Cancer Pain Therapeutics – Pipeline Assessment And Market Forecasts To 2017

GlobalData estimates that the global cancer pain therapeutics market was valued at $2.4 billion in 2010, and is forecast to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4% over the next seven years, to reach $3.2 billion by 2017. This steady growth is primarily attributed to the strong pipeline with new firstin- class therapies. The current competitive landscape consists of branded products, generics and off-label drugs. The market remains well-served with the current marketed products, most of which are significantly efficacious in their respective target areas. The pipeline products are expected to provide better benefits, with innovative mechanisms of action. However, the generic availability and physician familiarity with opioids such as immediate-release morphine, NSAIDs and fentanyl will continue to dominate the cancer pain market. Essentially, the global cancer pain market is heading towards a phase of continuous growth, leveraging the current opportunities.

GlobalDatas analysis shows that the cancer pain therapeutics pipeline is strong, with 23 molecules in various phases of clinical development including 11 first-in-class molecules. Amongst these 11 first-inclass molecules, three molecules are in late stage and the remaining are in the early stages of clinical development. The late stage pipeline molecule Tapentadol (Nucynta ER), an opioid agonist, has been filed for regulatory approval and is expected to launch by 2012. Ereska, Sativex and tetrodotoxin (TTX) are first-in-class products in Phase III, and are expected to be launched by 2015. These products will be responsible for the growth of the cancer pain therapeutics market post-2015. Although the market is adequately served by the current treatment options, the cancer pain therapeutics pipeline will uncover opportunities for the new entrants.

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The cancer pain therapeutics market has moderate unmet need, as the present market is well served with current treatment options. However, there is scope for new products in the market. The marketed products have prolonged duration of therapy, risk of addiction, and fear among patients that pain treatment can interfere with their cancer treatment. These are the factors which pose a significant barrier to the patients. Thus, there is a need for novel products which can fill these voids created by the currently marketed products. The generics will continue to dominate the market due to their easy availability, physician familiarity and physicians adherence to WHO pain ladder guidelines.

GlobalData, the industry analysis specialist, has released its new report, Cancer Pain Therapeutics Pipeline Assessment and Market Forecasts to 2017. The report is an essential source of information and analysis on the global cancer pain therapeutics market. The report identifies the key trends shaping and driving the global cancer pain therapeutics market. The report also provides insights on the prevalent competitive landscape and the emerging players expected to significantly alter the market positioning of the current market leaders. Most importantly, the report provides valuable insights on the pipeline products within the global cancer pain therapeutics sector. This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by GlobalDatas team of industry experts.

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Blood Test To Predict Risk Of Heart Disease For Diabetics

Diabetes has long been regarded as a risk factor of heart disease. The specific relationship between the two was unclear although diabetes is known to double the risk of heart disease. As a result, many people living with diabetes have to monitor their health for well-known risk factors for heart disease, such as obesity, cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Despite the fact that the role of blood sugar levels in managing their risk of developing cardiovascular disease remains as a big unknown, diabetics are still advised to achieve a well-controlled level of blood sugar.

In 2004, researchers from United States revealed that a new blood test (at that time) can predict risk of developing heart disease for people with diabetes.

Two separate studies had suggested that people with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes should regularly take the hemoglobin A1c test, on top of their regular checks of blood sugar. The HA1c test looks for glycated hemoglobin, also called glycosylated hemoglobin, and is a measure of how well blood sugar is controlled.

In one study, the researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore reanalyzed the data from 13 studies involving nearly 10,000 people from North America and Europe, and found that those with higher levels had much higher risks of heart and artery disease.

Being published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the research reported that 1 percent point increase in HA1c predicted an 18 percent increase in risk for total cardiovascular disease and a 28 per cent risk for peripheral vascular disease (clogged arteries in the legs).

Similar results were found in the second study. The researchers from the Cambridge University and Britain’s Medical Research Council studied 10,030 people aged between 45 and 79 for 6 years. They found that a 21 percent increase in cardiovascular events such as heart attack, for every 1 percent point increase in hemoglobin A1c above 5 percent. Persons with HA1c concentrations less than 5 percent had the lowest rates of cardiovascular disease and mortality. This was true even when patients were older and fatter and regardless of blood pressure or cholesterol levels.

