Healthy Foods In Orange Can Prevent Heart Disease Too!

Eating fruit and vegetables is undoubtedly one of the best and surest ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Fruit and vegetables in bright orange can in fact help to boost our immune system as they contain beta carotene and bioflavonoids, which are essential in reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease. They also help maintain good eyesight and glowing skin.

Carrots, oranges, peaches, and pumpkin are a few good representatives for fruit and vegetables in orange.

Carrots are believed to be originated in the Middle East and central Asia. They are considered as root vegetables. Over 100 varieties of carrot are available and they appear in various colors: yellow, purple, white, red, and orange. Raw and cooked carrots are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, folic acid and potassium. Pick and buy those that are boringly colored and firm. Raw or cooked carrots can be eaten alone or as a salad, side dish, and as a dessert. Instead of being thrown away, the head of a carrot can be used to enhance flavor and nutrients to soup and sauces.

Native to China, orange trees have been cultivated in Asia for more than 4,000 years and oranges have become one of the most popular fruits around the world. Oranges are commonly eaten alone but their essential oils and essence are also used in pasties and desserts. Oranges can be incorporated in the recipe of making food such as duck, port and seafood. Oranges can be kept for about a week under room temperature while candid and dried orange peel must be stored in an air-tight container.

Halloween will probably pop up your mind when mentioning pumpkin. Being part of a squash family, the hard and fibrous pumpkin is a great ingredient for soup. It can also used in making desserts such as pumpkin pie and pumpkin jam. During summer, the seasonal crook-neck squash with a light orange hue will avail and it can be used as a main meal. The turban squash which is in deep orange and dark green is an ideal ingredient for desserts because of its nutty, sweet flavors. It is available only during winter.

Velvety on the outside with honey-flavored flesh, peaches are excellent candied, canned, dried, frozen or cooked. Peaches can also used to decorate and flavor cakes, tarts, salads, and yogurt. Due to its easily-spoiled nature, peaches should be handled with care and should be stored in fridge, which can be kept up to 3 to 4 days. Peaches are excellent source of vitamin A and C and niacin whereas dried peaches are rich in iron, zinc, and riboflavin.

In conclusion, eating healthily does not necessarily mean that we have to stick to boring and tasteless meals. Fruits and vegetables can not only add colors and flavors to our meal, but also provide us with a whole lot of nutrition that can help us prevent heart disease as well as other diseases.

Former Heart Surgeon Reveals … How to prevent and even reverse heart disease – without drugs or surgery. Read more about Dr Robert’s confession at:

Tej Kohli Foundation Works To Provide Healthcare To India’s Poorest People

A recent review of public healthcare spending indicates that India ranks 171 out of 175 countries in the amount of money spent. India spends less than 5.2 percent of the GDP – 4.3 percent is contributed by the private sector leaving the government to spend only 0.9 percent on public healthcare.

While India has made great economic strides over the past decade, it is still the poorest country in the world with 51 percent of its population or 844 million people living in oppressive poverty. While the economic development of the country is proceeding at a sound pace, the health of the population is dropping. The urgent need to provide basic healthcare to India’s most impoverished people is a concern of many different humanitarian and religious relief groups.

The Tej Kohli Foundation, a privately funded non-profit humanitarian relief organization based in Guragaon, India, is one of the many charities offering aid and assistance to thousands of India’s poorest children. Compelled by an awareness of the need and by a heartfelt desire to help make the world a healthier, happier place, India born entrepreneur Tej Kohli established the foundation in 2005. Entirely financially funded by Mr. Kohli, the Tej Kohli Foundation attempts to lift the burden of poverty by providing food, educational opportunities, clean drinking water, adequate sanitation and medical services to India’s poorest people.

Tej Kohli, visionary philanthropist, international businessman and chief donor to the Tej Kohli Foundation notes, “Children determine the future. If a country nurtures these children’s talents from a young age, it will be capable of raising its living standards. The Tej Kohli Foundation cannot cater to each and every child in India but we hope our work will encourage our country to unite and make life better for Indian children”.

