Vitamin A For Acne – Benefits Of Vitamin A To Cure Acne

Vitamin A is not just essential for the health of eyes, but also good for your acne treatment. Maybe only a few of us know that deficiency of vitamin A can cause acne. Vitamin A itself can be found in carrots, bananas, orange, egg yolk and milk. You can also find this Vitamin in animal-based food such as cheese, egg, milk, etc. Keep reading to find more about benefit of Vitamin A for acne treatment.

Benefit of Vitamin A for acne treatment:

a. Natural inhibitor to sebaceous glands.

When your body has enough amount of this vitamin, it will be an inhibitor to sebaceous glands. And the result, production of sebum will be much reduced. As we know, sebum and dead skin cell contribute to cause acne.

b. Antioxidant.

– Vitamin A is very helpful to control acne formation and to improve your skin health and to get rid toxin out of your body.
– This vitamin has a very powerful anti oxidant that gets rid of oxidative stress which is caused by free radicals.

c. Vitamin A helps face pores remove dead skin cell.

d. Vitamin A regulates the production of oil that blocks the face pores.

However, there are things that you should note:

a. Zinc is needed to absorb Vitamin A and help it prevent acne.

b. The daily value of Vitamin A for an adult is 5000 IU. Over dose Vitamin A can cause menstrual problem, liver toxicity, dizziness, vomiting headaches, and nausea.

c. Don’t combine Vitamin A medications with other acne cream since it can lead to dryness.

d. Don’t take vitamin A supplement orally if you are pregnant.

e. Beside Vitamin A, don’t forget to include minerals, Vitamin E, omega, and other nutrition in your diet plan to prevent acne.

Get Rid Of Eczema Using Ingredients In Your Home

Eczema is the name used for a broad range of skin inflammation (dermatitis) and can happen at any age, though its most common in infants. By three years old eczema will disappear in half of infants, the others are stuck with the troublesome condition for life. Some extra skin care and home remedies can go a long way to allowing someone to lead a normal life, even with Eczema. Home remedies may not totally eradicate the problem, but they can prevent the situation from getting worse from continuous itching and drying skin.

1. Vitamin A – 25000 IU per day with food for 10 days to treat flare ups, reduce the dose to 10000 IU for maintenance.Take 30 mg of zinc per day. If you are pregnant or trying to fall pregnant do not exceed 2500 IU per day.

2. To prepare this, only two things are needed: raw oatmeal and a nylon sock. To do this, pour oatmeal onto the nylon sock and tie the end. Soak the sock that contains oatmeal in your bath tub of water until the juices blend in with the water. You’re now ready to relax in the oatmeal bath. This provides you with a soothing feeling.

3. Extra hydration can also be beneficial to help reduce Eczema’s effects. Using a good quality cotton cloth, make multiple folds and drench in cold water then apply to area 2-3 times a day.

4. Vitamin E – 500 IU per day with food. If you are taking anticoagulant drugs consult your doctor first.

5. One of the natural remedies eczema that will relieve you from itch is the mixture of the neem leaves and mustard oil. Neem leaves originated in India but can now be found in the U.S. It is known as a natural immune system booster. To be able to use it for eczema itch, boil the neem leaves in mustard oil until they turn black. Drain the oil and apply it onto the affected area of the skin for at least 4 times a day. Keep the rest of the mixture in a container for future use.

6. Another home remedy is Vitamin E oil. When applied to damp skin after a bath, this oil give great nourishment to the skin and areas of Eczema.

7. Pick your preference of either Vaseline or Crisco. Both will work, but it is up to the individual. Vaseline is petroleum jelly that is separated from refined oil. Crisco is a shortening used in cooking made with soybean oils and/or animal fats. Both will moisten skin nicely.

8. Pull out a container of saran wrap. Wrap the clear plastic wrap around the location of the eczema. Don’t just cover the irritation with saran wrap. Wrap it completely around the limb that is attached to it to be sure that the plastic wrap will stick. You may need help to put the saran wrap on.

Acne Program – Step 10 Vitamins You Should Be Taking


Here are some of the vitamins and minerals you should be taking to help you get rid of acne.

* B6, 25 – 150 mg in a B vitamin complex

* B5 pantothenic acid, 500 – 1000 mg per day

* Vitamin A (water soluble), 50,000 IU – take just before meals. Taking more than 50,000 IU requires a Doctors approval

* Vitamin C, buffered 1000mg three time a day

* Vitamin E, 400 IU two times a day before meals for a total of 800 IU a day.

A word of caution: Do not take more than 50, 000 unit of vitamin A since it can be toxic at higher levels. If you experience any symptoms with 50,000 vitamin back off to 25,000 units.


Here are them most important minerals to take when you have acne.

