Becoming a Respiratory Therapist

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about a career in the field of healthcare? Does your mind conjure up images of somber-looking doctors and nurses attending to one medical emergency after another? Or are you discouraged by the thought of going through years of extensive schooling?

Well, it’s time someone told you there is more to the healthcare profession than doctors and nurses. There’s a whole army of healthcare professionals who specialize in providing different kinds of patient care. What’s more encouraging is the fact that a lot of these professions don’t require extensive training or years of schooling.

Among these lesser known medical warriors are respiratory therapists or RTs. Respiratory therapists provide treatment, evaluation, and care to patients who are suffering from breathing or cardiopulmonary disorders.

They work with physicians in the cardiopulmonary or respiratory care department of a hospital, clinic, or home health services center. Among their many duties are:

Diagnosing breathing disorders.
Recommending appropriate treatment.
Conducting physical examination of patients.
Managing ventilators and other breathing devices.
Educating patients and their families about breathing disorders.

If you think becoming a Respiratory Therapist is your cup of tea, you need to start planning early. Maintaining good grades in biology, chemistry, physics, and math through high school could hold the key to becoming a Respiratory Therapist.

A strong foundation in these subjects will ensure that you sail smoothly through college. Although you can get started with an Allied Health degree, there are direct programs that train you specifically for a career in Respiratory Therapy and may be a good choice for interested candidates.

Two-year training programs leading to an Associate’s degree in Respiratory Therapy are offered by community colleges, career schools, hospitals, and the armed forces. An Associate’s degree comprises both classroom instruction as well as clinical training. In fact, clinical training is a very important component of any Respiratory Therapy program as it allows students to work in real life situations in a healthcare environment.

Although entry-level jobs can be attained with an Associate’s degree, a Bachelor’s degree in Respiratory Care indicates a higher level of expertise and may be necessary for professional growth as well as for accessing roles with greater complexity. A Bachelor’s Respiratory Care program also comprises courses in management and non-clinical aspects of healthcare.

Some of the topics you can expect to learn en route to becoming a Respiratory Therapist are Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology, Pulmonary Anatomy & Physiology, Airway Management, Microbiology & Decontamination, Respiratory Care Protocols, Mechanical Ventilation Management, etc. Respiratory Therapists require a license from the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) to practice in all U.S. states except Alaska and Hawaii. The board offers two types of credentials:

Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT): This license is offered to RTs who graduate from accredited entry-level or advanced programs and also pass a licensure examination.

Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT): This license is offered to CRTs who graduate from an advanced accredited program and pass two separate examinations. RTs who desire supervisory positions require an RRT.

In addition to these NBRC-conferred licenses, all practicing respiratory therapists need to obtain and maintain a certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (or CPR). Once you have the desired qualifications and necessary licensure, you can explore employment possibilities in a wide range of healthcare settings.


How aromatherapy works.
There are two ways in which is essential oils can be absorbed into the bloodstream.

1) Through the skin
Essential oils are absorbed into the body through the skin, by means of diffusion. As the skin is semi-permeable, the essential oils can be absorbed through the sweat pores and the hair follicle. Being fat soluble, the oil dissolves in sebum, produced by the sebaceous glands and passes into the dermis through the capillary network. They are then carried by the blood and lymphatic system throughout the body. This action is enhanced by massage.
Along with having positive effects on all internal systems, essential oils have amazing qualities to address many external conditions, such as skin imbalances. The therapeutic values of essential oils vary greatly from one oil to the next, while at the same time many share qualities. This is why essential oils are used widely in skincare products. These precious oils are often used to treat rosacea, acne, eczema and psoriasis. A skin condition by definition doesnt need to be present to appreciate the exquisite value of essential oils. They are also valuable additions to skincare products for those with oily skin, sensitive skin, dry skin, mature skin and even normal skin. Essential oils are now commonly found in good skincare products, including cleansers and facial washes, toners, moisturisers and masks.

