Many people all around the globe are affected by a condition called eczema. Eczema, also commonly known as dermatitis, is characterized by an inflammatory skin reaction that involves reddening of skin, high temperature and itchiness. More serious effects of eczema include affected skin area turning thick, red and sensitive. If situation worsens, skin may also peel off.
Usually, it is an external factor such as allergen that triggers eczema reaction. It could also be caused due to a number of reasons such as improper feeding habits, food allergies, fatigueness, stress, insufficient sleep, genetic sensitivity to allergens, contact with pets and fungal infections, misuse or over use of medications and abuse of alcohol and nicotine. If the conditions due to dermatitis are not given timely treatment, the affected skin region could worsen and may result in the formation of blisters full of pus on the affected skin area. However if eczema occurs owing to the consumption of specific allergic foods such as eggs or nuts, it could be treated with a change of diet. More importantly, it should be borne in the mind that cause of dermatitis may not be possible to determine every time.
However by making some simple diet changes, severity of your eczema breakouts could be avoided. Intake of healthy foods daily would cut down severity of eczema conditions, such as the dryness, itchiness, and swelling of affected skin area. Drinking water throughout the day frequently is very essential to remain hydrated.
Healthy diet is essential for a healthy skin. Drinking juice supplies essential nutrients to the skin. In simple words, consumption of juice provides essential vitamins and minerals to the blood necessary for keeping acne free and dry skin. Also, only juice which is natural and organic should be drunk.
Fruits and vegetables should be a part of the diet as they are rich in nutrients and have powerful antioxidants. The fruits and vegetables help to rejuvenate skin and get rid of all the dryness. Turmeric, apple, papaya, ginger are very useful, and they find a wide range of use in organic skin care routines. More importantly, these organic materials have a very refreshing and vitalizing effect on your skin. The usefulness of both fruits and vegetables could be found in almost every skin care book/guide, especially, in case of organic skin care treatment. Vegetables and fruits rich in Beta Carotene help to protect Vitamin C from oxidation. This prevents symptoms due to Beta Carotene deficiency such as ache, dry dull hair, dry skin and thickened scaly skin on the palms and soles of the feet.
According to some studies, drinking tea not only helps to cleanse the body but it also you helps revitalizing the skin. It was also found that tea also keeps skin from drying out and prevents development of problems related with dermatitis. It also revealed how substances found in tea may help body’s immune system to fight off infection. Additionally, coffee and soda can have a dehydrating effect on the body. Furthermore, green tea can have a wondrous effect on your skin as well.
Besides, eating foods which are fortified with fiber, vitamins and minerals prevent conditions due of eczema or dry skin. In addition, omega 3 oils and foods that include probiotics help in maintaining a healthy skin.