Bromoethane Is Dangerous!

Bromoethane, also known as ethyl bromide, is a chemical compound of the haloalkanes group. It is abbreviated by chemists as EtBr. This volatile compound has an ether-like odour.

In organic synthesis, Bromoethane is the synthetic equivalent of the ethyl carbocation (Et+) synthon. In reality, such a cation is not actually formed. For example, carboxylates salts are converted to ethyl esters, carbanions to ethylated derivatives, thiourea into ethylisothiouronium salts, and amines into ethylamines.

The preparation of Bromoethane(CAS NO.: 74-96-4) stands as a model for the synthesis of alkyl bromides in general. It is usually prepared by the addition of HBr to ethene:
H2C=CH2 + HBr H3C-CH2Br

Bromoethane is inexpensive and would rarely be prepared in the laboratory. A laboratory synthesis include the reacting ethanol with a mixture of hydrobromic and sulfuric acids. An alternate route involves refluxing ethanol with phosphorus and bromine; phosphorus tribromide is generated in situ.

Bromoethane is Dangerous!

Bromoethane is an extremely flammable liquid. Water-reactive. Carcinogen. It causes respiratory tract irritation. Causes eye and skin irritation. Inhalation of a mist of this material may cause irritation of the lungs. May cause digestive tract irritation. May cause cancer in humans. May cause lung damage. May cause cardiac disturbances. May cause liver and kidney damage. Target Organs: Kidneys, heart, liver, lungs.

Potential Health Effects

Eye:it causes eye irritation.
Skin: Causes skin irritation. Exposure may cause irritation characterized by redness, dryness, and inflammation.
Ingestion: May cause gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. May cause respiratory failure. May cause systemic toxic effects on the heart, liver, and kidneys.
Inhalation: Causes respiratory tract irritation. Irritation may lead to chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary edema. May cause effects similar to those described for ingestion. Causes narcotic effects including headache, dizziness, weakness, unconsciousness, and possible death.
Chronic: Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause irritation. Chronic inhalation and ingestion
may cause effects similar to those of acute inhalation and ingestion. May cause cancer in humans.

First Aid Measures

Eyes: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical aid immediately.
Skin: Get medical aid. Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes.
Ingestion: If victim is conscious and alert, give 2-4 cupfuls of milk or water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical aid immediately.
Inhalation: Get medical aid immediately. Remove from exposure and move to fresh air immediately. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.
Notes to Physician: Treat symptomatically and supportively.

Halocarbons in general are potentially dangerous alkylating agents. Bromides are better alkylating agents than chlorides, thus exposure to Bromoethane should be minimized. Bromoethane is classified by the State of California as carcinogenic and a reproductive toxin.

Cold Occurs At Upper Respiratory Infection

Sinus cold is very serious problem which people now a days are suffering from. Sinus cold can be irritating and are highly contagious. If you are suffering from sinus cold you need to cut down your interaction with the outside world and also need to spent plenty of your time in bed. If this problem left untreated it can further develop into other health problem like sinus infection or sinusitis. So, before these problem arises you need to consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Cold is a very serious problem and occurs at upper respiratory infection. It is usually caused by a virus that infects the nose and throat directly. In some cases cold may cause swelling in the sinuses. The main symptoms od cold are nasal congestion, run down feeling, runny nose with discharge, sneezing, sore throat, post nasal drip, headache, fatigue and fever. In adults fever is uncommon with cold but it can be seen in children. Cold normally last for week.

A sinus infection can be caused by any condition that blocks off the sinus drainage channels. These conditions include nasal polyps, cold, hay fever, allergies and non allergic rhinitis. A sinus problem may occur from anatomic problem nasal cavity and may occur after a cold. Sinus infection may last for many weeks if it is not treated on time.

For the treatment of sinus and cold there are various medicines available in the market for the treatment. Among all the medicines available in the market Drixoral medicine is considered to be the best, most trusted and recommended by the doctors and health care professionals. Drixoral is a over the counter medicine it means that one can get it without showing prescription given by the doctor. The main ingredient of drixoral medicine are Antihistamine and Decongestant. This medicine is available in form of tablets by brand name.