2) Through Respiration.
Being Volatile, the Essential Oils quickly and easily become gaseous in nature. These molecules are inhaled and pass through the respiratory system until reaching the alveoli. This is where gaseous exchange takes place. The alveoli are surrounded by a network of capillaries and a membrane of simple epithelial cells. The inhaled essential oil molecules diffuse through this membrane and are transported in tissue fluids. The essential oil molecules can also dissolve in mucous in the inner nasal cavity or be transported to the olfactory nerves by electrochemical message.

Essential oils have three distinct modes of action:
Pharmacological action- the reaction with hormones and enzymes.
Physiological effect – the physical effect on all systems of the body, including its largest organ, the skin.
Psychological effect – how it affects the mind, i.e. sense of well-being, calms the mind.

Purity of Essential Oils
The most common method used to check the purity of essential oils is gas liquid chromatography (GLC). Chromatography is a method of separating substances in a mixture, showing its chemical make-up. A small quantity of essential oil is injected and to a fine, coiled, tubular column and is filled with an absorbent material. The coil has gas flowing through it and is fitted within a temperature- controlled oven. The heat causes the lighter components to be carried along the column more quickly. The time it takes for each component to pass along the column is called retention time. The reading for each batch is compared with an original copy and any variances may indicate that the essential oil has been adulterated. Each essential oil is then given a certificate stating its authenticity and batch number confirming its purity.

An Ultimate Guide To Prevent Illness In Spring

Spring season is the time for budding leaves and flowers. It is indeed one of the most exciting and long awaited times of the year. It is a beautiful season of flowers. Spring months are blooming months and they signify new beginnings. It enriches natural beauty as there is lush greenery everywhere. It is in fact a season full of transformations. However due to the extreme weather conditions people find the heat quite intolerable and detestable. Spring has its own set of health hazards. Yes, during spring people are vulnerable to many illnesses.

How to prevent illness in spring:

The following are the essential preventive measures to be undertaken to prevent springtime illnesses.

1. To prevent common illnesses like cold, flu, hay fever, allergies and upper respiratory tract infections it is important that you wash your hands frequently and sneeze into a handkerchief in order to avoid spread of infection. It is also necessary that you eat a well-balanced healthy diet and exercise regularly. You should increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables which are rich in antioxidants. Include fish in liberal quantities which in fact is a good source of omega 3 fatty acid.

2. On account of the rise in temperature spring dermatitis is also a common condition. This can be prevented by applying a sunscreen lotion and eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. This protects your skin from the potentially harmful effects of UV rays.

3. Illness due to excessive internal heat like dry and cracked lips, throat infection and constipation can be combated effectively by maintaining a perfect balance between work and rest. One should include more of fresh fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water to flush the toxins from the body.

4. To prevent spring fever one should avoid spicy and greasy food and drink lots of water. Include food stuffs that contain significant amounts of vitamins and essential proteins to give the required energy. A good scalp massage can also alleviate laziness for those engaged in white collar jobs.

5. In order to fight depression and insomnia which are common during spring one can listen to good music or engage in a good workout session. One can also engage in outdoor activities to breathe the fresh air. Breathing fresh air and watching nature can alleviate depression.

6. You are also prone to Lyme disease as you spend most of your time outdoors in spring. Ticks that carry Lyme disease are potentially active during the spring months. Wearing protective clothing can prevent you from contracting this disease. You can also spray tick repellents on your clothing and skin and most of all ensure that your home is tick-free.

7. A spring healthy diet should be loaded with disease fighting vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to prevent illness. Include lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains which are packed with essential nutrients. Remember fruits and vegetables are low in calories but rich in nutrients. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and healthy in spring.


Living a healthy lifestyle and acquiring good habits also contributes towards preventing various illnesses related to spring. With the above preventative measures you can enjoy the beauty of spring and stay healthy too.

Asthma A Respiratory Disorder

Asthma is a respiratory disorder characterized by frequent wheezing, labored breathing, sense of chest congestion and frequent attacks of coughing and gasping. It is a disease of the respiratory system in which the airways narrow down often in response to a trigger meaning exposure to cold air, exercise, allergen or emotional stress. These symptoms of asthma can range from mild to life threatening and can be controlled by drugs and separate lifestyle changes.

