blood flowing, you get a high blood pressure. It makes the heart work harder to pump blood effectively to all organs in the body. Hypertension can be due to other coexisting diseases such as diabetes, kidney problems, arteriosclerosis, etc. Genetics play a significant role in primary hypertension.

It involves the blood vessels, particularly the arteries, and its ability to deliver blood to the organs. The arteries in this case have hardened due to the build up of plaques from fatty substances. This makes the vessels less flexible which makes it harder for blood to flow. When the plaques break apart, they travel in the bloodstream towards smaller arteries, where they may cause a complete blockage. This is how it contributes to heart attacks, stroke, and common heart conditions.

High Cholesterol
Chlolesterol makes up a part of the bodys lipids. It is vital to the structure of cells, and in the production of hormones and energy. When the levels go up, it creates problems in the blood vessels. The arteries are hardened and blocked. In turn, the blood pressure rises just to be able to push adequate blood for delivery to the organs. When the heart doesnt receive adequate amount of blood supply, heart attack can occur.

Heart Failure
The heart functions to pump blood into the body. When it fails, it doesnt mean that it has stopped beating. It just lost its ability to function efficiently, affecting all organs in the long run. The blood goes back to the lungs instead of pushing it forward. Breathing becomes laborious. Fluid accumulates in the dependent portions of the body like the feet.

How Can Acai Save You From A Broken Heart?

Acai berry (Euterpe oleracea), a superfood from the Amazon, offers hope for those with heart problems.

Acai is rich in fatty acids, giving it the oily feel. It contains 2 essential fatty acids called Omega 6 (Linoleic acid) and Omega 9 (Oleic acid). The Omega 6 is a polyunsaturated essential fatty acid that lowers both LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol) levels. The Omega 9, which is a monounsaturated, essential fatty acid, helps lower only the LDL, while maintaining a good level of HDL.

Acai is also unusually rich in beta-sitosterol, which is a phytosterol that competes with dietary cholesterol for absorption, hence reducing blood cholesterol. The high fiber content of acai berries may likewise reduce bad cholesterol levels.

The dark pigmentation of acai is attributed to anthocyanins, which are potent antioxidants. Even in trace amounts, anthocyanins effectively protect against LDL oxidation. The anti-oxidant properties of acai help heal the cell membranes and linings of arterial wall and help protect the integrity of smaller blood vessels. This prevents the development of arteriosclerosis and the subsequent increase in blood pressure.

Free radicals can speed up the process of arteriosclerosis and aggravate ischemia (the lack of oxygen supply to an organ). With the rich anti-oxidant content of acai, the damaging effects of the free radicals are taken cared of.

Be careful when choosing among the many acai supplements available in the market. The juice form uses other ingredients and preservatives, with only little concentration of acai. It has undergone the irradiation which is something you may want to avoid. The pill form, on the other hand, contains 100% acai, without preservatives. It has not undergone any procedures known to harm your health.

Can I Take Acai Together with my Heart Medications?

With early prevention, acai can lessen your need for expensive heart medications. However, if maintenance drugs should be used, no data has been found as to the drug-drug or drug-food interactions with acai and the common heart conditions.

Be cautious when taking medications containing anti-coagulants or blood thinners because acai contains vitamin k, which exerts the opposite effect.

Potassium is abundant in acai, so you might as well be careful with drugs reacting to potassium:
ACE-inhibitors which are used for the treatment of hypertension. Examples are captopril, enalapril, lisinopril. Potassium levels may increase further with ACE inhibitors especially those with diminished kidney function.
Potassium-sparing diuretics like spironolactone, triamterene, or amiloride may increase potassium levels in the blood.
Heparin which is a blood thinner, used for the prevention of heart attacks. Potassium levels may be further increased with concomitant use of acai, aside from with the antagonistic effect of vitamin K present in acai.
Beta blockers such as metoprolol and propranolol that are used to treat high blood pressure can potentially increase blood potassium levels when mixed with acai.

The high amount of calcium in acai may create potential reactions with certain medications:
Beta-blockers. Calcium may interfere with the blood levels of beta-blockers and vice versa.
Calcium-channel blockers are a class of anti-hypertensives. Calcium may reverse the therapeutic effects of calcium-channel blockers, although studies are conflicting.
Digoxin is used to treat irregular heart rhythms. Calcium may make this drug ineffective.
Anti-cholesterol drug, particularly bile acid sequestrants such as cholestyramine, colestipol, and colesevelam, may interfere with calcium absorption and increase loss of calcium in the urine.

Anti-oxidants in general, are not advised to be taken along with most chemotherapeutic agents that act by producing free radicals to kill the tumor.