Before making any use of the medicine you should know full information about the medicine. You should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages if you are taking Drixoral Tablets. If you are taking sedatives or tranquilizers, do not take Drixoral without consulting your doctor. If you are making use of this medicine and your symptoms do not improve within 7 days you should immediately consult your doctor. Do not use Drixoral if you are suffering from breathing problem, heart disease, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, glaucoma and diabetes. Drixoral medicines should not use in children below 12 years of age, unless it is recommended by the doctor. Pregnant and breast feeding mother should not use Drixoral medicine as use of this medicine in pregnant and breast feeding mother may harm the health of unborn baby or nursed child.

Take Drixoral medicine with a full glass of water. Take this medicine as suggested by the doctor or health care professional. Do not increase the dose of the medicine. Recommended dosage for Drixoral medicine is two in a day. Store medicine at room temperature away from the light, heat and moisture. For best result take Drixoral medicine at the same time each day. Keep all medicines away from the reach of the children and pet.

Cpap Treatment For Respiratory Ailments

CPAP treatment stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. The most common indication for it is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a type of breathing disorder that occurs during sleep. It occurs when the soft tissues in the human airway around the throat collapse as a result of relaxation during sleep. Left untreated, it can contribute to daytime sleepiness at least and at worst, it can cause hypertension, heart failure, stroke, diabetes and, ultimately, death.

The device consists of a Positive Airway Pressure machine (PAP) to provide airflow, a hose to connect the airflow generator to the interface and the interface itself. This can be a mask, nasal pillows or a special mouthpiece. Sometimes an in-line humidifier is added to the apparatus. Positive pressure created by the airflow is adjusted to maintain the airway in the open position. It is important for the user and the technician to work together as a team to obtain the optimum system for the individual and encourage compliance.

Treatment does have some side effects. Occasionally it causes skin irritation. It may also cause a stuffy nose or headache. If not properly adjusted, the apparatus can cause stomach bloating and discomfort. If the mask is not adjusted properly, it is not unknown for the user to slip it off unconsciously during sleep.

Various optional features can be added to make the system more comfortable for the patient and improve compliance. For instance, heated water can be added via a humidifier to eliminate the effects of dryness caused by compressed air. A passive humidifier is another option. It is less effective than the heated version but it does relieve dryness. Cloth-based mask covers may be used to improve the seal and reduce skin problems. A rheostat to control the pressure may be used to gradually increase air pressure as the user goes to sleep.

Exhalation pressure relief makes it easier to breathe out against the airflow. Flexible chin straps may be attached to help the user keep from breathing through their mouth, another source of dryness and irritation. Data logging may be added to measure patient compliance.

PAP ventilation may also be used in intensive care units for people with who are extremely ill with respiratory failure. It is also sometimes used on neonatal units to help premature infants with their breathing. Patients with neuromuscular disease may also benefit from treatment. In some patients, it can eliminate the need for tracheal intubation, a risky procedure requiring a high level of special training.

The treatment was invented at the University of California in San Francisco by a team of neonatologists. A modification of the system was developed by a group of physicians in Australia.

There are other indications for positive airway pressure. These include heart failure and chronic lung diseases. It is sometimes used in people with certain types of pneumonia or reduced oxygen saturation. It may also be used in people who have a serious asthma attack. It is contraindicated for those with a compromised airway or with impaired consciousness.

All About Upper Respiratory Infection

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa is called rhinitis. The most frequent cause is allergy to inhaled substances such as pollen, dust or hair. Sometimes ingested allergens may also lead to rhinitis.These overall results of this research study show that while Concentrated Bovine Colostrum doesn’t take effect immediately, it does have definite immune enhancing and infection preventing effects when taken consistently, over an extended period of time. Keep children’s foot in warm is more important since there are lots of nerve linked between the foot and upper respiratory tract mucous membrane. If the children’s foot is always cold, it will cause fever and cough to them easily, then cause the respiratory infection finally. The most common viral infection is what the medical profession refers to as Viral URI and we all know as the “common cold.” As you know, this involves one or more of the following: nasal congestion, sore throat, hoarseness, fever, swollen glands, cough, aching muscles, and congested ears. It is important to reiterate that yellow or green nasal discharge does not mean an infection is bacterial, as is commonly thought.