* Calcium Hydroxyapatite Complex – a tablet after each meal.

* Chromium 200 – 500 ugm or micrograms a day

* Mineral electrolytes

* Zinc gluconate 25 – 60 mg a day (zinc is one of the most important nutrient to add to your diet) Zinc works to reduce the male sex hormone dihyrdrotestosterone (DHT), which in excess will produce acne. Do not take over 100 mg unless you consult with a Doctor.

Word of Caution: After you have gain relief from acne, you can discontinue the use of the above supplements and get back to your normal supplementation program. Continual use of high doses of vitamins and minerals will offset you natural body’s chemical balance and is detrimental to your health in the long run.

Other Supplements

There are seven special supplements that you should consider taking that can help you get rid of acne and to improve your overall health. These supplements will improve your immune system and help to clear and prevent future acne. Look at these supplements and take the one or ones that you feel will give you the most health benefits.

* Oxygen Elements Plus

* Electrolyte Minerals

* Systemic Enzymes

* Digestive enzymes

* Flax Seed Oil

* Lecithin

* Chlorophyll and Lemon

Oxygen Elements Plus (only this nutrient is discussed in this article)

The skin needs plenty of oxygen to keep it clean and free of bacteria. Using a product like Oxygen Elements Plus gives you at least 10-20% more oxygen in your blood. Here’s where to get Oxygen Plus. The plus in this product are added minerals and other nutrients.

Increasing the oxygen in your blood is now a necessity for normal health. Your body needs more oxygen than you presently get from the air you breathe so that your body functions normally.

The amount of oxygen you have in your body that is available to you cells is dependent on many things such as,

* Acid in the body

* Nonfood waste products

* Pathogens in the body

These three items, acid, nonfoods, and pathogens use up your oxygen. The oxygen that is left over is then used for your body’s needs. So the more you have of these three items, the less oxygen you will have to supply your body’s needs. This results in more toxins in the blood and can prevent you having an acne free face.

Bio: Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at: http://www.acne-remedies.for–

Bromelain And Heart Attacks

For years Ive discussed many of the potential dangers involved with taking an aspirin a day to help prevent heart attacks. Now, I want to tell you about an “aspirin substitute”bromelain.
Bromelain is an enzyme extracted from the pineapple plant. It is referred to as a “protease” which means it breaks down proteins, reducing them to their basic building blocks.
Almost 500 years ago, Christopher Columbus and his crew “discovered” the pineapple on the Caribbean Island of Guadeloupe. Even then, they were amazed at its medicinal uses. Natives used the juice to aid in digestion of meat and cure stomachaches. Women used it to beautify their skin and warriors used it to improve the healing of their wounds. Recent research suggests that the pineapple (more specifically bromelain, which is extracted from the stem) may be one of the best tools we can use to help prevent and even treat heart disease.
Atherosclerosis or clogging of the arteries directly accounts for one-half of all the deaths in this country. It kills by cutting off the life-sustaining blood supply to vital organs like the heart, brain and kidneys. Heart attacks result from blockage of small blood vessels supplying the heart muscle and strokes are often the result of a similar blockage to the brain.
Research has continually shown that the clots formed in arteries are composed largely of protein (fibrin). These clots also contain particles of various fats and cholesterol, but the protein mesh of fibrin seems to be the culprit holding the clot together. In fact, clot-busting drugs like streptokinase (marketed as Streptase) and urokinase that have been shown to dissolve 70 percent of the clots in heart patients work by breaking down the protein fibrin! (The enzymes involved break down fibrin not cholesterol. Despite this, everyone still wants to call cholesterol the cause of the problem.)
Bromelain works much the same way as these miracle clot-busting drugs. (Just like streptokinase, bromelain stimulates the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin, which in turn helps break down fibrin clots. (Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn 1981; 254:157-67.) (Med. Hypothesis 1980; 6:1123-33.) (Med. Hypothesis 1980; 6:99-104.) J. Int. Acad. Prev. Med. 1979; Vol. 6, No. 1.)
Even more surprising, bromelain may be able to “clean” arteries of atherosclerotic plaquing before a problem occurs. In an animal study, bromelain broke down arteriosclerotic plaquing before a problem occured. In an animal study, bromelain broke down arteriosclerotic plaque in the aortas of rabbits. (Dissert. Abstr. B 1975; 35 (2 pt) 6013, Ord. No. 75-13, 735.)
Besides breaking down clots, bromelain appears to keep clots from forming in the first place. Explaining this area can get somewhat complicated and confusing (to me anyway). The “stickiness” of your blood cells has a lot to do with clot formation. This “stickiness” is linked to your bodys production of temporary hormones called prostaglandins. Bromelain blocks the production of prostaglandins that keep blood cells from getting too sticky, and promotes the production of those that help circulation. On the other hand, aspirin blocks the production of all prostaglandins, both good and bad!
Bromelain also has been shown to be very effective in treating inflammation, again without the side effects of aspirin or the nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Motrin, Advil, Nuprin, Rufin, Medipren, Midol, etc. In fact, even the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis has been effective using 2250 mg. of bromelain twice daily between meals. In one study, over 70 percent of those on the program experienced good to excellent results of less joint swelling, less pain and more mobility. (Pennsyl. Med. J. 64; 67:27-30.)
Bromelain is sold in health food stores everywhere as a digestive aid and is generally considered very sage without any known side effects. After all, it comes from pineapple juice which again has been used medicinally for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
Most studies Ive reviewed recommended between 2,000 and 4,000 mg. daily. When used for inflammation and the other reasons Ive described, it is best taken between meals. Some authorities recommend taking at least 500 IU of vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) along with bromelain to prevent harmful clogging of the arteries due to sticky blood cells.
Bromelain use is another one of those therapies you wont hear much about because theres not much money to be made in pineapple extracts. You can bet, however, that drug companies are studying bromelain very closely. Anything that works this well for so many problems, without side effects, would be the ideal starting point for some new medications.