There are no documented effects of the above drugs interacting with acai berry supplements, only possible risks. Nonetheless, caution must be taken to avoid untoward reactions.

Heart Disease The Current Trend In The Metropolitan Cities.

As per the research done by the ICMR (Indian Council for medical Research), the top cause of death in urban India is Cardio Vascular Disease (Heart Disease).Cardiovascular Diseases accounts for one-fourth of the deaths in India.
This growing trend is in accordance with the growing economy of India and the urbanization over the past decades. A large section of the population is moving towards unhealthy lifestyles with decreasing physical activity and increasing stress levels. There is a huge interdependence between the health of individuals and economic growth. Between 2005 and 2015, India is projected to shave 1% off the GDP, because of the heart ailments.So to help the patients suffering from heart diseases, following protocol is undertaken: Prevention, Intervention, and Maintenance.

It aims in educating and developing awareness amongst the masses, in relation to the cardiac ailments. The Corporate in the Metropolitan Cities have also started considering prevention as an investment in human capital to improve efficiency and productivity. They are also including regular Health Risk Assessments, wherein employees are periodically tested and provided health counselors for regular advice.
The intervention stage, basically deals with the involvement of the Cardiologists, or the Cardiac Surgeons, in treating the ailment. The Cardiologist or the Heart Doctor is specialist in treatment of Congenital Heart defects, Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Failure, and Valvular Diseases. India has made significant progress on treating cardiac ailments in metropolitan cities with state-of-the-art infrastructure, availability of latest medical technology/equipment with advanced treatments and highly qualified doctors. The best cardiologists in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata, are continuously, updating themselves with the current trend in minimal invasive Cardiac Surgeries, and also with the latest advances in detecting the minutest details regarding the diagnosis involving Heart.

In this stage, the patient needs to focus on maintenance of the lifestyle, and also to regularly monitor his/her health. For this many big hospitals are employing regular follow up policies and also developing, Rehabilitation Centres, Home Nurses and Disease management Programmes.

Affordability and Availability as the main hurdles in curbing Heart ailments
The best cardiologist in Delhi and in other major cities are available only at very high cost, and the communications with the doctors is not possible, due to their high engagement in the medical practices and fixed time schedules.

Tips For A Healthy Heart

How to reduce your risk for Heart Disease the Natural Way

Are you one of the millions of people that is suffering from heart disease or even worse? Have already experienced a heart attack.

These days its difficult not to meet someone who is either suffering from heart disease, has had a heart attack or has been told they are at risk for heart disease. Its just about as common as meeting someone with brown hair. Unfortunately, the media and even many well-meaning doctors are completely misinformed on how to tackle this growing epidemic. Its the number one killer in the US and plaguing many other countries as well.

What are we to do?

The best plan of attack is to combat the risk factors the best we can.

Use the following 5 tips to get you started on a heart healthy plan:

1. Drop the smokes. Yes, smoking has been shown to be one of the biggest risk factors in heart disease, mainly because of all the toxic chemicals added to cigarettes (not that Im recommending tobacco or anything.)

2. Walk, walk, walk. If finding time for a structured exercise program is just too much of a challenge right now, just start by walking. I have known many people who have strengthened their heart and reversed severe conditions by getting outside and walking. If you can, find a scenic route. Theres nothing more calming than the outdoors. (I highly recommend whistling and singing while you walk. It makes for happy thoughts.)

3. Calm down. By this I mean, dont stress about the stuff you dont have to. This is actually a very funny statement coming from me who used to stress about everything! Deadlines, laundry, work, family you name it, I stressed about. Not until I realized that this would kill me no matter how healthy my food was did I drop the stress and pick up the laughter. Right now as I write this newsletter, Ive got more things that need to get done today than are humanly possible. My reaction Haha..better put my Superwoman shirt on

4. Do not and I repeat, do not go on a low-fat diet. Your heart condition may get worse in your attempts. Drop the bad fats (like hydrogenated oil and the nasty oil in French fries and donuts) and start eating more healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, salmon, walnuts and whole organic eggs.

5. Do not be afraid to eat saturated fat. If read The Truth About Saturated Fat in The Diet Solution Program you know that eating saturated fats is not what is causing people to get heart disease. It is processed foods, sugars and an overabundance of refined carbohydrates that is making this country so sick. The whole saturated fats topic gets me so fired up, I even made a video to further inform you.

Even tackling each one of these tips one at a time will get you closer to a healthy heart and a lifetime of good health.

Learn how to take control of your own health.

