Cut The Sugar Stop The Acne Anti-candida Diet

People who are suffering with mild or sever acne skin problems are suggested to try anti-candida diet. Taking this diet doesn’t mean that it will cure acne skin problems, but it supports cleaning acne skin problems. Its always good to take measures that could stack end results in your favor.

Researchers have recently found that many people with severe acne conditions could benefit from an anti Candida diet. Candida is and overgrowth of naturally occurring yeast. Normally it is symbiotic with other organisms including the bacteria in your body. For example, Candida albicans is fungal yeast that has the ability to overgrow.

Certain foods can either lead to fungal growth or help exacerbate it, or both. Good foods, on the other hand, can help cure fungal overgrowth. Candida loves to grow in the sweet environments; hence if you avoid taking sweet foods, you can avoid growth of Candida. If you are serious about Candida, then youre going to have to cut all sugars. Dieticians advise against white sugar and white flour.

Below are list of few sweet foods which should be avoided by people who have acne skin problems:
White sugar
any natural sweeteners
White rice
Commercial fruit juice from a pack
White flour and white-flour products
Sweet fruits
Beans and legumes
Soy based foods
Nuts especially cashews and peanuts

It is good to consume foods that like salads made up of organic green leafy vegetables, sprouts, and carrots and Sourdough or sprouted grain bread. Certain supplements like Goji berries, Chlorella, Zinc Monomethione, and naturally occurring supplements like Mint, Garlic, Cayenne Pepper, Turmeric and Ginger could be added to food in order to avoid Candida overgrowth.

Acne and Teenagers

If you are a teenager with acne, you are definitely not alone.

Here are some recent statistics regarding teenagers, adults, and acne:

* 3 out of 4 teenagers will get acne.

* 90 – 95% of teenagers will have some form of acne in their teen years and into their early 20’s.

* Almost all people will have some type of acne starting either in their teens, or in later years, as adults.

Acne is a condition that alot of teenagers are dealing with, and it needs to be understood.

The good news is that acne can be treated – with conventional methods, such as antibiotics, medications, chemical peels, and laser treatments, and also with natural methods such as diet, herbs, vitamin supplements and naturally based cleansers.

The not so good news is that some teens with acne lose their self confidence and become withdrawn and anti-social. Some become so pre-occupied with how they look that the mirror takes up too much of their time and they purposely miss out on social gatherings with their friends. Some feel they will be treated differently and looked down upon, and opt to stay home as much as possible. Some even get depressed and start failing in school, thinking that the acne will never go away and they are doomed to be an outcast. This is faulty thinking and there is no need for it !!!

As stated above, acne can be treated in a variety of ways and every teenager with acne needs to discuss treatment options with their doctor, or if desired, a dermatologist.

A Few Things To Remember That Will Help:

* Get Enough Sleep – Sleep allows the body to heal and helps the body’s defense systems to function properly.

* Drink Enough Water – At Least 8 glasses per day – water flushes the system of impurities.

* Watch Your Diet – What you eat can either help or hurt you. Studies have shown that teenagers with acne should avoid: hot, spicy foods, high-fat foods, alcohol of any kind, coffee, “junk foods”, too much sugar, and anything fried.

* Don’t Stress Out – about acne, or anything else. Stress causes acne to get worse. If you tend to get stressed easily – try Yoga and meditation, which are very relaxing to both body and mind.

* Get Enough Exercise – Exercise makes sweat which expels toxins from the body. Exercise also allows oxygenated blood to nourish your skin cells, and, as an added bonus – it keeps your mood up.

* Don’t Irritate Acne – By touching or squeezing the blemishes. This will inflame the acne and make it worse…

* Use Noncomedogenic products – Noncomedogenic products won’t cause skin pores to get blocked, making it less likely for acne to develop. Look for the word “noncomedogenic” on the labels of all hair and skin products.

* For More Information On Acne Treatments For Teenagers and Adults Visit The FREE Acne Help and Information Website at: FREE ACNE INFORMATION

What Makes Your Acne Worse

Acne is bad, very bad, but you can cure it. There are so many methods to cure acne you can try. Well, beside knowing how to cure acne, you also need to know what factors that can make your acne worse.