This disorder is a chronic inflammatory condition in which the airways develop increased responsiveness to various stimuli and are characterized typically by bronchial hyper-responsiveness, increased mucus production, intermittent airway obstruction and frequent inflammation.

Diagnosis of asthma

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms you should visit the physician for proper diagnosis. Asthma is strongly suspected if a patient suffers from eczema or several other allergic conditions and already has a family history of asthma.

However diagnosis of asthma involves the following factors:

In children it begins with developed breathing problems, history of nasal stiffness [rhinitis], itchy eyes [allergic conjunctivitis] and eczema.
For adults it involves listening to the lungs with stethoscope and examination of nasal passages.
Blood tests and sputum studies are also great ways to diagnosis for asthma.
Spirometry is breathing test, which measures the amount, and rate at which air can pass through airways.
Exercise challenge tests and metacholine inhalation tests are also great procedures to evaluate airway responsiveness.

Asthma and pregnancy

Asthmatic women can face serious problem during pregnancy. If they do not take proper care, asthma can attack both the mother as well as the fetus inside the mother. Therefore uncontrolled asthma in pregnant women often lead to complications like premature birth, low birth weight and maternal blood pressure changes.

Following are brief ways pregnant women can take care of their asthma:

The expectant mother should remain active and sleeping throughout the night.
Pregnant women with asthma should do some regular exercises under the supervision of their physicians.
The pregnant mother should avoid medications like iodides, aspirin or ASA products, tetracycline, sulfonamides and antihistamines.

Treatments for asthma

Asthma can be treated with two types of medicines that include quick-relief medicines and long-term control medicines. While quick relief medicines should be taken during the first signs of asthma, the long-term medicines are taken every day usually over long periods of time to prevent symptoms and asthma attacks.

Following are the various treatments for asthma:

Children with moderate or severe asthma should know to use a peak flow meter to help keep asthma under control.
Medicines are the best treatments along with inhalers. However, medicines like beta-blockers used for treating high blood pressure and glaucoma, nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin should be avoided.
Regular physical activity is important to reduce asthma.

You should manage your asthma to remain fit and healthy in life.

Asthma – Symptoms and Treatments

Asthma is a chronic disorder related to the respiratory system which leads to inflammation of the bronchial tubes. Asthma causes constriction and inflammation of the air passage, thus making it difficult to breath. Causes for asthma are associated with chemical, genetic and environmental factors. Some common factors which trigger asthma include infections like flu and colds, food allergies, pollen, dust mites, allergies to certain drugs, and irritants like dust and cigarette smoke. Whenever someone is exposed to these triggering factors, their body releases histamine as well as other agents. This leads to inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which in turn causes narrowing and clogging of the air passages. This leads to symptoms which include wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing.

Some Indications of Asthma Attacks:

During a severe asthmatic attack, a series of changes occur in the lungs as well as air passages which contribute to developing the symptoms of asthma attacks. Inflammation, excessive mucus production and bronchospasm can cause different symptoms of asthma attacks which comprise of wheezing, coughing and breathlessness. Symptoms of asthma attacks could vary in duration and severity. Early symptoms of asthma attacks include headaches, an itchy throat, chronic cough, wheezing, difficulty in talking and breathing, chest tightness and a disturbed sleeping pattern. Wheezing is one of the most frequently observed symptoms of asthma attacks. A mild asthma attack is common and is curable within a couple of hours of treatment.

A severe asthma attack is not very frequent. However, it could last longer as well as need urgent medical attention. The symptoms of severe asthma attacks occur gradually and could turn worse in 6 – 48 hours. Some symptoms that indicate the worsening of asthma attacks include fatigue, low peak expiratory flow rate, restlessness, increased wheezing and an increased pulse rate.

In severe cases of asthma attacks, patients could experience life-threatening symptoms such as nasal flaring, pain in the chest, breathlessness, difficulty in talking, sweating, and an increased pulse and heartbeat. A very severe asthma attack may also result in respiratory arrest or perhaps death. An asthma attack is regarded as a medical emergency and needs urgent medical attention.