In conclusion, the 2 studies clearly prove that the glycosylated hemoglobin level is an independent progressive risk factor for incident cardiovascular events, regardless of diabetes status. Glycosylated hemoglobin level can be added to the list of other clearly established indicators of cardiovascular risk, such as blood pressure and cholesterol level.

America’s Most Trusted Doctor Reveals … How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease – Without Drugs or Surgery. Read more about his confession at:

Dental Devices Market To 2016

The global market for dental devices is forecast to exceed $12.9 billion by 2016 with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 9% from 2009 to 2016. The market is expected to be driven by strong demand for dental implants in US, Japan, Germany and France. The changing dynamics of patient choice and demand for cosmetic dentistry will drive the dental devices market. In addition,technological advances, increased preference for minimally invasive surgeries, dental benefit plans and direct to consumer advertising by manufacturers are also expected to bolster the growth in the global dental devices market.

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The market for dental devices in China is forecast to grow at CAGR of 15% for the next seven years from 2009-2016. The market is expected to be mainly driven by healthcare reforms and deregulation of dental services in China. The state council of china announced an allocation of US$123 billion as part of its new medical reform plan to improve health care through 2011. The plan would cover 90% of Chinas population under a universal health care system by 2010 to significantly improve health care facilities and expand health related infrastructure. Developing Chinese economy has led to consumers desire for better health care and higher quality dental services. This has resulted in rapid expansion of dental clinics, which are expanding beyond basic dental care to offer higher value added services. There are more than 1,000 dental laboratories in
China with production permits and more than 50% of all dental lab equipment and materials are imported from overseas. Health care facilities needs to be equipped with advanced dental technologies as 60% to 70% of current equipment is from the 1970s or 1980s.Hence, patients are seeking out advanced dental techniques to treat there illnesses., which will increase the demand for dental devices.

The US is the biggest market for dental devices, having a market share of 37% towards the global dental device market in 2009. In that year the US dental market was valued at $2.2 billion which is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 10% to reach $4.2 billion by 2016 .In 2008, the U.S. healthcare spending rose to $2.3 trillion. According to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) $2.3 trillion spent on healthcare in 2008 is translated to $7,681 per person. The baby boomer population due to their unhealthy lifestyle has been contributing significantly to the dental devices market growth in the US. . Implant manufacturers conduct training sessions for dentists to increase awareness, which will drive the dental devices market. Increase in demand for specialist clinics will
bolster the growth of dental implants, chairs and equipment category.

GBI Researchs report, Dental Devices Market to 2016 Cosmetic Dentistry and Dental
Implants to be the Key Growth Drivers provides key data, information and analysis on the global dental devices market. The report provides a market landscape, competitive landscape and market trends information on six dental devices market categories: crowns and bridges, dental chairs and equipment, dental lasers, dental implants, dental biomaterials and dental radiological equipment.The report provides comprehensive information on the key trends affecting these categories, and key analytical content on the market dynamics. The report also reviews the latest, advances in dental devices market. This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by GBI Researchs team of
industry experts.

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Got Cancer Why You Should Drink Pau D’arco Tea!

Information and first hand knowledge.

I was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer which had metastasized to my liver and given an average of 6 months to live…that was almost 7 years ago.
I firmly believe I am alive today as a result of drinking pau d’arco tea. This is a brief outline of the properties and benefits of pau d’arco tea in laymans terms and why in my opinion anyone diagnosed with Cancer (or many other serious disease’s) should drink the tea.

Pau d’arco bark contains many germ-killing substances. The incredible healing effects that pau d’arco tea has become known for are the result of the complex interactions of the inner barks many properties. That is why it is important to take the time to make and drink the tea in its complete and natural form. Many times the so called “active” substance is isolated and stripped away from a plant or herb and manipulated into something completely different from its natural form….losing all the synergistic activity that good old Mother Nature intended.

The healing substances found within pau d’arco are very significant when taken by Cancer victims. They can inhibit tumor growth, kill cancer cells and prevent metastases. Bernhard Kreher a Munich researcher wrote his doctoral work on the immuno stimulating effects of Pau d’arco and found that the body’s defense system activity increased by more than 48% when Pau d’arco was regularly consumed.

Pau d’arco contains a large amount of iron and calcium which help oxygenate and strengthen the bodies tissue and immune system. It also contains selenium a powerful anti-oxidant that removes free radicals which can damage cells and trigger disease – including Cancer.