What makes your acne worse:

a. Washing face more than twice Washing face more than twice will not cure acne, in fact, it can dry your face skin.

b. bad diet. Eating too much junk food and less of vegetables and fruits is usually related to the appear of acne.

c. Dirty hair Your daily activities make your hair dirty, so, don’t be strange if it can cause acne.

d. Popping acne. It can break beneath of your face skin and spread oil that triggers acne everywhere. And the worst, it can leave scar to your face.

e. Choosing wrong cosmetic. Choosing wrong cosmetic can clog your face pores, and it makes your skin breath unwell. Water based cosmetic is the best choice as well as it can reduce factors that can cause acne.

f. Stress. Stress contributes to over produce sebum on your face. Sebum, with dead skin cells clog pores and cause acne.

g. Too much medication. Too much medication can make your skin dry and become irritated.

h. Wrong natural acne treatment. Sometimes, one method is good for someone, but not to others. The other example, using mask can make your skin dry if it is used everyday, and of course, it will take longer time to cure your acne.

Thank you for reading, see you on my next article.

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How Can You Get Rid Of Acne Scars

Scar tissues caused by pimples that turn out to be swollen and infected or that do not mend adequately. Acne scars may happen more with some people because of their skin color as well as hereditary factors.

Can you get rid of acne scars?
Thankfully there are treatments for acne scar elimination that are totally natural and cost very little. These herbal treatments can be very useful in dealing with acne scars and acne prevention:

Baking Soda: you can create a mixture of 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) with 2 teaspoons of water to give the skin a micro-dermabrasion treatment just by gently rubbing the face with this paste until the acne skin condition clears or to remove scars and dark skin spots. This treatment will get rid of dead skin tissue and even out skin color.

Cocoa Butter: made from cacao beans, cacao butter can keep your skin properly moisturized and create radiant healthy looking skin. Furthermore, it promotes regeneration of skin cells which will speed up healing of acne skin condition.

Apricot juice: squeezing liquid from apricots and applying it to pimples will bring about healing by eliminating bacteria that cause inflammation and acne scars. As a result of its healing properties, apricot liquid is an incredible home remedy that is certainly effective in the reduction and eventually removal of acne scar problems.
Apple Cider White vinegar: using a mixture that is one part apple cider vinegar and two parts water to clean acne areas will help to prevent future outbreaks and to remove acne scars. Apply this mixture with a cotton swab daily. Apple cider vinegar has Malic Acid which helps skin cells to rejuvenate and it can also exfoliate your skin

Camellia Seed Oil: This natural moisturizer will keep skin plump to make acne scars less visible. Complete removal of acne scars can take nearly a year, so it certainly is not really a quick fix. You might want to keep in mind that camellia oil can actually cause acne outbreaks when applied by some people who regularly suffer the pain of acne. For that reason, it is recommended that you check with a dermatologist before taking on do-it-yourself solutions. However, taking care of zits the right way will get rid of the acne scar issues.

Garlic: Simply apply crushed garlic to the acne scar or spot and even put it on affected regions. It works best when left on for about 20 minutes and then washed off with warm water. Your scars may start to disappear within a week if you do this treatment diligently every day.

Tea tree oil: This natural plant oil is amazingly effective in completely removing acne scar and also in preventing acne outbreaks. Tea tree oil has anti-biotic properties which will help in fighting bacteria that are the main cause of infection in the pores during an acne outbreak.

Acne Cure And Treatment, Get A Clear Skin Now!

Acne is the bane of adolescence which may overshadow your adulthood. Acne a skin condition, that causes pimple and skin irritation is common in teenagers and young adults. Acne primarily appears in the oil producing regions of the body like the face, the chest and the back. It is also noticeable on upper arms and neck. If acne is left untreated, it can develop into scars that may be difficult to go away. There are two types of acne: non inflammatory-blackheads and white, and inflammatory which are in the form of red blemishes which may or may not have pus in them.

Why does acne appear: There are three reasons for acne to appear:

1. Bacteria: Propionibacterium, a bacteria which thrives on the skin is the major cause of acne.

2. Rapid increase in androgens: The male sex hormone which is found in both girls and boys in puberty, called androgen; is among the major reasons for acne proliferation. The hormone causes the sebaceous glands of the skin to produce more sebum which results in acne. Hormonal changes due to pregnancy or stopping or starting of birth control pills are another reason.

3. Genetic: Acne can be inherited genetically too.

Though acne starts at 10-13 years of age, it disappears on its own by early 20s. However in some cases, it can last in the late 20s and even beyond that.

Does acne affect men and women equally

Yes, but there is a difference in the occurrence and pattern of acne. For men, acne lasts longer but women are likely to experience irregular acne due to hormonal changes triggered by menstrual cycle and usage of cosmetics.