Treatment for Asthma Attacks:

Asthma attacks symptoms might appear similar to other respiratory disorders including bronchitis, emphysema and respiratory tract infections. Therefore, an exact diagnosis of asthma is necessary, to decide on the treatment option. The severity of asthma symptoms can be monitored with pulmonary function tests such as nitric oxide measurement, peak flow reading, spirometry and pulse oximetry. Asthma treatment is focused on managing the symptoms, and maintaining the proper functioning of the lungs as well as preventing a severe asthma attack. Oral corticosteroids, methylxanthines, leukotriene inhibitors such as montelukast and zileuton, and short-acting beta agonists could be used to lower the inflammation caused during an acute asthma attack. The use of HFA (hydrofluoroalkane) inhalers helps to control breathlessness. In case of life threatening symptoms, mechanical ventilation and intubation are important to help in breathing.

Benefits Of Steam Bath

Steam bath is a good way of helping with any respiratory ailment you may be suffering from as the steam helps to remove allergens and mucus that have got into the lungs. For a long time now doctors have always advised patients to use steam in helping with any respiratory problems that they may have. The benefits of a steam bath are that this allows the person inhaling the steam to take in larger concentrations than they would get just by using a vaporizer which provides them with the maximum benefits of such a treatment.

A steam bath uses steam to generate temperature and humidity and the combination of heat and humidity is what makes it beneficial for many people. For people with respiratory problems the steam gives them a measure of relief from their suffering. While the temperature raises within a steam baths the steam bath don’t get as hot as saunas. This is more suitable to those that are looking for relief from respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, or even a simple stuffy nose.

Steam bath is a very useful method for the elimination of toxins from the body by inducing profuse perspiration. This is a foolproof method of increasing the metabolic rate and reducing weight. It is very effective and widely used method in reducing weight without spending lot of money.Excess should be avoided and moderation exercised in this matter. After emerging from the bath, the body should be wiped with a wet cloth, or a cold bath should be taken. The body feels light and sprightly after a steam-bath.

A good sweat is excellent for healthy skin. Dermatologists understand the benefits of steam to create a beautiful, healthy glow. Serious sweating washes the skin better than soap and water since it unlocks the pores and lets deep-seated grime along with dead cells to be washed out. Also a steam bath increases the blood circulation to the skin contributing to a healthy, glowing manifestation, you will glisten!

In a steam bath it is moist heat. The steam bath uses a steam generator. The sauna has very low humidity, whereas the steam bath has high humidity. In a steam bath the steam builds up to create a humidity level of around 100%. Because of the humidity factor the heat in the sauna is far higher than that of the steam bath. The difference in temperature can be anywhere from 40C to 60C.

The health benefits of either depend upon what you want. Both steam baths and sauna are good to unwind and relax. They both help to cleanse by sweating. They are both good for blood circulation.

There may be issues that need to be addressed before installing a steam shower in your bathroom. The purpose of the steam room is to generate humidity and heat. While these can be beneficial to us, they can be destructive to materials that are not water and heat resistant. Bathroom walls, floors, and ceilings should be made of tile, sealed stone, cedar, or treated wood. Untreated wood can not resist moisture or mildew and will become warped over time.

Infant Respiratory Distress Caused by Collapsed Alveoli

Infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) have trouble breathing because the lungs don’t work properly. The alveoli, which are the tiny air sacs inside of the lungs, collapse, which makes it hard for the infant to breathe. Common in premature infants – those born six weeks or more before their due date – RDS is the result of a lack of surfactant, which is a naturally occurring substance that coats the lungs and is secreted by the alveoli. When there isn’t enough surfactant at birth, infants can experience respiratory distress because the alveoli cannot reopen after they collapse. This can result in the infant not having enough oxygen, thereby complicating organ functions. Surfactant is usually produced just a few weeks before birth, which is why respiratory distress is common in premature infants.

Sometimes a membrane, called a hyaline membrane, forms around the air sacs in the lungs. This makes it even more difficult for oxygen to reach the tiny blood vessels around the alveoli. That’s why infant RDS is sometimes called hyaline membrane disease.