When a viral infection in a child is treated with an antibiotic, not only will the infection not be cured. Using salt therapy you can prevent or reduce the symptoms in cold, flu or ear infection. If your baby has a stuffy nose and has difficulty breast- or bottle feeding or seems to be short of breath, the Salin device is the best. Inflammation of the middle ear is known as Otitis Media but where there is inflammation of the middle ear with fluid build up this known as acute Otitis Media. More common in children because their eustachian tube is smaller and positioned so that bacteria from the nose and throat travel easily to the ear, hence they’re more prone to ear infections. Viral infections are more common than bacterial. Antibiotics are unnecessary if there is no evidence of bacterial infection. Fever may be controlled with paracetamol which can be given every six hours if necessary.There is actually no cure for a URI. The very best treatment is rest and hydration. Extra rest helps strengthen your immune system so it can effectively fight off the virus. When the baby was born she left the hospital with some kind of BV, which she didn’t get treated for till 5 months later, of course, with antibiotics. She went on 3 rounds of that antibiotic until she came down with the vaginal yeast infections and extreme fatigue.With the upper respiratory disease complex, there are several things you can do to help your pet. First, control eye and nose discharge by wiping away the moisture and providing a humid environment.The most important function of the sinuses is to help to give significance and timber to speech.

It is noted how the voice sounds nasal when an individual has a head cold or sinusitis. Infuse a tablespoon of marsh-mallow root with a glass of cold boiled water and leave the tincture to brew for a day. Decant it and take a tablespoon of the decoction every 2 hours to deal with acute upper airway inflammation and cough.The culprits are a variety of viruses which include the coronaviruses, rhinoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses and respiratory syncytial virus. Only 0.5 to 2 percent of common cold cases are caused by bacteria.

Chronic Bronchitis And Emphysema

What are these Conditions?

Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are characterized by chronically blocked breathing passages. Collectively, asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis or any combination are called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Usually, more than one of these underlying conditions coexist; most often, bronchitis and emphysema occur together.

The most common chronic lung diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases affect an estimated 17 million Americans, and their incidence is rising. They’re more common in men than women, probably because, until recently, men were more likely to smoke heavily. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema don’t always produce symptoms and cause only slight disability in many people. However, these diseases tend to worsen over time.

What causes them?

Predisposing factors include cigarette smoking, recurrent or chronic respiratory infections, air pollution, and allergies. Smoking is by far the most important of these factors. Smoking increases mucus production but impairs its removal from the airways, impedes the function of airway cells that digest disease-causing organisms, causes airway inflammation, destroys air sacs in the lungs, and leads to abnormal fibrous tissue growth in the bronchial tree. Early inflammatory changes may reverse themselves if the person stops smoking before lung destruction is extensive. Family and hereditary factors may also predispose a person to chronic bronchitis or emphysema.

What are the Symptoms?

The typical person with chronic bronchitis or emphysema is a longterm cigarette smoker who has no symptoms until middle age, when his or her ability to exercise or do strenuous work starts to decline and a productive cough begins. Subtle at first, these problems worsen with age and as the disease progresses. Eventually, they cause difficulty breathing on minimal exertion, frequent respiratory infections, oxygen deficiency in the blood, and abnormalities in pulmonary function. When advanced, chronic bronchitis and emphysema may cause chest deformities, overwhelming disability, heart enlargement, severe respiratory failure, and death.

How are they Diagnosed?

A history of cigarette smoking plus the results of blood and pulmonary function studies help confirm these diseases.

How are they Treated?

Treatment aims to relieve symptoms and prevent complications. Because most people with chronic bronchitis or emphysema receive outpatient treatment, they get comprehensive teaching to help them comply with therapy and understand the nature of these progressive diseases. If programs in pulmonary rehabilitation are available, they should consider enrolling.

What can a person with chronic bronchitis or emphysema do?

Stop smoking and avoid other respiratory irritants.

Install an air conditioner with an air filter in your home.

If you’re taking antibiotics to treat a respiratory infection, be sure to complete the entire prescribed course of therapy.

Practice good oral hygiene to help prevent infection, and learn how to recognize early symptoms of infection. Avoid people with respiratory infections. Get Pneumovax (pneumococcal vaccine) and annual flu shots.

