An Ultimate Guide To Prevent Illness In Spring

Spring season is the time for budding leaves and flowers. It is indeed one of the most exciting and long awaited times of the year. It is a beautiful season of flowers. Spring months are blooming months and they signify new beginnings. It enriches natural beauty as there is lush greenery everywhere. It is in fact a season full of transformations. However due to the extreme weather conditions people find the heat quite intolerable and detestable. Spring has its own set of health hazards. Yes, during spring people are vulnerable to many illnesses.

How to prevent illness in spring:

The following are the essential preventive measures to be undertaken to prevent springtime illnesses.

1. To prevent common illnesses like cold, flu, hay fever, allergies and upper respiratory tract infections it is important that you wash your hands frequently and sneeze into a handkerchief in order to avoid spread of infection. It is also necessary that you eat a well-balanced healthy diet and exercise regularly. You should increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables which are rich in antioxidants. Include fish in liberal quantities which in fact is a good source of omega 3 fatty acid.

2. On account of the rise in temperature spring dermatitis is also a common condition. This can be prevented by applying a sunscreen lotion and eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. This protects your skin from the potentially harmful effects of UV rays.

3. Illness due to excessive internal heat like dry and cracked lips, throat infection and constipation can be combated effectively by maintaining a perfect balance between work and rest. One should include more of fresh fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water to flush the toxins from the body.

4. To prevent spring fever one should avoid spicy and greasy food and drink lots of water. Include food stuffs that contain significant amounts of vitamins and essential proteins to give the required energy. A good scalp massage can also alleviate laziness for those engaged in white collar jobs.

5. In order to fight depression and insomnia which are common during spring one can listen to good music or engage in a good workout session. One can also engage in outdoor activities to breathe the fresh air. Breathing fresh air and watching nature can alleviate depression.

6. You are also prone to Lyme disease as you spend most of your time outdoors in spring. Ticks that carry Lyme disease are potentially active during the spring months. Wearing protective clothing can prevent you from contracting this disease. You can also spray tick repellents on your clothing and skin and most of all ensure that your home is tick-free.

7. A spring healthy diet should be loaded with disease fighting vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to prevent illness. Include lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains which are packed with essential nutrients. Remember fruits and vegetables are low in calories but rich in nutrients. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and healthy in spring.


Living a healthy lifestyle and acquiring good habits also contributes towards preventing various illnesses related to spring. With the above preventative measures you can enjoy the beauty of spring and stay healthy too.