Irritability of Eyelid Eczema

Eyelid eczema can be irritating and upsetting. It is a chronic skin disease that is affecting the eyelids which makes them itchy, red, inflamed, scaly and a burning sensation. Certain things that trigger eyelid eczema include allergens and irritants such as dust mites, mold, pollen and animal dander. Some treatments you could do at home include, wash bed sheets in warm water often, use only hypo-allergenic bedding, use air filters, and vacuum frequently. You may also want to steer clear of eye makeup and makeup removers as such may aggravate making the eczema worse. The most common remedy for the eyelids is corticosteroids, side affects are rare with this however if they are used for a prolonged use of time you may feel a change in appetite, sleep issues, uneasyness, anxiousness, and upset stomach. As your body gets used to the drug these symptoms should go away. Corticosteroids can interact with certain pills like diabetic, heart, blood thinners and oestrogen drugs so you will have to be cautious if you are on any drugs for such fitness disorders. Most of time a topical prescription medication is prescribed however if it’s real bad, the doctor might want to do photo-therapy that is often a light treatment. Some people would prefer to try a home remedy and some of these include, putting on coconut oil to help the skin continue to be soft, using a cold compress, put mash almond leaves in water and apply to the area, mash papaya seeds and apply for itching and witch hazel. Among the most critical thing would be to scrub your facial area with gentle soaps made just for delicate skin or use baby shampoo to scrub with. Always apply some kind of a light moisturizer. An inexpensive alternative moisturizer such as petroleum jelly, that may be purchased at just about any stores can be put on at night before bed however ensure you wear gloves to bed to prevent scratching in the sleep.

Wendy Bishop an ex-eczema sufferer invites you to point your browsers to this Eczema Treatment, where you will find FREE information that will show you different methods of curing eczema safely and effectively.

Don’t waste any more time and get the benefits from this wonderful offer. Visit this Eczema Treatment website, everybody deserves to be free from Eczema. Act now!!