What increases acne:

1. Oils from skin care and beauty products like cosmetics can increase acne. It also increases if you are working in a greasy environment like the kitchen.
2. Wearing tight clothes, tight collars and compact helmets can also cause acne increase.
3. Pollution and humidity are also causative factors for acne.
4. Scrubbing the skin too hard, squeezing, itching or picking on acne blemishes can worsen the condition.
5. Hormonal changes two to seven days before the menstrual cycle can also cause acne.
6. Worry and stress are no doubt, another major factor for acne to increase.
7. Chronic constipation is another major reason for acne. If the bowels do not empty properly, the blood stream gets mixed with toxic matter. The skin tries to get rid of the excess waste in the form of acne and other skin disease.

How to fight acne naturally

Wash your face twice daily with a mild face wash to remove excess oil. Avoid excess make-up, go for water based cosmetics instead of oil based ones. It is important to wear skin care products that are ‘noncomedogenic’. This means the product does not cause or increase acne. Drink lots of water, 10-12 glasses daily so that you are able to get rid of excess toxins in the form of urine, sweat or motions. A healthy diet comprising fruit, vegetables, sprouts and juices can give you a fantastic looking skin.

The herbal remedies to cure yourself of acne include mixing natural yogurt and fine oatmeal to a thick paste, applying it on the skin and leaving it to dry. Later you can apply an antibiotic lotion depending on your skin type. Another great natural method to treat acne is usage of Aloe Vera. Use aloe vera gels or soaps to heal acne damaged skin and acne scars. Consult a dermatologist if herbal methods to cure acne fail.

Treatment for acne:

Consult a good dermatologist for acne cure. Do not take self-medicate. The doctor will prescribe pill, ointments or lotions that can kill the bacteria that causes or increase the acne condition

Get Rid Of Acne Scars – With Knowledge And Education.

There is nothing unsolved about how the acne scarring happens. When pimples appear, if they are not treated aptly, tiny skin injuries happen that can scar in the same manner as a badly skinned knee. The severity of skin scarring can differ centering upon what caused the scarring to form in the first place.
The boys and girls looking for going for natural ways to get rid of acne scars should apply lemon juice on their acne scars with fingers. Fast they should squeeze the lemon juice into a bowl and then apply it on the acne scars. They should let the lemon juice dry over the facial skin and acne scars, what can hamper them from going ahead to utilize it as one of the best natural ways to get rid of their acne scars is lemons tingling sensation. In order to eliminate such stinging experience, subsequent application of lemon juice on their acne scars, the teenagers should apply small quantity of water into the lemon juice and apply it.
Another effective and natural way to get rid of acne scars is application of olive oil on acne scars. Wash your face with lukewarm water. Dry it with clean towel. And by cleansing your facial skin, apply the olive oil over all the acne scars and softly massage. Carry on massage for five minutes at least.
Another natural way to get rid of acne scars is Aloe Vera. The procedure is the same as was meant for olive oil. Cleanse your face with lukewarm water and dry it with clean towel. Apply Aloe Vera over the acne scars and leave it to dry naturally. Itd perform a miracle if you manage to afford the fresh Aloe Vera to apply on your acne scars. Apply two to three times a day in order to get rid of acne scars, earning in this way the accolades of all.
Sunshine- If you are too solemn seeking effective and natural ways to get rid of acne scars, the sunshine can aid your meet a desire well. Expose yourself to the sunshine during its extreme condition, especially between 11am and 2 pm. Such time is advantageous to picture your acne scars to sunshine which will commence on the acne scars not only as an antiseptic but as curing remedy as well, fading the effectiveness of your acne scars. Though it doesnt remove acne scars totally, it contributes to a great extent in eradicating this difficulty.
Another effective way to get rid of acne scars is tree oil. It also is required to be applied like all the aforementioned natural therapies. But what can seem unprincipled to you is its smell which most likely you cant like even in the least.

Physician Acne Therapy – Is That the Best Option

Lots of people feel that acne is a section that every individual needs to undergo in life. The truth is that many people have been in serious need of physician acne therapy to assist fight off the outbreaks that look on their experience or the areas on their human anatomy. Perhaps it’s time for you to check in to seeing a physician, if you’ve tried every micro dermabrasion set available on the market, relevant product, and type of acne medicine.

If you feel uneasy with how your human anatomy and face seem and encounter the outward indications of acne, you must consider getting a physician in your town. Consider all of your choices. Make visits to talk with each physician to determine in the event that you could be in a position to trust this person. Get all of the solutions for your questions before you decide. Ultimately you’ll be pleased that you’re caring for the body and that you’re seeking well again, the way in which you were designed to be.