To help remove secretions, learn how to cough effectively. If you have abundant, tenacious secretions, have a family member perform postural drainage (repositioning to drain fluids) and chest physical therapy. (Ask your doctor for instructions on these techniques.) If your secretions are thick, drink at least 6 eight ounce glasses of fluid a day. A humidifier may aid secretion removal, especially in the winter.

To strengthen your breathing muscles, take slow, deep breaths and exhale through pursed lips.

If you’re receiving home oxygen therapy, make sure you or a family member knows how to use the equipment correctly. Don’t increase the oxygen flow or concentration above what the doctor prescribes because too much oxygen may eliminate your respiratory drive and cause confusion and drowsiness. You probably won’t need more than 2 to 3 liters per minute .

Eat a balanced diet. Because you may tire easily when eating, eat frequent, small meals and consider using oxygen, delivered by a nasal cannula, during meals.

Schedule rest periods throughout the day and exercise daily as directed by your doctor.

How And Why Hatha Yoga Can Improve Health Breathing

Old hatha yoga books suggest that breathing is the essence of hatha yoga training. It is much more fundamental than learning or mastering most difficult yoga poses or asanas.

Which breathing or respiration matters most? The breathing process is going on 24/7 and the body requires O2 all the time. Hence, it is necessary to have a closer look at our unconscious or basal breathing.

Classical manuscripts on Hatha Yoga (Gheranda Samhita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and Shiva Samhita) were written about 5-7 centuries ago. What do they say about breathing? According to these ancient hatha yoga manuscripts, the goal of hatha yog is to “suspend”, “hold”, “restrain”, and “calm” our breathing.

Unfortunately, modern yoga gurus, leaders and instructors teach and express opposite views in regard to involuntary or basal breathing patterns. Contemporary yoga leaders and practitioners believe in toxic waste nature of CO2 gas. They also promote the deep breathing myth claiming that our basal or unconscious breathing should be deep or large (for better health).

There are now dozens of proven benefits of carbon dioxide for the human body. It is vital for our health. If it gets 4 times below the medical norm, we can die in minutes due to spasms of blood vessels and severe tissue hypoxia in the brain and heart.

Elevated carbon dioxide content or mild arterial hypercapnia is the central factor that explains exceptionally slow respiration rates in some hatha yoga gurus (only about 3 breaths per minute at rest or during sleep) and exceptionally high body oxygen levels.

Normal and sick people often take more than 20 breaths per minute at rest depending on their health state. Faster breathing decreases body CO2 causing constriction of blood vessels (CO2 is the most potent tested vasodilator) and the suppressed Bohr effect (less oxygen is released in body tissues and vital organs at low CO2 levels). Furthermore, tiny normal diaphragmatic breathing is sufficient for 98% saturation of the arterial blood with oxygen. Overbreathing cannot provide more oxygen for us. It only reduces alveolar and arterial CO2 (if there are no problems with lungs).

Hence, slow unconscious breathing pattern provides people with higher cellular oxygenation.

Other confirmed properties of CO2 include: sedative or calmative effects on nerve cells, bronchodilation (dilation of airways), suppression of inflammation, abilities to heal lungs and other tissues, strong muscle relaxant, powerful antioxidant abilities (suppression of free radicals), regulator of hundreds of chemical reactions.

In agreement with old traditional yoga books and teaching, it was found that with slower breathing, breathing retraining students start to sleep much less (down to 2-3 hours without any voluntary limitations, if they get up to 2-3 min for the body oxygen test) if they manage to slow down their breathing down to 3-4 breaths per minute at rest. They start to crave physical exercise naturally, have exceptionally strong immune systems, can digest wider varieties of foods, and so forth.

These discoveries were made by the leading Soviet physiologist Dr. Konstantin Buteyko, MD, PhD who created the legendary Buteyko breathing technique. Dr. Buteyko studied the effects of breathing retraining in thousands of patients. He also analyzed effects of yoga asanas and found that many of yoga poses can only be performed while holding one’s breath. Hence, a challenging yoga practice naturally involves many breath holds and short transitions between them.

The main yoga breath work (hatha yoga pranayama) requires gradual increase in durations of all phases of the breathing cycle also leading to accumulation of carbon dioxide.

