Hemorrhoid Medicine

As more research is done on the treatment of hemorrhoids, new methods are being implemented to help sufferers. There are now many different hemorrhoid (http://www.crhcenter.com/) medicines that serve a variety of different purposes. If you suffer from frequent or painful hemorrhoids, these medications are very beneficial in treating the symptoms and helping clear up the problem. While some hemorrhoid medicine will be available over the counter, there are a few that must be prescribed by a doctor.

Whenever you are suffering from hemorrhoids, it is a good idea to speak with your doctor and schedule a checkup. While most are normal and not associated with any serious health problems, there may be a chance that your hemorrhoids could be the symptom of a disease. To help determine the underlying cause of the issue, your doctor may recommend a colon cancer screening or a colonoscopy. This is typically performed at a special clinic and is quite painless and quick.

Once your doctor has determined the cause of your hemorrhoids, they will be able to recommend the right medicine to treat the problem. If you are dealing with broken skin and a very inflamed hemorrhoid, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or other hemorrhoid medicine to reduce that inflammation. Since they occur in an area that is prone to infection, it is a good idea to seek medical assistance if you do have any broken skin or excessive pain in that region.

Most hemorrhoid medicine is topical and can be applied directly to the problem. There are specific creams, both prescription and over the counter, that can greatly reduce the amount of tenderness and itching caused by hemorrhoids. These creams are easy to apply and will provide instant relief for the area. It is always a good idea to make sure that you are following the directions for your hemorrhoid medicine and that you are applying it correctly. This will help reduce any complications and it will help you experience relief much more quickly.

Hemorrhoids are a problem for millions of people, but thankfully, there are many hemorrhoid medicines that can be prescribed. While it is possible to treat a non-serious hemorrhoid on your own with over the counter medicine, it is still important to ask your doctor for advice. They can schedule an exam that will help them determine which type of hemorrhoid medicine will be best for your individual situation at the time.

This Article is Originally Published here: Hemorrhoid Medicine (http://www.crhcenter.com/guide/hemorrhoid-medicine.html).