Do you think you are healthy? If so how healthy are you actually? When was the last time you underwent a colonoscopy? If the answer to that question is never, then there is no better time than now to schedule one. If you dont believe me, listen to this startling fact: In the United States, 1 in 17 people will develop colorectal cancer.
You may have no symptoms in the early stages of the collateral cancer. Often times, many people dont. That doesnt mean they arent there. When they finally do appear, they’ll vary, depending on the tumors size and location in your large intestine.
Every health professional will agree that is best to get regular screenings rather than rely on symptoms to alert you to the presence of cancer. This is because colorectal cancer can go undetected for years before you notice any symptoms. That doesnt mean you shouldnt know what to look for. After all, knowing some of the symptoms can’t hurt. If you experience any of the following symptoms for more than about a week, please talk to your doctor or physician about getting screened for colorectal cancer.
Stool is thinner than normal – Everything in your system is flowing fine until a tumor starts to grow, causing an obstruction in the large intestine. As the tumor gets bigger so does the obstruction causing the space around to become smaller. So, as you might expect, tumors toward the end of the colon tend to cause the effect of narrowed stool.
Stomach cramping or bloating – Bloating is usually the result of some sort of bowel obstruction. Cramping is normally caused by constipation or diarrhea. In the more advanced stages of colorectal cancer, severe abdominal cramping is caused by the tumor perforating the bowel wall.
You go to the bathroom more or less often – The presence of a tumor in your bowel makes your whole system go out of whack. As your body adjusts to its presence, demands, and byproducts, you may experience changes in your bowel habits. For example, if a tumor is slowly growing in your colon, it inhibits the flow of solid waste. Youre going to notice that you’re defecating less often. The tumor can obstruct your bowel. You will undoubtedly notice a difference. You are going to get constipated. That’s why it is a good idea to get regular screenings with your doctor rather than relying on symptoms to alert you of the presence of the cancer.
Red blood in or on your stool Most tumors are likely to bleed. They dont bleed a lot or all the time, but they do bleed. As a result of this, this is what causes the blood found in your stool. If the tumor is formed in the right of the colon, the blood will most likely be dried and virtually invisible by the time it leaves the body. However, if the tumor is in the rectum or toward the end of the left colon, it will be fresh and therefore, bright red.
Regularly feel tired If you feel tired all the time no matter what time of the day it may be, there something else going on with your body. One possibility is a condition called anemia. This occurs when your red blood cells aren’t fully operational for some reason. Your red blood cells are not carrying enough oxygen to your body like they’re supposed be. As a result of this, your body is left feeling tired. Anemia can be caused by tumors.
Unexplained weight loss – Many of us would love to experience some kind of weight loss. But, losing weight without trying is really something to question. weight loss that comes out of nowhere is a sign that something is wrong in your body. With colorectal cancer, unexplained weight loss is a prime indicator that a tumor is blocking the bowel somewhere.