Top Five Health Concerns for Men

Men die at a faster rate when compared to women, even though both may be suffering from the same ailments. Men also die at a younger age than women. There is no conclusive reason why this disparity exists among the sexes-although some believe that men simply less adept at taking care of themselves whereas women are generally known to be better nurturers of health.

So what’s ailing men? Which health aspects should men focus on for better, healthier and longer living? According to statistics, the top four killers related to men’s health are heart ailments, suicide, prostate ailments, and respiratory ailments.

The Heart
According to Men’s Health Network, an informational and educational organization based in Washington D.C, almost twice as many men die of heart ailments than women. This is the number one killer, according to Center for Disease Control. Factors that are more likely to lead to heart ailments include aging, family history of heart ailments, smoking, sedentary lifestyles, being overweight/obese, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and being male.

What can you do?
Maintain a heart healthy diet and an optimal weight. Avoid bad habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Exercise regularly and practice stress management.

Statistics show that men are four times more likely to commit suicide than women. Experts believe that this may be related to a tendency in men to bottle up or hide their feelings making it difficult for men to seek help. More than 6 million men, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, suffer from depression each year. However, depression in men may exhibit itself in different ways like anger, aggression, work burnout, substance abuse.

What can you do?
Seek ways to communicate. Talk to a professional counselor. Always seek emergency medical help before attempting to do anything harmful to yourself.

Respiratory Ailments
Smoking and the use of tobacco products are top killers for both sexes. Other factors that affect respiratory health include second hand smoke inhalation, exposure to asbestos and radon, air pollution and personal history.

What can you do?
Quit smoking. As soon as you do, your chances for contracting a respiratory ailment diminish drastically, according to the National Institute on Aging.

Fluctuations in Glycemic Levels
More people are suffering from high or low blood sugar levels these days. This may be related to stress, poor diet, hereditary factors and/or lack of exercise. The numbers keep growing.

What can you do?
Maintain a low-fat, low-calorie diet and an optimal weight. Exercise regularly and practice stress management.

Prostate Ailments (An Aging Prostate)
Prostate ailments usually begin with advancing age. The growth of the prostate gland is a natural process of aging. By the time men reach their 40s, the size of the prostate gland can affect urinary functions and flow. It is for this reason that the American Cancer Society recommends annual prostate health screenings for men over 50.

Prostate health is high on the priority list of men’s healthcare needs. Because men tend to neglect this very important aspect of health, the statistics continue to rise. We need more awareness and education in adopting proactive measures to support prostate health.

What can you do?
Nutritional supplements have made a breakthrough in prostate healthcare by providing prostate nutrients that proactively promote prostate health. It is recommended that men approaching their 40s take beta sitosterol, a phyto-nutrient found in plants. Beta sitosterol has been well-researched for its role in promoting healthy urinary flow and functions. It also acts as an anti-aging agent delaying and at times, even inhibiting the affects of an aging prostate. In addition to beta sitosterol, a combination of minerals and Vitamin D is essential and known to specifically target the maintenance of prostate health.