What Group is At Risk for Dyshidrotic Eczema

Reported by -Andrew’s Clinical Dermatology- research and case studies all point to cases of Dyshidrotic Eczemaoccuring both in the male and female genders in equal ratio. No specific gender has enhanced chances for being afflicted by dyshidrosis, or eczema at all. Any disparities between the number of men and women with the condition is due to population statistics and not to one sex being more likely to undergo the ailment than the other.

A similar source continues by mentioning that roughly 20% of patients who may have hand eczema begin showing signs of Dyshidrotic Eczema. While 20% may appear to the eye as good odds one must take into account the amount of individuals who have eczema; it numbers 15 million to this day, so twenty percent is actually a fairly large sum. The condition can be impacted by outside factors which include weather, with lots of more cases being present in warmer climates globally during the spring and summer months of the year. Many patients link outbreaks to excessive direct exposure to strong sunlight. General cases of Dyshidrotic Eczema appear in those of in their middle ages, however , there happen to have been documented cases in those as young as three years old.

In recent years, eczema has turned into a considerably more common affliction. In the last few years the numbers for people with eczema has increased dramatically with numbers reaching to fifteen million. Experts appear to agreethat the numbers will likely show growth in the future. Although there is no immediate cause made known to the population concerning the trigger of this massive jump start in amounts of individuals with the problem, many claim that this growth spurt can be due to the elevated number of pollutants and allergens within the atmosphere.

Prime Candidates for this condition all fit into certain categories with similarities being present in each case. Individuals residing in warmer climate locations are at an even greater risk for dyshidrosis; the condition being much more prevalent in these warm places. Individuals who spend excessive time outdoors in intense sunlight seem to experience this condition much more often with worse symptoms. Weather factors aside, there are various biological and mental factors at work. Individuals who are particularly stressed may start to show signs of dyshidrotic eczema as well. Age can play a factor, with the greater part of cases occuring in those of middle aged adults.