Pau d’arco tea has a holistic effect on the body, meaning the whole body is detoxified. Harmful toxic substances, including heavy metals, pesticides, preservatives and even the residue from chemotherapy are more thoroughly eliminated. Blood vessels, the lymph system, cells, tissue and organs are all cleaned and detoxified allowing the bodies systems to function properly and efficiently.

Despite careful research there are no reports of any negative interactions of Pau d’arco with medications…Pau d’arco instead has demonstrated that it can combine with and enhance many other herbal applications…that is why many herbal blends contain pau d’arco among their ingredients.
One of the great benefits I found was that you feel and see the tea working so fast, my first scan was about 6 weeks after starting to drink the pau d’arco tea and it already showed significant tumor shrinkage….it is also very easy to prepare…

Brewing Instructions…In a stainless steel or glass pot add 3 tablespoons of Pau d’arco to 1 quart/liter of water (I always brew a gallon at a time), bring the liquid to a full boil with the lid on…then keeping the lid on reduce the heat so the tea is at a gentle boil for 25 minutes…let it cool and pour through a funnel and tea strainer into sterilized bottles, you can sterilize any bottle by heating it in the oven at 225 degrees for 10 minutes, I found a great source for bottles in washed out liquor bottles . Refrigeration is optional as the strong anti bacterial properties in the tea prevent any spoiling…I just sit mine on the counter because I think it tastes better at room temperature.

It is recommended that if you are drinking the tea for cancer reasons then a minimum of four, eight ounce cups per day should be drank, I consumed six or seven cups on average per day until the tumors were no longer visible on the scans, then fell back to my present dose of 2-3 cups per day…

Incidently I also can’t remember the last time I caught a cold even though many around me have been hacking and sneezing…another great benefit of the strong anti-bacteria and virus killing properties found in the tea.
The most important thing is to buy quality pau d’arco…you want the correct species Tabebuia Avellanedae 100% inner bark in a fine grind…I searched for and tried many pau d’arco sources, some offer it for as little as $5 per pound but believe me you get what you pay for…the less expensive tea tasted very weak and came as shavings or lumps of bark …not at all like the proper fine grind. I know of only two sources in North America that directly import from Brazil the correct species of fine grind inner bark…
Herb-Care and Prince.

Of course there are no 100% guarantees of a cure but many people have beaten the odds using this tea ….and happily I can say I am one of them!

[This article was dictated to the Author and is free to copy in its entirety provided all links and text are intact and unaltered.]

Bladder Cancer – Global Drug Forecasts And Treatment Analysis To 2020 – Volume 1 2011

GlobalData analysis finds that the global bladder cancer therapeutics market is moderately attractive and is primarily driven by growth in the patient volume and growth in the cost of therapy. The patient volume was driven by growth in treatment usage pattern measurements such as diseased population, treatment seeking population, Diagnosed Population and prescription population.

In 2010, the bladder cancer therapeutics markets key markets (the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, Brazil, Russia, India and China) were collectively worth $610m. The markets size is driven by two key parameters, namely the patient volume and the annual cost of therapy per patient. Between 2001 and 2010, the global bladder cancer therapeutics market grew at a CAGR of 8.0%.

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The bladder cancer therapeutics market is completely dominated by generic drugs such as methotrexate, cisplatin, vinblastin and doxorubicin. BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Gurin) therapy and mitomycin C are the other drugs that are used for the treatment of bladder cancer.

Gemcitabine was the top-selling drug in the bladder cancer therapeutics market in 2010. The other leading drugs in the market in 2001 were BCG therapy and methotrexate which registered sales of $55m and $57m. In 2010, gemcitabine was the leading drug in the bladder cancer therapeutics market, with sales of $170m. Methotrexate and BCG therapy were the other leading therapies with sales of $145m and $131m. Between 2010 and 2020, three promising therapies, Javlor (vinflunine), Urocidin (intravesical formulation of Mycobacterial cell wall-DNA complex (MCC)) and EOquin (apaziquone), are expected to hit the market. Between 2010 and 2020, the market is expected to be led by Urocidin, with forecast sales of $386m.