Acne is when dust or other bacteria start to plug, or block, the pores on the person’s experience, throat, chest, hands, or even straight back. It’s not really a life threatening illness, but it may severely harm an individual’s self-esteem. And who is able to trust the entire world once they do not actually such as the way their very own experience looks. It may ultimately result in everlasting scarring if it’s not addressed, and that is true for less serious and severe cases of acne. As something which occurs during adolescence and just then today, many people likely have considered acne. That has perhaps not had a zit where or there?

Acne on average lasts between five and 10 years. Generally, people are in a position to maintain their acne in check by applying OTC (over-the-counter) drugs that aren’t recommended by your physician. At the very least 401(k) of teenagers often need treatment with a doctor. It will, generally, whenever an individual is within their early twenties disappear by itself. There are several variations, but a pimple is just a pimple. Girls may encounter break-outs throughout times of the month because of hormonal changes using their menstrual period. Be sure you are cleaning your make-up items off that person every evening before sleep! Men are more prone to experience more serious cases of acne throughout their adolescence. The author is well established in the area of Skin doctors in Chandigarh

Dermatologists in Chandigarh

How can I get rid of acne scars without doing surgery

How can I get rid of acne scars? Well that’s the question that a lot of people seem to be asking. Having acne problems is one thing but having acne scars is a totally different matter altogether. Acne scars take a much longer time to come off the body especially the face and they also tend to stay on the skin forever. Acne scars can become so problematic to the point where it often leaves many individuals living like a recluse. Simply because they do not wish to venture out into the world for fear of how they look.

You can visit the doctor if your face has too many acne scars; if they are not too big and problematic then you can probably treat them at home with natural remedies.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

You can eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain lots of vitamins and minerals that are very helpful for skin restoration. Fruits and vegetables also contain a lot of juices that replenishes the body each and every day when it dries out.

Maintain a healthy and balanced diet. In order to repair damaged and worn out tissues the body needs to be fed healthy food to do that. Having a healthy diet also gives you the proper nutrients that the body requires in order to fight against diseases and other infections. Including soy and fish in the diet will help to heal the skin as these foods are very rich in protein

Use a lot of olive oil. Olive oil is a great remedy to use to get rid of acne scars. It helps to improve the look of the skin and gives the skin a softer texture and a healthy glow. Just massage the oil on the affected area of the skin each day and you should see improvements in a few days.

Tomato is a great source of a vitamin A and you can also use this to get rid of acne scars. The vitamin A in the tomato stems the production of sebum that causes acne and acne scars. In addition tomato contains certain antioxidant properties that repairs damaged skin. Just get a tomato, slice and place it on the scars each day.

Make a face mask. You can do this by mixing one tablespoon of sour cream with one tablespoon of oatmeal and yogurt with a few drops of lemon juice. Place the mixture on the acne scars and leave for 10 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Do not wipe, pat it dry.

That’s not all there is though. Take a look at this. You can discover the amazing way to cure acne fast within 14 days without too much hassle.

Like you, I too was an acne sufferer but I found a great acne cure that has left me feeling really good about myself. I no longer have to hide out at home and avoid my friends. Click here now and find out what I did

How mental attitude and digestion affect acne

Mental attitude

Acne is an expression of toxins in the body that are not being released through normal channels of elimination, so they come out through the skin. Since mental attitude and thoughts cannot be separate from the body, thoughts and feelings are also being expressed as acne.

Negative thoughts and feelings produce chemicals that are toxic acids. Just like toxic acids created in the colon, the toxic thoughts need to be eliminated through the 5 elimination channels

Acne can be an expression suppressed past traumatic experiences. As a child, when you were exposed to experiences that overwhelm you – constant mental, physical, or sexually abuse, you suppress them. So now as an adult, as your defense system weakens, you’re not able to completely suppress this information, so it becomes expressed as acne or other skin disorders. Of course, these suppressed experiences can be expressed as other diseases.

Acne can also be related to the emotion of fear or anxiety. It can also be an expression of holding onto old junkie or unpleasant memories. It’s a way of holding on to and burying the junkie or toxic memory into your face. It is these memories that are trying to surface and, in an usual way, asking you to face them. Many times, you and other people may not want to remember them or deal with them.

To deal with them requires a lot of strength and help from a psychotherapist.

Stomach Acid

Your stomach uses Hydrochloric acid (HCl) to break down protein. It also has many other functions,

* Kills pathogens and microbes and prevents them from getting into the colon and blood * Controls the adsorption of B12 * Controls the adsorption of iron calcium zinc, copper, magnesium and most B-complex vitamins * Controls the adsorption of vitamin C * Created indigestion * Prevents constipation

When you have low levels of HCl chances are that you will be susceptible to getting acne. HCl can be increased by using a digestive enzyme that contains HCl.

