Oil Of Oregano Nature’s Miraculous Medicine

Can you imagine an amazing herb strong enough to sterilize sewage water, but gentle enough not to harm human tissue? Most of us are very familiar with this herb as it is used for flavoring in cooking. Now more of us are realizing the incredible health benefits of this herb when it is delivered in essential oil form. Essential oils work far faster than teas and many times faster than capsules and are readily digestible and quickly absorbed and assimilated into our physical system. We all have heard of oregano as it is used on our pizza. Now we can realize the health benefits of oregano in essential oil form.

The results of research done in 1910 by W.H. Martindale, lead him to conclude that “the essential oil of oregano is the most powerful plant-derived antiseptic known.” Research in 1977 done by Dr. Belaniche resulted in his “oregano Index” against which all other antibacterial substances are compared. Oil of Oregano is the closest to being the ideal antibacterial agent. Dr. Blaiche states “Among the more active of oils, Oregano is the best of the best. The essential oil of oregano has always provided me with amazing results in treating infectious diseases. Dr. Jean Valnet who is a French authority on the use and benefits of essentials oils, states that essential oils “proved to be many times more effective at killing pathogenic microorganisms than antibiotics.”

An active ingredient of oil of oregano is carvacrol which has been found to help relieve upper respiratory infections such as colds and sinus infections. It potently inhibits platelet aggression which is a risk factor in blood clot formation that is a major cause of strokes and heart attacks. Oil of oregano, in one study, was found to reduce melanoma by 50% in vitro. Oil of oregano has powerful anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties. This is important because parasites and viruses, like yeasts, cannot be treated successfully by antibiotics. In a 1966 study published in Medical sciences Research, it was shown that oil of oregano killed RNA and DNA viruses such as sold sores, genital herpes, and shingles. This makes it a very beneficial for treating the conditions of colds and flu. Oil of oregano is significantly effective in treating various forms of harmful parasites. Oil of oregano is an effective digestive aid. Oil of oregano has also been found to surpass prescription synthetic anti-inflammatory drugs in it’s effectiveness in relieving and reversing pain and has been said to be almost as powerful as morphine. Oil of oregano has been shown to strengthen the immune system. As an antioxidant, it halts the formation of cholesterol which is responsible for arteriosclerosis, i.e. hardening of the arteries.

An extra advantage of oil of oregano is that it can be used either topically or internally, depending upon the need and target ailment e.g. acne, allergies, arthritis, asthma, athlete’s foot, blood clots, bronchitis, candida, canker sores, colds, flu, constipation, croup, dandruff, diarrhea, digestive disorders, earaches, fatigue, fungal infection, gastrointestinal infection, gum disease, hay fever, headaches, inflammation, insect bites, menstrual irregularities, muscle pain parasites, psoriasis, ringworm, rosacea, seborrhea, sinusitis, thrombus, toenail fungus, and immune system.

Often known as a cooking herb, there is much more to oregano when it is used in essential oil form .It’s long list of health benefits makes it one of nature’s best kept secrets, a natural health aid that is a remarkably miraculous and versatile medicine. If we are suffering from any the before mentioned health ailments, we would be well served to explore the healing properties of this miraculous herb, oil of oregano.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Chlorella

Chlorella is a single-celled, blue-green algae noted for its nutrient-richness, its ability to support detoxification and its role as a complete food. It is in fact one of the worlds greatest superfoods, making available much of the nutrition we require to maintain good health. Its broad spectrum of protein, carbohydrate and vitamin content makes it a highly useful supplement for people following a vegetarian or vegan diet. Chlorella is also a popular aid to detoxification and the subsequent maintenance of an optimised system.

Rainforest Foods Chlorella is a variant known as Chlorella vulgaris. It has several major virtues, notably its ability to assist detoxification of the body. It appears to bind to the toxic chemicals we absorb through eating, drinking and respiration, ushering them away through excretion. Conversely, it seems able to recognise nutrients valuable to the system and leave them in place.

Within the cell wall is Chlorella growth factor (CGF), a powerful immune system stimulator that aids the bodys natural defences against viruses and cancer and helps damaged tissue heal. CGF is primarily composed of nucleic acid derivatives such as RNA and DNA, which help govern cell growth, reproduction and repair.

In addition to assisting toxin removal, Chlorella carries a multitude of valuable nutrients into the body. It delivers vitamins A, C, E and the vitamin K complex. It also provides most of the B vitamins, including folic acid. This latter is well known as a desirable supplement for pregnant women as it supports healthy foetal development. Chlorella is a useful source of slow-release proteins, as well as essential minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous and chlorophyl.

The role of Chlorella as a digestion aid is less celebrated, but no less important. Thanks to the presence of enzymes such as pepsin and chlorophyllase it fosters healthy gut flora to optimize the digestion of food and removal of waste. This ability to promote healthy food processing while providing valuable food elements boosts the immune system in its own right. As an optimiser of the human system, Chlorella has few peers.

Health benefits of Chlorella

It helps optimise the gastro-intestinal system, protecting against and aiding recovery from ulcers, colitis, Chrohns disease and diverticulosis
It boosts the immune system, and promotes the bodys production of infection-preventing interferons
It aids cholesterol control
It helps optimise heart function
It helps normalise blood sugar
It aids the maintenance of healthy muscle and bone structure

Chlorella has a tough cell wall. This helps with detoxification, binding a variety of toxins to it and helping the body eliminate them. However, the cell wall also acts as a barrier, reducing the amount of nutrients within the cell that are available to the body. In Rainforest Foods chlorella the cell wall is broken using a high impact jet spraying process that maintains the nutritional integrity of the cell contents. This means that the nutrients within the cell are both accessible and undamaged.