GlobalData, the industry analysis specialist, has released its new report, Bladder Cancer – Global Drug Forecasts and Treatment Analysis to 2020 Volume 1 2011. The report is an essential source of information and analysis on the global bladder cancer therapeutics market. The report provides comprehensive information on bladder cancer, highlighting the treatment guidelines. It identifies and analyses the key trends shaping and driving the global bladder cancer therapeutics market. It analyses the treatment usage patterns in the global bladder cancer therapeutics market. The report also provides insights into the competitive landscape and the emerging players expected to significantly alter the positions of the existing market leaders. The report provides valuable insights into the pipeline products within the global bladder cancer sector. It quantifies the unmet need in the global bladder cancer therapeutics market as well as in the individual markets such as the US and the top five countries in Europe, highlighting the opportunity for future players.

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Head And Neck Cancer – Pipeline Assessment And Market Forecast To 2017

GlobalData expects the global head and neck cancer therapeutics market to grow at a rate of 7.6% annually for the next seven years to reach $1,854m by 2017. It was valued at $1,035m in 2009. This significant growth is primarily attributed to the high incidence, prevalence and diagnosis rate of the disease and the high prescription rates of the currently approved products. In addition, the successful launch of certain biologics, gene therapies and vaccines such as Reolysin, OncoVEX and nimotuzumab, currently in Phase III, may significantly stimulate market growth in the near future. However, the low treatment seeking rate and the widespread use of off-label drugs will act as barriers for market growth.

GlobalDatas analysis has found that the current competition in the head and neck cancer market is weak. The competitive landscape is sparsely populated with only two FDA (Food and Drug Administration)-approved products. The market is characterized by high off-label usage of drugs such as cisplatin, paclitaxel carboplatin and combination therpaies. The currently marketed products are not highly efficacious and so are not able to meet market demands such as improved five-year survival rates, reductions in tumor sizes and the control of tumor recurrence. However, the development of technologically advanced products such as vaccines, gene therapy and biologics in different stages of the pipeline promises to provide better options for treatment.

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GlobalData has found that there are 405 products in different stages of development. Reolysin, Oncovex and nimotuzumab, currently in Phase III, are some of the most promising products in the pipeline. Biologics, gene therapy, vaccines and other molecular targeted therapies make the pipeline robust enough to meet the unmet needs of the head and neck cancer market. The pipeline holds novel products which are technologically advanced and have high efficacy and safety profiles. The efficacy and safety of biologics such as nimotuzumab (approved in 23 countries and undergoing Phase III studies in the US) are high in terms of complete response, progression-free survival, improved tolerability and high safety profiles. Additionally, some of the oncolytic vaccines currently in Phase III, such as Oncovex, offer systematic benefits by inducing a potent anti-tumor immune response, as well as the prevention of new lesions and a lowering of the relapse rate.

GlobalData, the industry analysis specialists new report, Head and Neck Cancer – Pipeline Assessment and Market Forecast to 2017 is an essential source of information and analysis on the global head and neck cancer market. The report identifies the key trends shaping and driving the global head and neck cancer market. The report also provides insight on the prevalent competitive landscape and the emerging players expected to bring significant shift in the market positioning of the existing market leaders. Most importantly, the report provides valuable insight on the pipeline products within the global head and neck cancer sector. This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in house analysis by GlobalDatas team of industry experts.

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Esophageal Cancer Therapeutics – Pipeline Assessment And Market Forecast To 2017

Esophageal Cancer Therapeutics Market is forecast to Show High Growth Until 2017, The report identifies the key trends shaping and driving the global Esophageal Cancer Therapeutics market.

GlobalData estimates that the global esophageal cancer therapeutics market was valued at $243.8m in
2010, and is forecast to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 14% over the next seven
years, to reach $594.7m by 2017. This fast growth is primarily attributed to the strong pipeline and onset of four promising molecules from 2014 onwards. The HER-2 expressing patients have access to
Herceptin (transtuzumab) which is approved for HER2-overexpressing metastatic gastroesophageal (GE)
junction adenocarcinoma along with some widely used off-label drugs such as cisplatin and capecitabine
and ECF (epirubicin,cisplatin and 5-FU) which have gone off-patent.