Best yoga gurus, when they do pranayama, have only 1 deep breath for every 2-3 minutes. They breathing may seem deep, but they reduce their minute ventilation and raise their arterial CO2, thus retraining their breathing center located in the brain to increased CO2 levels.

Hence, their basal breathing pattern later, after this breath work, becomes slower and lighter. This is possible since any medical textbook claims that breathing is regulated not by oxygen want, but by arterial CO2 levels.

Hence, slow breathing is the key to health and, if you manage to achieve it, you will be in excellent health.

Allergic Mechanism Of Docetaxel And Its Treatment

Docetaxel is insoluble in water. But it is soluble in a mixed solvent of polyoxyethylene castor oil and ethanol. Polyoxyethylene castor oil can release histamine in the degradation. It may cause allergic reactions. Allergic reactions occurred in the first or the second medication for most of patients. Almost all of them occur within 30 minutes after administration. Timely anti-allergy treatment can quickly relieve symptoms and will not cause serious consequences. So although docetaxel cost is reasonable and welcomes, patients should be cautious when using it in curing diseases.

The severities of allergic reactions caused by docetaxel are different. The light manifested as flushing, itching, urticaria, drug fever, a severe allergic reaction mainly hypotension, bronchospasm, asthma, and anaphylactic shock. Serious allergic reactions to the rate of 25% to 30%, pre-treatment routine to the glucocorticoid, diphenhydramine and H2 blockers by the incidence dropped to 1.5% ~ 3.0%. But the main symptoms of an allergic reaction to laryngospasm is not mentioned in the instructions of the class of drugs, clinicians should be alert to allergic reactions in the use of taxane chemotherapy. They should not just depend on drug manual guidance.

The laryngospasm is dangerous. Quickly diagnosis and differential diagnosis are particularly important. The following adverse reactions to docetaxel due to laryngospasm instant attack shortly after the start of the chemotherapy inspiratory dyspnea characterized with chemotherapy-induced phase identification; often before the onset of palpitations, shortness of breath, the main complaint, with blood pressure, migraine low heart rate and other symptoms; ECG manifested as sinus tachycardia, arrhythmia with ECG for identification; acute laryngeal edema: allergy caused by acute upper airway obstruction caused by difficulty in breathing, but the incidence of slow. In addition, the differential diagnosis should also be noted that patients with or without a history of other respiratory and circulatory system.

Anti-histamine treatment or slow down the infusion rate before chemotherapy of taxol pharmaceutical raw materials can significantly reduce allergic reaction, but still can not completely avoid a severe allergic reaction. To prevent an allergic reaction, should do the following aspects: asked in detail about the history of allergies, confirm whether the patient is allergic, do a history of record in the use of docetaxel chemotherapy; medication half an hour before intramuscular injection of diphenhydramine 20mg and intravenous cimetidine 800mg dexamethasone 10mg; ready to rescue medicines and equipment to respond rapidly to serious allergic reactions may occur; infusion bottles and infusion tube using non-PVC materials, and through the connected filters and then I slow intravenous infusion; chemotherapy during the close observation of patients with signs of change, especially within 30 minutes after the chemotherapy, more with the exchange of patient and psychological counseling. Once there are the suspects and allergic reactions, the drugs should be discontinued immediately and people should have symptomatic treatment.

The laryngospasm is abrupt onset. It will obstruct the upper respiratory tract and affect the respiratory function in short time. And the panic state will exacerbate hypoxia. If it is handled improperly, it will cause hypoxia or even death. If breathing difficulties and other symptoms occur in medication process, it should be distinguish with other serious adverse reactions. It needs a quickly diagnosis. Once the diagnosis of laryngospasm is clear, people should immediately stop the importation of all drugs and cut off the allergens. At the same time, the monitoring of vital signs should be closed. High-dose dexamethasone intravenous will inhibit allergic reactions. If there are serious wheeze, the merging bronchospasm should be considered and patients need to be injected with 0.25g of aminophylline and calcium gluconate intravenous to relieve the spasm of airway smooth muscle.