Staffed by a compassionate group of dedicated volunteers, the Tej Kohli Foundation strives to reduce poverty and illiteracy, launching education and health programs in both India and Costa Rica. The Tej Kohli Foundation operates on the premise that -the desire to help others is a primary human drive that, if harnessed correctly, inestimably benefits those who receive it.- Holding a diverse portfolio of commercial and charitable operations in India, the Americas, the Middle East and Europe, Tej Kohli is an international businessman and compassionate philanthropist; a shining example of -compassion in action.-

“I’m just happy to help spread a little bit of happiness into their lives,” says Tej. “And as we grow we’ll help a lot more people have a chance at a lasting, brighter future.”

Alternative Medicine For Periodontal Disease

Americans are spenidng about $40 billion a year to treat and slow the degeneration of their teeth. Our teeth are designed to last a lifetime, yet today there is an increasing percentage of Americans who wear dentures – party because they are living longer. Between 80 and 90 percent of our population has some gum disease which may already be in the advanced stages by the time they experienced pain.

This is known as periodontal disease (PD), otherwise known as gum disease, a low-grade bacterial infection of the gums, bone, and ligaments that support your teeth. PD can be a very serious bacterial infection that destroys the supporting bone and attachment fibers that hold your teeth in your mouth.

bacteria can become overgrown and form tartar, which produces toxins that provoke the body’s immune response. PD destroys the supporting structure of the teeth and this in turn leads to loss of teeth.

How do you know if you have PD? One sign is bleeding gums. Remember that our tooth sockets are joints, and the teeth are essentially bones. Red, tender, discolored or bleeding gums means you should probably take time to make an appointment with a dentist. If you have a serious case of PD, your dentist may suggest a specialist who will put you on a program for treating PD.

If you have sensitive teeth or gums or minor discomfort from dental work, there are several new all-natural herbal treatments for gums that you can purchase online, which help restore oral health.

Chinese herbal remedies can be integrated with advanced modern scientific techniques to prevent disease before it occurs. Some people use a regime of nightly gum packs made from herbs rolled in gauze, tucked into the corners of the mouth comprised of a combination of turmeric, aloe, willow bark, powdered alum and vitamin E.

Traditionally people used herbal therapies and natural tooth brushes made from twigs and healing plants. Ironically, these primitive brushes actually work well, providing a natural-bristle, disposable brush with healing herbs. In Asia, people often use twigs of the neem tree. These twigs contain volatile oils which stimulate blood circulation, tannins that tighten and cleanse gum tissue. One classic Ayurvedic combination contains two parts powdered potassium alum, an astringent, and one part powdered salt.

North Americans use prickly ash bark and myrrh gum is widely used in the Middle East. Diluted tea tree oil also stimulates circulation and kills germs. For healthier gums, bay, eucalyptus, juniper, oak, fir, all work well.

British herbalist David Hoffmann (The New Holistic Herbal; Element, 1983) suggests using the roots of marshmallow, licorice, horseradish or alfalfa. Herbal medicine and herbal treatments such as natural tooth powders which are warming, removes plaque, and promotes gum circulation.

Natural healers and herbalists from around the world recommend using warming, astringent, connective-tissue-healing herbs which can be used as a rinse or applied as packs. You can try a little powder wetted to a mush with a liquid such as water or vitamin E, and tucked in near the teeth. Herbs such as amla that support the healing and development of connective tissue when taken internally also benefits the gums. Remember that since they must saturate the whole body in order to work on the gums, the healing effect of these tonics may take longer.

Herbs that treat the skeleton and the joints when taken internally are good bets for long-term tooth health. Standouts include yellow dock root, alfalfa leaf, cinnamon bark, and turmeric root. Licorice root helps promotes anti-cavity action, reduces plaque, and has an antibacterial effect. Hawthorn berry and bilberry fruit also help to stabilize collagen, while strengthening the gum’s tissue.

Whole body healing along with a local herbal treatment for gums can dramatically reverse PD. Some of these Chinese herbal remedies not only provide fast-acting relief, but they help to restore internal balance to support healthy teeth and gums.

When you have sensitive teeth or gums, or minor discomfort from dental work, look online for herbal therapies. These all-natural remedies can help restore your body’s natural balance and will promote oral health.