Having spent so many years working on Cardiac Care Units and lost close family members to sudden heart attacks, I know the devastating effects that a heart attack can lead to. So many lives are ripped apart each year through the failure to understand and diagnose the early warning signs.
A heart attack is the result of your head not understanding the everyday messages of your heart.
Your heart is not just the muscle that pumps blood around your body, keeping you alive, it is also the centre of your emotional intelligence. The energy of the heart manifests through your emotions (energy in motion).
Allowing this energy to run and taking the time to feel what is going on in your body, without judgment, is the way that your heart likes to interact with your head. However, because emotional intelligence is not taught at school and so much emphasis is placed on intellectual intelligence, millions of people die prematurely every year from heart attacks.
The facts speak for themselves.
According to cardiacmatters.co.uk facts and figures someone dies from a heart attack in the UK every 6 minutes. In the US this figure is nearer 1 person every minute. Of the 146,000 people who have a heart attack in the UK every year, 94,000 of them die. On top of this, 179 people in the UK lose a parent every day because of a fatal heart attack.
The symptoms usually start many years before a heart attack.
I have spent many years speaking to people who had just had a heart attack and there are many common themes. Although there are some people who do not experience some of the following symptoms, everyone who has a heart attack experiences over half of the following:
-Feeling stuck in a job or relationship for an extended period of time
-At least one, sometimes more, very poor family relationship(s)
-Low motivation for an extended period
-Not wanting to get out of bed
-High stress for a sustained duration
-A need to please others before themselves
-Feeling misunderstood or unappreciated
-Always compromising and feeling resentful about it
-Increasing aches and pains in their body
-Short, stabbing pains in their chest, sometimes only lasting a fraction of a second
-An emptiness or feeling that something is missing and no idea what it is
These are just some of the warning signs.
Knowing that all of these things happen when the IQ of your brain overrules the IQ of your heart on a consistent basis can help you identify the early warning signs of heart disease, while there is still time to reverse the symptoms. When your head starts labelling emotions as good or bad they can get repressed, heart energy is blocked and your heart cannot function properly. This is the foundation of heart dis-ease.
The good news is that heart dis-ease can be reversed if it is caught early enough.
In order to reverse the symptoms you must first become proficient at identifying them. Do you trust your feelings? Start by becoming aware of the early warning signs and asking yourself one simple question:
“Would I or the people I love benefit from me learning to identify the early warning signs of heart disease?”
If so, then learn about the early warning signs.