The Many Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Eczema Healing

Most of us are familiar with apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has been commonly deemed as a “cure all” solution. Apple cider vinegar, or simply known as cider vinegar, is made from cider or apple must, and is often sold unfiltered, with a brownish-yellow color; it often contains mother of vinegar. Apple Cider Vinegar ingredients: apple vine, apple cider from wild apples and water extract from herbs. Many who have used apple cider vinegar testifies positive results in bring relief to various health conditions. How can apple cider vinegar help those with eczema?

Firstly, apple cider vinegar is extremely rich is vitamins and minerals which can give the immune system a good boost. A strong immune system is the key to eczema healing. If you have a good immune system, half the battle is won. One of the main vitamin which is extremely beneficial to those with eczema is beta carotene. Apple cider vinegar’s beta-carotene is said to be in a “natural, easy to digest form. Apply cider vinegar is also very rich in potassium which is helpful in easing the effects of allergies. Other immune system boosting vitamins in apple cider vinegar includes amino acids, bioflavonoids and antioxidant.

As appple cider vinegar contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, it is beneficial for people with skin infection and dry skin conditions such as eczema. To relief itch and dryness of the skin, try applying a mixture of 50/50 of apple cider vinegar and water on the affected areas. If you use this on a child, make it more diluted as the mixture can be quite stinging.

A diet lacking in fiber and enzymes can lead to constipation. Constipation cause accumulation of toxins in the body can this can cause eczema flare ups. Apple cider vinegar contains insoluble fiber which aids digestion and elimination, promotes regularity, and contributes to bowel cleaning. To avoid constipation , in addition of more fruits and vegetables in your diet, try adding a daily dose of apple cider and honey (optional).

For those who suffer from seborrheic dermatitis, try applying apple cider on the scalp and slowly massage it into the roots of the hair. Leave the vinegar to stand for a full hour before rinsing your hair. Apply cider vinegar can effectively destroy the bacteria and fungus which cause dandruff and itchy scalp. For extra strength, you can add tea tree oil, which is another powerful hair tonic with antibacterial properties.

For those with mild asthma, you can try taking apple cider vinegar with water daily as well as applying a vinegar soaked compress to the inside of your wrists.

Now that you know the benefits of apple cider vinegar for treating eczema, what is stopping you from enjoying its benefits? If it is the taste, try this. Instead of adding it to plain water, add it into fresh fruit or vegetable juices. It taste great and gives your juice an extra zing. Do take note that when you are buying apple cider vinegar, make sure it is unfiltered, unpasteurized and not distilled. Next time when you think if the phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, think of apple cider vinegar. Is Eczema affecting your lifestyle? You deserve to live the life you wanted without using drugs. Audrey Lynn has been researching a more natural alternative to heal her 3-year-old son of eczema. She is sharing her tips and insights with those who are inflicted with eczema and looking for a natural alternative. For great resources on various eczema home remedies, please visit her blog at

Cytokine Storm Management

A good defense against most illness is a healthy immune system. There are some illnesses that cause the immune system to attack the body. This is known as a Cytokine Storm.

Tiny regulators in your body known as cytokines direct the immune response. If too many cytokines respond to a pathogen by over-stimulating the immune system, the resulting exaggerated response is called a Cytokine Storm.

Cytokine Storms are very serious. Symptoms of a Cytokine Storm include redness, inflammation, high fever, nausea and weakness. If the storm is concentrated in the lungs and airways, the mucus and inflammation has the potential to block airways and result in death. Many believe that the Cytokine Storm response was what caused the deaths of so many young adults in the 1918 Influenza Pandemic.

At the first sign of serious viral infection, herbs and foods which boost the immune response should be avoided. Oregano, Aloe Vera, Pau darco, Elderberry and Echinacea are some of the herbs which are immune boosters and would offer an initial relief followed by more severe symptoms in this instance. Sambucol (which is Elderberry juice), Chlorella algae, Spirulina, Chocolate, Kimchi and Honey are additional foods that can increase cytokine production and should be avoided during a Cytokine Storm. These foods are good for treatment of less severe colds and flu, but should be avoided when symptoms become severe.

Use Antipathogenic herbs also known as anti-virals to fight a virus. Apple Cider vinegar, Eucalyptus (inhaled), Garlic, Ginger, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Mullein and Pine needles are helpful in this application.

Select herbs and foods that are known as immunomodulators. These can help bring the immune response back into balance or normal range. Chamomile, Ginseng and Olive Leaf Extract are included in this category.

Anti-inflammatories help lessen the symptoms of excess mucus and inflammation that occur in some Cytokine Storms. Apple Cider Vinegar, Curcumin (extracted from Turmeric), Ginger, Marshmallow, Mullein, Mustard, Onions, Plantain, Pine Needles, Pleurisy Root, Red Clover, Yarrow or Eucalyptus (inhaled) are helpful in dealing with these symptoms.

Most herbs can be made into a pleasant tea to drink. Inhaling the steam of herbs and/or Apple Cider Vinegar simmering in water is another way to receive the beneficial properties of herbs. A plaster of mustard (and even onions) can be applied to the chest for relief. A well-made soup can deliver the benefits of onions. By smouldering the herbs as incense, their essential oils can be carried by the smoke into the air and inhaled into the lungs.

Rest and plenty of fluids are also very helpful in recovery. Keep a close watch on the symptoms and their progressions and seek the help of medical personnel should you determine the situation is life-threatening.

This article is for information purposes; it is no substitute for medical care. The reader will exercise common sense, seek to be informed and assume all liability in the use of these methods.