GlobalData analysis shows that the esophageal cancer therapeutics pipeline is strong, with 35 molecules
in various phases of clinical development, including 31 first-in-class molecules. The four promising first-inclass products such as Avastin (bevacizumab), Erbitux (cetuximab), ramucirumab and Tykerb (lapitinib) in late stage pipeline are expected to hit the market around 2014. These products possess mechanisms of action different from currently used drugs. Thus the pipeline for the esophageal cancer therapeutics
market is strong.

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The esophageal cancer therapeutics market is represented by Herceptin and some off-label drugs.
Cisplatin, Xeloda (capecitabine) and ECF are mainly used drugs for treating esophageal cancer.
Paclitaxel and carboplatin, 5-FU and leucovorin are also used but they have low response rates.
Herceptin from Genetech/Roche is prescribed as the first line and second line form of drug therapy for the treatment of HER2-overexpressing metastatic gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma patients. There are no other drugs which have been approved for non HER-2 overexpressing patients of esophageal cancer. Any drug that could successfully cater to this untreated patient segment is expected to reap revenues from the esophageal cancer therapeutics market.

GlobalData, the industry analysis specialist, has released its new report, Esophageal Cancer Therapeutics – Pipeline Assessment and Market Forecasts to 2017. The report is an essential source
of information and analysis on the global Esophageal Cancer Therapeutics market. The report identifies
the key trends shaping and driving the global Esophageal Cancer Therapeutics market. The report also
provides insights on the prevalent competitive landscape and the emerging players expected to significantly alter the market positioning of the current market leaders. Most importantly, the report
provides valuable insights on the pipeline products within the global Esophageal Cancer Therapeutics
sector. This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and
secondary research and in-house analysis by GlobalDatas team of industry experts.

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Thyroid Cancer Therapeutics – Pipeline Assessment And Market Forecast To 2017

GlobalData estimated that the thyroid cancer market was worth $55m in 2010. The major reason for the limited market revenues was the lack of approved drugs for the treatment of thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer is mainly treated by surgery and radiotherapy. Chemotherapy has fewer roles to play in the treatment. Mainly doxorubicin is used as an off-label drug for treating the patients with anaplastic thyroid cancer; also some other off-label drugs such as cisplatin and carboplatin are used, but they have lower response rates. The high growth forecast for the thyroid cancer therapeutics market is primarily attributed to a strong pipeline. The upcoming four pipeline molecules (Pre-registration (1) and Phase III (3)) in the next seven years will take a steep rise in the market. Overall, between 2010 and 2017, the thyroid cancer market is expected to grow at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 27.34% to reach $298m by 2017.

GlobalData found that the pipeline of the thyroid cancer market is strong, as there are 27 molecules in different stages of development. There are four promising molecules in Pre-registration (1) and Phase III (3). These drugs are expected to get approved in the next seven years. Zactima, Zybrestat and XL184 have been granted orphan drug status by the FDA.

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These new molecules with novel mechanisms of action will meet the current unmet needs and will give physicians a better choice for the treatment of thyroid cancer. Once these molecules get approved it will intensify competition in the market. In summary, the global thyroid cancer therapeutics market is heading towards a strong competitive landscape.

GlobalData found that the current competition in the thyroid cancer market is weak, as the market is devoid of any approved drug treatment. Surgery is the most effective mode of treatment. Some chemotherapy drugs are used off-label, such as doxorubicin which is aimed at managing conditions that contribute to thyroid cancer. Hence, there is an open space for a company to enter into this market and take substantial market share.

GlobalData, the industry analysis specialist, has released its new report, Thyroid cancer Therapeutics – Pipeline Assessment and Market Forecasts to 2017. The report is an essential source of information and analysis on the global thyroid cancer therapeutics market. The report identifies the key trends shaping and driving the global thyroid cancer therapeutics market. The report also provides insights on the prevalent competitive landscape and the emerging players expected to sithyroid cancerificantly alter the market positioning of the current market leaders. Most importantly, the report provides valuable insights on the pipeline products within the global thyroid cancer therapeutics sector. This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by GlobalDatas team of industry experts

