Fish Oil And Heart Disease

Scientific research results of fish oil and cholesterol control support the suggestion that a dietary supplement of quality fish oil may improve levels of good cholesterol, and possibly slightly lower bad cholesterol.

As a matter of fact, organizations like the American Heart Association and Food and Drug Administration, have disclosed statements that indicated the benefits that the fish oil can offer to improve heart disease condition.

The most beneficial effect may be found in the particular kind of omega-3 present in fish oil supplements. In a 2000 study, over a thousand men were studied and those who had the highest levels of the omega-3 known as DHA, abundant in fish oil.

There is also evidence that omega 3 fatty acids lower cholesterol levels and control blood pressure. Some studies are being done that suggest that fish oil can boost good cholesterol and decrease bad cholesterol (LDL).

HDL cholesterol helps in reducing the fatty deposits in arteries. And since fish oils help in increasing the level of good cholesterol, this is one of the reasons why fish oil is very beneficial in heart disease prevention.

Apart from cholesterol, your triglycerides levels also play a significant role when it comes to estimating heart disease risk. In case you don’t know, triglycerides are fatty substance that circulate in the bloodstream.

Fish oil is unarguably the best source of Omega 3s, DHA and EPA. The exceptional anti-inflammatory properties of fish oil offer a lot of health benefits for various health problems such as arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease, pains and aches, etc.

Without HDL, cholesterol will just gradually keep accumulating in, and clogging up, your arteries. This will kill the flow of blood to your heart, starve it of oxygen and lead to, among other possible outcomes, a heart attack.

If you have high blood pressure of hypertension, taking an omega-3 supplement rich in omega-3 fatty acids can significantly reduce blood pressure.

Deficiencies in omega-3s have also been linking to many behavioral conditions such as ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, postpartum depression, bipolar disorder, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Inflammation is one of the major causes of heart disease, arthritis, asthma, and inflammatory bowel disease. And the worst part about it is that it comes with no symptoms, meaning that it’s almost impossible to know whether it’s a problem for you.

EPA and DHA are naturally found in cold water fish and the body cannot produce these, therefore you need to obtain them for either eating the above mentioned fish or take a naturally good fish oil supplement.

And it’s not just cholesterol levels that are improved, there is now a wide range of medical conditions that are known to be improved with the higher intake of Omega 3 fats.

It is true that the connection between fish oil and heart disease is beneficial to you; however, it is recommended that you take supplements instead of eating lots of fish because of the problem of contaminants.

Fish oil and heart disease, the two definitely do not go together. Researchers from all around the world are now telling us that fish oil helps to invigorate your brain and your body even if you are young or old.