An infant who experiences respiratory distress due to collapsed alveoli should be treated as soon as RDS is diagnosed. This typically will happen directly after birth. Infants with respiratory distress need specialized care in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Babies in the NICU receive care from doctors and nurses who specialize in treating infant respiratory distress disorders, among others.

Once in the NICU, infants with respiratory distress need immediate help with their breathing and restoring proper alveoli function. This can be achieved through a variety of different treatments and therapies. For example, an infant with respiratory distress might receive pulmonary surfactant replacement therapy, which involves administering artificial surfactants. These are administered until the infant is able to produce surfactant on his or her own, and the lungs and alveoli become more developed.

Artificial pulmonary surfactants are typically administered through a tube that sends the medication directly into the infant’s lungs. Ideally, the infant will be able to breathe easier in days and weeks following surfactant therapy. Another treatment option is for infants with respiratory distress to receive breathing support from a mechanical ventilator or a nasal continuous positive airway pressure machine (NCPAP).

Surfactant therapy should only be administered by medical professionals within the confines of an NICU. Parents should talk with their child’s doctor about specific instructions after the baby is released from the NICU and has completed his or her respiratory distress treatment.

How To Stop Smokers Cough

If you are a smoker you probably suffer from smokers’ cough. Nearly every smoker has a fit of coughing most every morning But, do you know why this is almost universal among smokers? Knowing this could save your life.

Coughing is your body’s way of trying to expel irritants from your lungs and respiratory tract. Sometimes, when you inhale smoke you will cough. This automatic reflex is an attempt to expel irritating tobacco smoke from your lungs.

But, what we normally call smokers’ cough is something entirely different.

Every day we breathe about 20,000 times. We breathe in air, which is about 78% nitrogen, 20% oxygen, less than 1% argon, and the remainder consists of carbon dioxide and other trace gases. If this is all we breathed in, life would be great. But, we also breathe in various contaminants.

If you’ve ever been in a room with a bright ray of light coming through a window you may have seen dust particles moving through the lighted area. Dust and other particles are also in the air. When we breathe in, these particles also accompany the gases that make up the air.

Our body is designed to deal with these particulate contaminants. Some contaminants are captured by the hairs in our noses. Our respiratory tract also contains tiny hairs called cilia that help capture smaller contaminants. As you breathe, the cilia move back and forth helping to transport contaminants away from the lungs toward the mouth. Otherwise, these contaminants would accumulate in the lungs, blocking the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide and causing irritation of the delicate lung tissues.

When you purposefully smoke, you expose your respiratory track to excessive contaminants and the cilia become overwhelmed and cannot effectively transport all the contaminants away from the lungs. Most of the billions of smoke particles make their way to the lungs and coat and irritate the delegate tissues of the lungs, blocking the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Those particles that are captured by the cilia are not simply dust particles. These contaminants are comprised of over 4000 compounds found in tobacco smoke. Some of these particles paralyze the cilia and some actually destroy the cilia.

After smoking a number of cigarettes during the day, the cilia are stunned and cannot effectively rid the respiratory track of all the contaminants. So, the contaminants sit there, unable to be transported away from the lungs. During the night some of the cilia are able to recover and begin their task of transporting particles away from the lungs.

When you wake up, there is an accumulation of these contaminants ready to be expelled from the respiratory tract. Coughing is the body’s way of expelling these particles. Every day a smoker’s body does it’s very best to clear the airway of contaminating particles by coughing up the accumulated phlegm and particles.

The longer a person smokes, the less capable the cilia are of removing smoke particles and the more dangerous smoking becomes.

The safest way to prevent smokers’ cough is to stop exposing your body to the 4000 dangerous compounds found in tobacco smoke. Quitting smoking can stop smokers’ cough and save your life.

How Can A Personal Trainer Help Me Improve Cardio And Respiratory Functioning

The heart and lungs work together during exercise to provide us with the energy we need to sustain an activity. During exercise your heart pumps blood out to the arteries, which act as transport mediums to deliver the nutrients (namely oxygen) to the working muscles and cells.

Individuals that spend a lot of time doing cardiovascular-type training have more efficient hearts that are capable of delivering greater amounts of nourishment to working tissues with less stress placed on their hearts.