For more information, visit

Weeping Eczema – Herbal Remedies For Eczema

Eczema is a skin disease that has a visible and common symptom of severe itching. Weeping eczema has a very peculiar symptom that leads to color alteration and change in the skin texture as compared to predictable types of eczema symptoms such as dry and itchy skin, along with redness and inflammation.

Vitamin E – 500 IU per day with food. If you are taking anticoagulant drugs consult your doctor first.

Emollients. These are available as lotions, creams, soaps and oils. They are easy to use but use them sparingly. They help in keeping the water in the skin. It prevents dryness, flaking and removes skin debris and dirt that may cause complications.

Many people aren’t aware of emollients-they are basically a skin cream that is based on fat-which sounds gross, but it has great properties as an Eczema home treatment. An emollient works by both moisturising the skin and sealing it, thus preventing any moisture escaping from the layers of skin below. This can work wonders, because as we said, moist and supple skin is less likely to itch and flake.

There are a number of ointments that treat skin disorders found in various regions of the skin. If you are affected by scalp eczema, you can consult your physician and start using an appropriate ointment on your scalp. Some ointments are an effective form of eczema scalp treatment. You can rub the ointment on the scalp before going to bed and wash it off the next morning.

The aim of this home treatment is to counter the drying effect that eczema has on your skin. Skin dryness also aggravates itching and irritation. Moisturizing will also reduce the flare-ups. Moisturizing is done both within and without.

coconut oil on the affected area of the skin will create a soothing treatment for eczema. It is important to keep skin moisturized to keep it supple.Eczema is a skin disease that has a visible and common symptom of severe itching. Weeping eczema has a very peculiar symptom that leads to color alteration and change in the skin texture as compared to predictable types of eczema symptoms such as dry and itchy skin, along with redness and inflammation.

Vitamin E – 500 IU per day with food. If you are taking anticoagulant drugs consult your doctor first.

Emollients. These are available as lotions, creams, soaps and oils. They are easy to use but use them sparingly. They help in keeping the water in the skin. It prevents dryness, flaking and removes skin debris and dirt that may cause complications.

Many people aren’t aware of emollients-they are basically a skin cream that is based on fat-which sounds gross, but it has great properties as an Eczema home treatment. An emollient works by both moisturising the skin and sealing it, thus preventing any moisture escaping from the layers of skin below. This can work wonders, because as we said, moist and supple skin is less likely to itch and flake.

There are a number of ointments that treat skin disorders found in various regions of the skin. If you are affected by scalp eczema, you can consult your physician and start using an appropriate ointment on your scalp. Some ointments are an effective form of eczema scalp treatment. You can rub the ointment on the scalp before going to bed and wash it off the next morning.

The aim of this home treatment is to counter the drying effect that eczema has on your skin. Skin dryness also aggravates itching and irritation. Moisturizing will also reduce the flare-ups. Moisturizing is done both within and without. The next eczema home remedy involves a juicer. If you don’t have one you can substitute a supplement. I would recommend getting a juicer at some point. They’re inexpensive and save you a lot of money over store-bought juice. If you have a juicer, try a blend of wheat grass, celery, carrots, and parsley. This blend contains vitamins and minerals that are important for your skin. Take a daily multivitamin supplement. This will take care of any of the vitamins you miss in your diet.

coconut oil on the affected area of the skin will create a soothing treatment for eczema. It is important to keep skin moisturized to keep it supple.

Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on eczema treatment, acne treatment, eczema herpeticum.