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How Stress Leads to Acne

Acne has been affecting people emotional and physically for many years because of the drastic changes it makes in someone’s life. Acne has been widely known to start when someone enters puberty and continues for several years into early adolescence but some even longer. The cause of acne on the face, back and chest area has been researched and one of the leading factors is stress. This article will cover how acne and stress are related through lifestyle and hormonal changes. First, stress is the leading cause of many other illnesses included heart disease which is currently the number one death factor in North America. Stress can be caused by everyday struggles and some people have a difficult time dealing with it which is why some people tend to suffer from more illnesses then others. Stress has also been linked to causing acne due to the hormonal changes that it causes within your body. For example, the hormone producer directly linked to acne is sebum and this hormone is secreted through your body at different time. Too many sebum-producing cells will cause your hair follicle to clog causing oil built up leading to acne. Now stress is directly relating to these cells because when someone experiences stress these cells tend to produce more sebum clogging your hair follicles and acne breakouts occur. With clogged hair follicles comes a built up of toxins and oils which is the worse for anyone’s skin. Secondly, during stress your body sends out hormones throughout your body because it thinks that you are in great danger but sometimes you can have stress and not be in immediate danger. The problem is that with all these hormones circulating throughout your body, your body can begin to produce sweat which contains a lot of bacteria. Bacteria in general are very bad and can not only make you sick but if on your skin can cause acne. Due to some of the other hormones which are circulating throughout your body, your acne can worsen which is why sometimes you will develop blackheads and puss. Men suffer from a more serious form of acne because they have more testosterone compared to women. Testosterone is known as an aggressive hormone associated with strength which is good but during stressful times this hormone can cause you to have more oily skin. How can you solve this problem?

The good news is that stress can be controlled through exercise and even counselling. For example, exercise caused endorphins to be released throughout your body which are great to fight bacteria and control stress. Next, if you are dealing with higher forms of stress and cannot handle it on your own, then many resources are available to you. For example, go online to find ways to control your stress since there are many stress controlling activities that can help. Next, you can always seek counselling to help you out and after sometime you will learn how to control your stress automatically or find new creative ways to deal with specific situations.

There are many new products like medications and even books that can help you control stress and overall acne breakouts.

The Acne No More system has been proven to help prevent breakouts and provide you with useful tips to control future breakouts. Please read our complete -The Acne No More Review- for more information regarding this product before purchasing.

Psychiatrists Use Naturalistic Treatments For Depression And Stress Related Mental Health Issues

Although statistics say that clinical depression affects about five percent of the American population, that number is most likely greatly underestimated. The truth is, thousands of people suffer from depression and stress related mental disorders but are either incorrectly diagnosed or never ask for help or treatment. For those who do, however, there is good news in the form of short-term cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and naturalistic depression treatments.

Among the latter are herbal medicines, homeopathy, yoga, aromatherapy, acupuncture and similar non-traditional, non-pharmaceutical treatments. Several well-recognized reports have shown that specific herbs act in much the same way as chemical medicines, balancing both neurotransmitters and hormones, with excellent results but without the occasionally debilitating side effects or withdrawal symptoms associated with prescription anti-depressants.

The leaves and flowers of St. John’s Wort, a plant found in both Europe and North America, have been used to cure depression for thousands of years both here and abroad. Another widely used plant is the West African Griffonia Simplicifolia, the seeds of which are used to make 5-HTP or 5-Hydroxytryptophan. This natural treatment helps stimulate the production of tryptophan, the amino acid that makes you feel so content and sleepy after a turkey dinner and which leads to the production of serotonin, the body’s own cure for depression.

SAM-e (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) and folic acid have also been discovered to be effective in treating mild to moderate depression, particularly when combined with CBT, as practiced by the many New York City psychiatrists who specialize in this form of therapy. While herbal additives are being used by more of the population every single day, most people are not informed enough to effectively self-prescribe, so it is generally unwise to take any of the aforementioned herbs with or instead of prescribed pharmaceutical depression meds, nor without prior consultation with a therapist.

However, regular exercise, yoga and meditation have been found to be of great help for physical and mental well being, and are being prescribed, not just by your general practitioner, but also by some psychiatrists to treat depression and stress.

For individuals who are either already being treated for a stress related mental condition or who are in the process of seeking depression treatment, inquiring into the pros and cons of a naturalistic treatment program is a wise idea. By all means, get active physically if you are able to do so. However, it is important to remember that this is rarely an “either-or” situation. Self-medication, by means of either natural or homeopathic remedies, should not replace regular treatment by a trained, certified medical professional. If regular pharmaceutical medications are prescribed, asking about naturalistic remedies instead of pharmaceuticals may turn out to be the best step you can take toward recovery.