Pancreatic Digestive Enzymes

When the food you eat passes the stomach and enters the small intestine, the pancreas releases digestive enzymes and bicarbonate to help complete the digestive process.

The bicarbonate helps to reduce the acid strength in the food coming from the stomach. The digestive enzymes digest carbohydrates, fats, and protein.

When the pancreas loses its efficiency and starts to release less digestive enzymes, less food is properly digested. This results in more undigested food reaching the colon. When this happens, the undigested food, if it stays to long in the colon, becomes a source for rotting matter and toxic material. This toxic material can get into your blood and cause skin disruption such as acne.

A healthy pancreas, which provides the necessary digestive juices to digest the food you eat, is needed for healthy skin and for eliminating acne and other skin sores and eruptions.

When you have acne or other skin diseases, they are created when there is an in-balance in your body and that includes many different organs and body processes and systems – your thoughts, digestion, liver, kidney, lymphatic system, lungs, and pancreas.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call More natural remedy hints and information can be found at:

Does Constipation Cause Acne & If So How

How rich would you be if you had a nickel for every time you heard about some kooky acne cure? Was overcoming constipation included in that list? While, clinical studies of the relationship between acne and colon health are lacking, medical research does lend validity to the possible link. For example, regular bowel movements help maintain hormonal balances that are critical to clear skin.

There is overwhelming evidence that constipation and acne do affect significant number of people. Just this past march, a survey in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics interviewed over 500 people. And of this sample group, at least 96% used laxative treatments and of those, 47% were dissatisfied with their constipation relief. Similar to constipation, acne affects people from early adolescence and can mysteriously reappear in the adult years.

Overlapping cases of acne & constipation

Even though numerous people suffer from constipation and acne, this does not validate the link between the two conditions. However, findings from the American Dietetic Association do make the connection.

According to the American Dietetic Association, a fiber rich, and therefore constipation-preventing diet, lowers blood cholesterol levels and helps normalize the blood glucose and insulin levels.

Cholesterol & acne

Moreover, research studies have implicated both insulin resistance and cholesterol in the development of acne. To illustrate, a report in Journal of Investigative Dermatology points out that the skin can actually use circulating cholesterol to make the hormone androgen.

Androgens can provoke acne lesions by increasing the amount of oil secretion on the skin. With regular bowel movements, the hair follicles and oils glands do not have excess cholesterol floating around the skin that can be used to create zit-promoting androgens.

Insulin resistance induced acne

In addition to cholesterol, insulin resistance can provoke a pimple invasion. Insulin resistance, acne, excessive hair and obesity are just a few of the traits that characterize the endocrine disease called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Convincing evidence has linked a jump in circulating androgens in PCOS patients to insulin resistance.

An excess amount of the hormone androgen in women promotes facial hair growth and can lead to infertility. Additionally, surplus androgen boosts facial oil secretion. This extra oil can cause more clogged pores and acne.

Medical Treatment for Insulin Resistance Treatments for PCOS include the drug metformin. A study published in Gynecological Endocrinology found that treating women with metformin reduced the symptoms of PCOS because the treatment lowered the patients’ fasting blood sugar level and testosterone levels. Testosterone is a member of the androgen family and can likewise lead to acne lesions.

In brief, acne is a multifaceted skin condition that can be triggered by a number of variables including hormonal shifts, nutritional changes or immunological weaknesses. Constipation undeniably influences the body’s endocrine system in measurable ways. A backlogged bowel can increase circulating cholesterol levels and increase the chances of developing insulin resistance. Both of these hormonal changes can generate excess androgens, surplus facial oil secretion and ultimately more acne outbreaks.


Johanson, JF and J Kralstein. Chronic constipation: a survey of the patient perspective. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics; Mar 2007, vol 25, no 5, pp 599-608.

Kazerooni, T and M Dehghan-Kooshkghazi. Effects of metformin therapy on hyperandrogenism in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Gynecological Endocrinology; February 1, 2003, vol 17, no 1, pp 51-56.

Thiboutot, Diane, Sami Jabara, Jan M McAllister, Aruntha Sivarajah, Kathyrn Gilliland, Zhaoyuan Cong and Gary Clawson. Normal Sebocytes, and an Immortalized Sebocyte Cell Line (SEB-1). Journal of Investigative Dermatology; June 2003, vol 120, no 6, pp 905-914.

Wijeyaratne, Chandrika N, Adam H Balen, Julian H Barth, Paul E Belchetz. Clinical manifestations and insulin resistance (IR) in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) among South Asians and Caucasians: is there a difference? Clinical Endocrinology; September 2002, vol 57, no 3, pp 343-350.

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