Benefits And Dangers Of Deep Breathing

Optimal deep breathing increases our vitality and promotes relaxation. Unfortunately, when we try to take a so-called deep breath, most of us do the exact opposite: we “take a breath” suck in our bellies and raise our shoulders. This is shallow breathing as measured by volume as it tries to access air from the high chest where there is to little to no lung volume

When our breathing is full and deep, and mostly in the lower thorax, the belly, lower ribcage and lower back where most of the lung volume resides, should all expand in a full circle on inhalation, thus allowing the diaphragm to drop down deeper into the abdomen, front, side and back. Then it retracts on exhalation, allowing the massaging action of the diaphragm to move fully upward toward the heart. This is healthy deep breathing.

Most so called deep abdominal breathing results in deep effortful breathing and is not always really breathing deeply. It can actually be harmful or exacerbate existing, undetected, unbalanced, dysfunctional breathing. Deep breathing when done incorrectly will cause accessory breathing muscles to engage. These muscles should not be anything but supportive. Like the shaft of an elevator should guide the elevator but not cause it to go up and down.

The key to deep breathing is to begin to learn to sense unnecessary tension in our bodies and to learn how to release this tension. Work with deep breathing begins with and requires internal awareness. Without sufficient awareness and heightened sensitivity to what is happening inside our bodies, efforts to change breathing will have little to no effect, often creates more tension and stress and undermine our health and well-being.

The way we use “breathing exercises” has reference to breathing patterns (holding, gasping, sighing), breathing rate, breathing depth (volume), locus of breathing (chest and diaphragm), breathing coordination, sequencing and balance (relationship of upper and lower aspects of the breathing wave), breathing resistance (nose and mouth), and collateral muscle activity for breathing regulation (muscles other than the diaphragm such as those in the rib cage as well as supporting posture).

The downward and upward movements of the diaphragm, combined with the outward and inward movements of the belly, ribcage, and release of lower back musculature, allow for movement, “massage” , detoxifying nearby organs, and helps stimulate blood flow and peristalsis as well as pump the lymph more efficiently our lymphatic system. The lymphatic system has no pump other than muscular movements of human activity including the movements of the rib cage and diaphragm.

Deep Breathing for Relaxation
Many of us do not take enough time to breathe. This is very stressful to the nervous system. This shallow breathing causes an under-energized state and for muscles to shorten and invite unbalanced breathing.

When our breathing is deep and easy involving the respiratory muscles of the chest and belly, lower ribcage, and lower back–our breathing naturally slows down but due to no vasoconstriction stays deeper where it needs to be even during severe challenges including survival. This slower, deeper lower breathing, combined with the rhythmical pumping of our diaphragm, abdomen, and belly, helps modulate our parasympathetic nervous system–our “relaxation response”. Such breathing helps to harmonize our nervous system and reduce the amount of stress in our lives. It also supports states of what might be called “courage under fire”.

Breathing mechanics for relaxation, though a major marker for therapeutic process, is too often the exclusive focus of breathing training and learning. Ease is more important than relaxation as ease and flow facilitate relaxation but relaxation does not necessarily foster ease and flow.

Though slower breathing is most often better than faster breathing many therapists and trainers who teach breathing can deregulate respiratory chemistry by inducing over breathing/unbalanced breathing with their “relaxation” instructions to trainees i.e. slowing down the breathing without balancing it and not ensuring it has become parasympathetically dominant.

This often results in worsening respiratory faults (rib cage distortions), or hindering optimal breathing balance and coordination as well as confusing the client/ patient by inducing system-wide psycho-spiritual and psycho-physiological stresses.

To think of breathing more than usual as being all bad is to suppress elements of passion and purpose inherent in the way we breathe. Overbreathing may be too broad a term and not allow for what I call healthy hyper-inhalation (breathing more than usual but staying parasympathetically based).

This way of breathing more but staying parasympathetically based may account for phenomena called the Law of Mass Action whereby the extra oxygen can be “packed” into the body tissues for later recovery and usage. This is not taken into account with most definitions of overbreathing. Overbreathing to me is more about chest breathing that causes or worsens vasoconstriction including excessive nerve enervation and muscle tensions.

That said, Optimal Breathing School faculty member Dr. Peter Litchfield helps clarify facts to remember that may well apply to the correct applications of what is called overbreathing:
The wrong combination of breathing rate, depth and balance can lead to “over breathing.” Over breathing means losing too much carbon dioxide, CO2 deficit means blood alkalosis, and alkalosis means smooth muscle constriction. Smooth muscle constriction means blood vessel, bronchiole, coronary and gut constriction. Over breathing can reduce mental and physical performance and trigger emotional and physical symptoms.