In addition to having a greater amount of working capacity, regular aerobic-type training can help prevent certain diseases and disorders that can impair an individual’s cardiovascular system.

Take a look at the following list of reported benefits of cardiorespiratory fitness. It should make you feel good to know that your physical activities are lengthening your life span and improving your quality of life because you will have more endurance and energy to do what you want to do.
Reported Benefits of Cardiorespiratory Fitness

– Reduction in blood pressure
– Increased HDL-cholesterol (the good one)
– Decreased total cholesterol
– Decreased body fat stores
– Increased aerobic work capacity
– Decreased symptoms of anxiety, and depression
– Increased heart function
– Possible reduction in mortality in post myocardial infarction patients

Beginning and Continuing a Cardiovascular Exercise Program

The following guidelines are tools to use when your trainer and you design an exercise program to train your heart. As with all types of exercise it is important to check with your physician before starting a new fitness routine.
How often should you work out? The ideal is 3-5 days per week. For optimum health results and to improve cardiovascular fitness, try to exercise aerobically at least three days per week with no more than two days rest in between sessions.

At a minimum, you can work with a personal trainer one day a week and two days on your own. If you can work in five days in a week, that is great! However, do not feel defeated or quit if you miss a day or two in a week. This happens to everyone. Just get back to your regular schedule when you can. It is better to exercise a little than not at all.

How long should each workout be? A cardio workout should be between 20 and 90 minutes a session. Trainers usually recommend a 50-60 minute session to get optimal results. If you cannot get to the gym, jog for at least 20 minutes. Or do interval training, in which you alternate between a faster jog or run and a slower paced walk. If take a 20-minute walk, walk at a pace fast enough so it is not a leisurely stroll.

As with most things in life, consistency is key. Put your workout times into your calendar like you would any important appointment or meeting. Make cardio exercise part of your life. Your trainer can help you do that. He or she will encourage you to work at a comfortable pace, never do anything that hurts, and the most important training rule — have fun! Enjoy your cardio program and you will also keep your heart healthy.

Basic Facts That Client Should Acknowledge Regard Asbestos Litigation Cases

If asbestos illness has been tort you or a member of family then you must consult with asbestos attorney in order to make litigation. Asbestos is forming from natural mineral that, in the middle of the twentieth century, was commonly used as a material in buildings. Asbestos is affordable and effective with enormous amount of resources. Although the researcher found that the inhalation of asbestos fibers would leads to serious diseases, employers tried to hide this information in order to continue its use. Recently, laws of asbestos have been made to control the use of this dangerous mineral.

Approximately 10 million workers are estimated have been exposed to asbestos by the year 1978 and that by 1970, construction of building had used 25 million tons of asbestos. Asbestos exposure is mostly happened when the workers cut the materials that contain asbestos, sawn or broken; it makes the fibers being released into the air. Everyone involved in these processes is immediately in danger.

In the 1920s the industry related asbestos had known about the dangerous effects of asbestos, but the companies take no action to protect employees or their relatives. By this time, insurance industry had even started to raise their premiums payment on the asbestos industry employees but companies chose to save company profit healthy above their workers healthy.

As time goes by, many people within the company related asbestos learned of the dangers of asbestos but it was a few years before the company did nothing about it. It is only fairly recently that the company implemented measurement of safety and proper health to stop asbestos exposure. Any asbestos law firm or asbestos attorney can advice you whether you had the right to continue with lawsuit related asbestos and whether you were didnt deserve to put at risk.

Many fatal and non-fatal illnesses are linked with the asbestos exposure. Many illnesses related asbestos has proven as a fatal disease for the victims. Mesothelioma is cancer form which is mainly caused by asbestos fibers exposure. Other ailment related asbestos are lung cancer and asbestosis. When asbestos enters the lungs because of respiration, these fibers become caught. In turn these fibers cause the lungs capability decrease because of injury in tissue. Its also decrease the lungs’ capability to take enough oxygen from respiration. If you are the asbestos victims and suffers any of these ailment, and you haven’t recovered yet, so, contact an Asbestos Attorney as fast as you can; you might be the one who have the right to pursue asbestos litigation.