Eczema Diet Information & Tips

Eczema is a skin condition; a disease that causes the skin to itch, flake, crust, dry up and bleed. It can victimize anybody of any age. Even babies are known to suffer from eczema. Even though the actual cause of eczema is a blurred topic right now, it needs to be treated. If left unattended, it can give rise to several other problems of the skin.

Eczema is also called dermatitis. It could be mild or very severe. It is however not contagious. The itching and burning can be subsided by using lotions and creams. There are different types of eczema too. One of these is the atopic eczema which many believe to be inherent. Other types are triggered if a person is sensitive or allergic to detergents, perfumes, et cetera. Thankfully, it has been found that one can follow an eczema diet to get rid of eczema. This eczema diet consists of foods that help the skin and nourish it.

When choosing an eczema diet, it is important to know that there are foods that will increase the disease or trigger flare-ups. Such foods have to be eliminated from your eczema diet and you need to narrow down to the foods that do trigger these reactions. The foods that are eliminated should then be replaced with supplements. One must make sure that these supplements compensate for the foods that they replace in terms of nutrients.

Usually, an eczema diet consists of what we call “Superfoods.” These foods help in treating eczema. This diet is very effective and reliable. It will transform your skin and produce new cells. Superfoods contain a lot of nutrients and provide great nutrition and strength to the body along with nourishing the skin and warding away eczema. They are known to provide vitality to tired cells, nourish all organs and also strengthen our blood.

The major nutrients required in our diet to fight off eczema are antioxidants, selenium, Omega 3 and Omega 6. These are present in the superfoods, thus making them detoxifying and fibre rich. If you do not know where to get superfoods, you could just follow a diet containing the above mentioned nutrients. Selenium is required to strengthen the immune system which is basically the reason behind many disorders.

Here are some foods that are part of a good eczema diet:

Wheat gram dairy products tuna sea food brown rice vegetables Flaxseed oil (for Omega 3 and Omega 6) fish (for Omega 3 and Omega 6). Fresh organic fruits (the best sources of antioxidants)

Making your own eczema diet is very simple. You just need to know what you must include and what must be excluded. Professional help is always advisable before creating your diet.

Tony McGuigano is the owner of the Eczema Diet website, as well as a website called Trojan Horse Remover.

What Causes Eczema Heres How To Cure Your Eczema

What Causes Eczema There are many causes of eczema. There are different things such and dust which create allergic reactions. But for me, the fundamental reason why you suffer with eczema is that you have a weak immune system which needs to be strengthened so it can fight off all manner of diseases including eczema.

If you develop a stronger immune system your body will be able to self heal itself from colds, flu, eczema and all manner of other diseases.

To develop a stronger immune system you need to eliminate all the bad foods and include more of the goods foods.

The bad foods do not deliver much nutrients to the cells. They do not nourish the body and actually can cause you to become overweight.

The good foods cleanse, rejuvenate and nourish the body cells from the inside out. You feel different from within when you eat the right sort of food.

Here is a list of the good foods you should include in your Eczema Diet.

#1 – What Causes Eczema List of Good Foods

To develop your immune system you should eliminate foods that put a burden on your body and bring little nutrition.

The first thing to do is to give up all white flour and foods that contain it. Foods such as cookies, white bread, cakes, etc. When flour lands in the stomach it turns to a sticky paste and is slow to digest. This creates an extra burden on your digestive system.

#2 – The second thing you can do to strengthen your immune system is to eat approximately three cups of bean sprouts with your meals each day. There are various varieties. The most popular ones are Alfalfa and Mung beans. Sprouts are very high in enzymes, vitamins and minerals. They detoxify the body and delivery healthy nutrients to body that suffers with eczema.

#3 – The next thing you should do is to introduce essential fatty acids into your diet on a daily basis. Foods high in essential fatty acids include Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Avocado and Flax seed. Essential Fatty Acid lubricate the body, the skin and the internal organs. This is great for eczema skin.

#4 – The next thing you can do is to drink organic vegetable juice on a daily basis. Raw juice detoxifies the body eliminating toxins and waste products efficiently. Your juice might contain spinach, ginger, cucumber, celery and bean sprouts. Raw juices whether fruit or vegetable are digested by the system within twenty minutes and delivers much needed nutrients.

#5 – Finally, you should introduce more quality foods into your diet. The best foods are 100% raw foods. One meal per day should consist of at least 65% raw ingredients. So 35% could be a piece of grilled chicken. The other 65% can consist of a large salad, vegetables, bean sprouts and seeds. This represents a nutritious and beneficial meal.

There are many causes of eczema. But if you have a strong immune system you will be able to self heal from within without having to rely totally on creams, potions and ointments. By introducing a few new routines into lifestyle you will create a stronger more powerful immune system and heal yourself from a large array of ailments.