Cancer is a large group of different diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth. In cancer, cells divide and grow uncontrollably, forming malignant tumors, and invade nearby parts of the body.
Ayurvedic treatment of cancer centers on the principle of rejuvenation. As a different approach to the treatment of cancer, Ayurveda supports the process of purification in order to bring about a thorough rejuvenation in the afflicted person’s cellular structure.
The prime cause of cancer is not known. Certain cancer-causing substances, known as carcinogens,caused by environmental factors. The consumption of pan, betel nut, tobacco and slaked lime has been linked with cancer of the tongue, lips, mouth and throat. Cigarette and cigar smoking and hukka puffing are linked with lung and throat cancers. Heavy consumption of alcoholic drinks can cause oesophagal, stomach and liver cancers.Occupational exposure to industrial pollutants such as asbestos, nickel, tar, soot and high doses of X-Rays can lead to skin and lung cancers and leukaemia.
The cancerous tumor is dissolved totally by means of Ras-Rasayan Medicines and Panch-karma.
In the process of liquefaction of well defined tumor gets converted into an uneven mass.Sometimes there may be increase in the size of tumor in the reports, due to irregular shape of liquefied tumor.No surgical process is used in dissolving or extracting the tumor is slowly absorbed by the veins and lymphatic, expelled out of the body. This liquefaction will lead to drying up of tumor. The entire process takes 3 to 4 months to complete. If the tumor is affected on the bone, it may take a longer period. There will be no need of chemo and radiotherapy.
The diet should be maintained and controlled during the medication period. Another important aspect of diet is maintaining the energy level of the food.
One of the best ayurvedic treatment centre for cancer care in india is Ayur Palana Ayurveda Hospital,Palakkad,Kerala.Here the patients can get best naturl treatment for cancer at affordable prices.This is a unique institution where one can also have modern medical facilities with advanced diagnosis and therapeutic techniques with Ayurveda. Ayurvedic Hospital is currently giving treatment for all general diseases, including the ones which do not find effective treatment in modern medicine.
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