Eczema Diet 5 Foods That Heal

Take a good look at your diet and ask yourself this question: “Am I eating foods that will help heal my eczema or am I eating foods that make my condition worse?”

The answer more than likely is that a lot of the foods you are eating are not helping to cure your skin condition.

Without realising it a lot of the foods eaten by people who suffer with eczema make their condition worse. Foods such as processed and cooked foods. Cakes, dairy products, salty snacks and cookies.

These foods create additional work for your digestive and immune system. These foods take away the energy required to keep your body ticking over to help with digestion.

And these foods create additional toxicity in your body which your body has to fight harder to keep these toxins out of harms ways.

If you want to make a change to the way your body functions and increase its ability to cure itself of any ills including that of eczema you should include as many of the foods that heal as you can.

Here is a list of 5 foods that will help to cure your eczema.

Eczema Diet Tip #1

Foods you should include in your diet are those that contain high levels of enzyme as they will make a marked difference to the condition of your skin.

Enzymes are one of the most important factors governing our health and our lives. People who suffer with ill-health are more than likely the ones who need enzymes in their diet to improve their general state of health.

Eczema Diet Tip #2

Foods you should include in your diet are those that contain high levels of Chlorophyll. The properties of Chlorophyll are very similar in nature to hemogloblin found in red blood cells. Chlorophyll is an excellent tissue stimulator and will help in the rejuvenation of eczema skin. A very good source of Chlorophyll is wheatgrass juice.

Eczema Diet Tip #3

Foods you should include in your diet are fruit and vegetable juices. If you prepare 2 or 3 glasses of raw fruit and vegetables juice you will see a noticeable difference in the texture and condition of your skin.

Vegetable and fruit juices are very cleansing and nourishing and will rejuvenate and heal your skin.