* Myth: Good breathing means relaxation.
* Fact: No. Good breathing is important in all ircumstances, whether relaxed or not.

* Myth: Learning good breathing requires relaxation.
* Fact: No. This would mean that during most life circumstances, breathing is maladaptive. There still must often be a window of balanced breathing within the ranges of life’s circumstances and that often has the look and feel of being “centered” or “grounded” or both.

* Myth: Diaphragmatic breathing is synonymous with good breathing.
* Fact: No. In many instances one may begin to over-breathe as a result of switching from chest to diaphragm.

* Myth: Good respiration is all about the mechanics of breathing.
* Fact: No. Good breathing means ventilating in accordance with metabolic requirements.

* Myth: Diaphragmatic, deep, slow breathing means better distribution of oxygen.
* Fact: No. Mechanics may look letter perfect, but oxygen distribution may be poor.

* Myth: Under breathing/shallow breathing, with the result of oxygen deficit or loss of personal power is common.
* Fact: Yes but also to the contrary, over breathing is common.

Good breathing translates into optimizing respiratory psychophysiology, and contrary to popular thinking, learning to breathe well does not simply mean deep, slow, diaphragmatic breathing in the context of learning how to relax.

Adaptive breathing mostly means regulating blood chemistry, through proper ventilation of carbon dioxide, in accordance with metabolic and other physiologic requirements associated with all life activities and circumstances. Deregulated, unbalanced breathing chemistry, i.e., hypoScapnia (CO2 deficiency) as a result of over breathing means serious physiological crisis involving system-wide compromises that involve physical and mental consequences of all kinds.

Evaluating, establishing, maintaining, and promoting good respiratory chemistry is extremely important in any professional practice involving breathing training.

Monitoring good breathing chemistry establishes a system-wide context conducive to help optimize health and maximize performance.

Breathing training is invariably included as an important component of relaxation training, but does not in of itself constitute optimal relaxation or optimal respiration. Optimal breathing implies ALL factors are in place in any moment in time.
At least 9 factors must be addressed to ensure optimal deep breathing. Priority is dependant upon the condition and situation.

1. Breathing chemistry including exchange from lungs to blood, blood to lungs and oxygen transport to all other cells of body.
2. Diaphragm excursion.
3. Rib expansion.
4. Ease of the natural breathing reflexive action including breathing coordination.
5. Nutrition.
6. Posture.
7. Attitude & Emotions.
8. Tasks at hand such as resting, walking, talking, running, feeling or expressing joy and fear.
9. Dominant parasympathetic balance

Each one influences the others.

One may be more necessary at any given moment depending upon several circumstances such as stress and or the task at hand. Optimal breathing can present itself during times of stress and challenge even where relaxation is neither possible nor adaptive. Training for various tasks alters the ratios and needs for each of the 9 basic influences as it inputs a conditioning factor that changes mechanical and cellular needs in the moment.

Diagnosis Of Acute Bronchitis

Classifying an upper respiratory infection as bronchitis is imprecise. However, studies of bronchitis and upper respiratory infections often use the same symptoms. Cough is the most commonly observed symptom of acute bronchitis. The cough begins within two days of infection in 85 percent of patients. Most patients have a cough for less than two weeks however, 26 percent are still coughing after two weeks, and a few cough for six to eight weeks. When a patient’s cough fits this general pattern, acute bronchitis should be strongly suspected.

Although most physicians consider cough to be necessary to the diagnosis of acute bronchitis, they vary in additional requirements. Other signs and symptoms may include sputum production, dyspnea, wheezing, chest pain, fever, hoarseness, malaise, rhonchi, and rales. Each of these may be present in varying degrees or may be absent altogether. Sputum may be clear, white, yellow, green, or even tinged with blood. Peroxidase released by the leukocytes in sputum causes the color changes; hence, color alone should not be considered indicative of bacterial infection.

Because acute bronchitis is most often caused by a viral infection, usually only symptomatic treatment is required. Treatment can focus on preventing or controlling the cough (antitussive therapy) or on making the cough more effective.