Mediterranean Dietary Choose The Present Heart-healthy Regimen Alternative

In case that you’re searching for a heart-physically fit dietary, the Mediterranean weight-reduction plan couldt be right for you. The Mediterranean menu incorporates the contents of healthful eating – added a splash of flavorful olive oil plus maybe a glass of red wine – in a group supplementary components characterizing the traditional cooking style of countries next to the Mediterranean Sea.
Almost vigorous diets include fruits, vegetables, fish and entire grains, plus delimit unhealthy fats. While those parts of a vigorous dietary remain tried-and-true, designing alternatives s or alterations in amount of several foods will constitute a difference in your bet of heart affection.

Benefits of the Mediterranean regime
Analysis done has established that the popular Mediterranean nutrition reduces the probability of heart disease. In fact, a recent report of more than 1.5 million healthful adults demonstrated that following a Mediterranean comestibles was parallel with a lowered risk of cardiovascular death, a lowered frequency of cancer and cancer mortality, and a lowered occurrence of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.
For previously mentioned reason, most if not all senior scientific organizations give support physically fit adults to adapt a style of consumption like that of the Mediterranean nutrition for avoidance of major habitual diseases.

Important parts of the Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean diet emphasizes:
Doing plenty of exercise
Consuming fundamentally plant-based foods, suchas fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts
Replacing fat with healthy fats like the olive oil and canola oil
Using herbs and spices on behalf of salt to flavor foods
Limiting red meat to no more than twotimes a week
Eating blue fish at least twice a week
The diet also recognizes the importance of enjoying meals with family and close friends.
The center of attention of the Mediterranean diet isn’t on limiting total fat consumption, but rather to make calculating choices relative to the types of fat you eat. The Mediterranean nutrition discourages saturated fats and hydrogenated oils (trans fats), one and the other of which be partly responsible for heart attack. You can follow this diet using our service of Dietas online.

Fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains
The Mediterranean regimen conventionally includes fruits, vegetables, pasta and rice. For instance, people of Greece eat very not many red meat and average nine servings a day of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables. The Mediterranean regimen has been associated with a lower level of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol – the “bad” cholesterol that’s more plausible to build sediment in your arteries.
Nuts are other part of a healthful Mediterranean comestibles. Nuts are high in fat (approximately 80 percent of their calories come from fat), but nearly all of the fat is not saturated. Because nuts are high in calories, they shall not be eaten in generous amounts – mainly no more than a small number a day. For the best diet, avoid candied or honey-roasted and heavily salted nuts.
Grains in the Mediterranean region are usually entire grain and usually contain very few unhealthy trans fats, and bread is an essential part of the nutrition there. However, all over the Mediterranean area, bread is eaten plain or dipped in olive oil – not eaten with butter or margarines, that contain saturated or trans fats.
Healthy fats

Blood Test To Predict Risk Of Heart Disease For Diabetics

Diabetes has long been regarded as a risk factor of heart disease. The specific relationship between the two was unclear although diabetes is known to double the risk of heart disease. As a result, many people living with diabetes have to monitor their health for well-known risk factors for heart disease, such as obesity, cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Despite the fact that the role of blood sugar levels in managing their risk of developing cardiovascular disease remains as a big unknown, diabetics are still advised to achieve a well-controlled level of blood sugar.

In 2004, researchers from United States revealed that a new blood test (at that time) can predict risk of developing heart disease for people with diabetes.

Two separate studies had suggested that people with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes should regularly take the hemoglobin A1c test, on top of their regular checks of blood sugar. The HA1c test looks for glycated hemoglobin, also called glycosylated hemoglobin, and is a measure of how well blood sugar is controlled.

In one study, the researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore reanalyzed the data from 13 studies involving nearly 10,000 people from North America and Europe, and found that those with higher levels had much higher risks of heart and artery disease.

Being published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the research reported that 1 percent point increase in HA1c predicted an 18 percent increase in risk for total cardiovascular disease and a 28 per cent risk for peripheral vascular disease (clogged arteries in the legs).

Similar results were found in the second study. The researchers from the Cambridge University and Britain’s Medical Research Council studied 10,030 people aged between 45 and 79 for 6 years. They found that a 21 percent increase in cardiovascular events such as heart attack, for every 1 percent point increase in hemoglobin A1c above 5 percent. Persons with HA1c concentrations less than 5 percent had the lowest rates of cardiovascular disease and mortality. This was true even when patients were older and fatter and regardless of blood pressure or cholesterol levels.

In conclusion, the 2 studies clearly prove that the glycosylated hemoglobin level is an independent progressive risk factor for incident cardiovascular events, regardless of diabetes status. Glycosylated hemoglobin level can be added to the list of other clearly established indicators of cardiovascular risk, such as blood pressure and cholesterol level.

America’s Most Trusted Doctor Reveals … How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease – Without Drugs or Surgery. Read more about his confession at: