Flax Seed Why Eskimos Has Lower Heart Diseases

Why Eskimos Has Lower Heart Diseases?
Researchers started to focus on omega 3 fatty acids in early 80s when studies found that Eskimos had a lower rate of heart diseases despite consuming a higher-fat diet rich in fish. Fish oil contains Omega-3 which reduces heart diseases. However, in today’s polluted world, it is recommended that we take flax seed oil instead for a proper balanced ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6.

What Is Omega-3?
What are omega 3’s and what are the best omega 3 sources? The omega 3 essesential fatty acids (EFA’s) are polyunsaturated fats or the so-called “good fats”. These desirable fats cannot be made by the human body, so they must be obtained from foods or supplemental sources. These fats are required for normal development of the brain, eyes and nerve tissue in humans. Clinical studies show that omega 3 benefits come primarily from DHA.

Sources of Omega-3
The best omega 3 sources are animal foods, not plant sources. For example, flaxseed is a source, but the body must convert the flax oil omega 3 into DHA and EPA. This can be difficult for unhealthy or elderly persons. Three of the top omega 3 sources are cold-water fish oil, Flax Seeds and natural eggs.

Omega-3 Reduces Cardiovascular Diseases
The omega-3 fatty acids that are of particular interest for cardiovascular care include EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which are found predominantly in fish and fish oils.1,2,3 The basis of this heightened interest in dietary intakes of EPA and DHA comes partly from epidemiological and population studies4 indicating that increased consumption of fish as a source of omega-3 fatty acids is often associated with decreased mortality from cardiovascular disease.

Flax Seed and Omega-3
We also recommend eating flax seeds and other forms of soybeans, canola, walnut and flaxseed, and their oils. These contain alpha-linolenic acid (LNA), which can become omega-3 fatty acid in the body. The extent of this modification is modest and controversial, however. More studies are needed to show a cause-and-effect relationship between alpha-linolenic acid and heart disease. That is why, many doctors recommend that their patients take their daily dose of flax seed oil.

Benefits of Flax Seed oil
The ways that omega-3 fatty acids reduce CVD risk are still being studied. However, research has shown that they

1. Decrease risk of arrhythmias, which can lead to sudden cardiac death
2. Decrease triglyceride levels
3. Decrease growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque
4. Lower blood pressure (slightly)

The scientific evidence about whether omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) is suggestive, but not conclusive. Studies in the general population have looked at diets containing fish and it is not known whether diets or omega-3 fatty acids in fish may have a possible effect on a reduced risk of CHD. Flaxseed Lowers Cholesterol too!

Omega-3 Improves Respiratory In Children
An analysis of 10 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and nine other studies addressed the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on respiratory outcomes. The AHRQ could not conclude whether omega-3 fatty acids are an efficacious adjuvant or monotherapy in improving respiratory outcomes in adults or children.

With so much health benefits associated with Flax Seed, we do urge you to find out more about flax seeds. Do visit our site at http://www.flaxseedfitness.com for more flax seed benefits.