Protrusive therapy is indicated when coughing should be encouraged (e.g., to clear the airways of mucus). Antitussive therapy is indicated if cough is creating significant discomfort and if suppressing the body’s protective mechanism for airway clearance would not delay healing.

Respiratory Problem and Treatments

This has become an area of concern for those who suffer from respiratory problems. The size of the average dust particle is 10 micrometers or less. This small size particle can remain airborne for days or even weeks, depending on the wind conditions. Because of the particle’s small size, it has the ability of entering the respiratory system of people. This is the reason for concern. This small, but hard particle can damage the lungs and cause long term respiratory problems.This has become a significant source of concern from the State of Idaho all the way down to New Mexico. Because of this, cities like Albuquerque have developed reports that can help people and companies reduce this problem in their area.

Lobelia consists of various alkaloids, a bitter glycoside (lobelacrin), a pungent volatile oil (lobelianin), resin, gum, chelidonic acid and fats. The alkaloid lobeline is its main ingredient and namesake. Others include lobelidine, lobelanine, nor-lobelaine, lobelanidine, nor-lobelanidine, and isolobenine, as well as fourteen pyridine alkaloids.Lobeline works much like nicotine in its effect on the central nervous system but without the addictive properties. In fact, it is a main ingredient of many quit smoking treatments. Lobeline acts as a relaxant overall and is used to treat spastic colon and muscle problems. It also dilates the bronchioles, thereby increasing respiration and helping the lungs.

Instead, ionic purification technology relies on the use of electrostatic plates to apply charge to the pollutants in the atmosphere of the home. When the charged particles pass through the unit, they are electrostatically attracted to collector blades inside the unit. Then the indoor pollutants can be simply wiped off the collection blades for easy disposal of the contaminants.Another difference between the ionic purification technology and the typical HEPA ones is that these units do not depend on fans to circulate the air, but instead use the electrostatic technology to pull air through the device.This allows the air purifiers to operate virtually in silence. They can run continuously without adding to the noise level in the home and consequently, cause no interference with sleep.

Sneezing in and of itself is not inherently bad. Inhaling a little dust here or particle there can cause us all to sneeze. However if you suspect an irritant is responsible for the sneezing be sure to rule out bedding allergies. Many types of commonly sold guinea pig bedding can cause problems such as soft wood and hay that has gathered dust. Consider changing the bedding to a recommended type of bedding like Timothy hay, careFresh, or crown pellet bedding. Avoid known problematic bedding like pine or cedar shavings. Also note that known safe bedding such as corn cob bedding can easily grow mold so make sure you are keeping the cage area clean and sticking to a routine of cleaning once per week. If the sneezing persists after switching out bedding and cleaning your guinea pigs’ cage please have this checked by a professional.

A number of Brachcyephalic dogs will end up suffering from a problem called “stenotic nares,” which is a scientific way of saying small nostrils. As one might expect, having irregularly small nostrils will make it very, very difficult to breathe for a dog. “Tracheal stenosis” is a similar problem in that the trachea is too narrow for air to pass through easily. In the most severe cases of both of these problems, the dog will require surgery to widen the breathing cavities.

Another symptom attributed primarily to Brachycephalic dogs is the soft palate being elongated. The Soft palate is what separates the mouth from the nose in the back of the throat, and when it is too long it can hang down and block the travel of air. This will cause more audible breathing sounds, such as snorts or snores. Over time you should adjust to the constant snorts and will even grow to love them. Many people find their Boston Terriers breathing endearing.


If any cold virus affects your function, it’s obvious that other dangerous kinds of breathing disease might affect the daily tasks and activities. For instant, breathing allergy might be very much irritating where you might not go near things containing allergens. You’ve to consider that you may be allergic to many things. Normally, people having respiratory allergies are very allergic to pollen grains, and cat and dog hair having dander. People having respiratory allergies should take many precautions as allergy attacks might come any time if they’re exposed to some allergens.

Another respiratory illness is named bronchitis. It’s a respiratory disorder in which inflammation of the bronchi takes place. Many people who have this illness are those who are cigarette or habitual tobacco smokers. Also, people residing in cities with loads of air pollution affected too. There are 2 ways of classifying bronchitis, one is chronic bronchitis while the other one is acute. Chronic bronchitis is a long-term illness which is accompanied by its symptoms like persistent coughing which produces sputum.