Information Of Causes Of Heart Disease

Within the last 100 years, Heart Disease has been recorded as the leading cause of death in the United States, England, Wales and Canada. In America heart diseases are responsible for one person every 34 seconds and more than 60 million Americans have some type of cardiovascular disfunction. There are many individuals who are uninformed about its causes, symptoms and ways of preventing it the risk of it affecting you and your family. Heart disease is not a single disease but rather a group of diseases of that spurs from different causes. These diseases cause damage to the heart and impacts the way in which it functions.
There are many different causes for developing heart disease, one such cause is smoking. Cigarettes and tobacco contain hazardous substances which include, nicotine and include carbon monoxide. These chemicals travel to the lungs and build up fatty plaque in the arteries and cause damage to the artery vessel walls. Smoking also increase the heart rate and tighten the major arteries and causes the heart rate to become abnormal all these factors cause the heart to pump more blood. When the heart becomes overworked this puts massive strain on the heart and lead to various complications.
Persons who do no physical activites also increase their risk of getting a heart attack when compared to a person who practices to exercise on a regular basis. Exercise helps to control the bodys cholesterol level by burning calories and through regular exercise, the muscles of the heart are made stronger and the arteries become even more flexible. Burning 500 3500 calories during the week can increase your mortality rate by far versus someone who does not. Exercise also helps to eliminate stress in the body. Major stress can cause your heart to work harder than usual. When you increase your hearts need for oxygen, this can bring on chest pain in person who already have a heart disease.

Persons who have a family history of being diagnosed with heart disease are more prone to become infected with it. If your parents or siblings have suffered from a heart problems before age 55, then it automatically heightens the possibility of infection over someone who does not have a family record of heart disease.
There is also information to identify that certain heart disease can be connected to certain racial and ethnic groups. For example high blood pressure is more commonly diagnosed in African American men versus their white man counterparts. The male gender also suffer a higher risk of heart attack over women until the age of 65 where the risk is equaled. Heart diseases are also connected to high cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a fat like substance which is produced from the food we consume and is transported within the body via the blood. Products that are produced from animals like meat, dairy products and egg are high in cholesterol, and if consumed excessively it can lead to high cholesterol levels. Other causes of heart disease include being overweight and high blood pressure. Person who suffer from obesity are more likely to experience high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease, heart attacks and the possibility of a stroke occurring.