Fish Oil And Heart Disease

Scientific research results of fish oil and cholesterol control support the suggestion that a dietary supplement of quality fish oil may improve levels of good cholesterol, and possibly slightly lower bad cholesterol.

As a matter of fact, organizations like the American Heart Association and Food and Drug Administration, have disclosed statements that indicated the benefits that the fish oil can offer to improve heart disease condition.

The most beneficial effect may be found in the particular kind of omega-3 present in fish oil supplements. In a 2000 study, over a thousand men were studied and those who had the highest levels of the omega-3 known as DHA, abundant in fish oil.

There is also evidence that omega 3 fatty acids lower cholesterol levels and control blood pressure. Some studies are being done that suggest that fish oil can boost good cholesterol and decrease bad cholesterol (LDL).

HDL cholesterol helps in reducing the fatty deposits in arteries. And since fish oils help in increasing the level of good cholesterol, this is one of the reasons why fish oil is very beneficial in heart disease prevention.

Apart from cholesterol, your triglycerides levels also play a significant role when it comes to estimating heart disease risk. In case you don’t know, triglycerides are fatty substance that circulate in the bloodstream.

Fish oil is unarguably the best source of Omega 3s, DHA and EPA. The exceptional anti-inflammatory properties of fish oil offer a lot of health benefits for various health problems such as arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease, pains and aches, etc.

Without HDL, cholesterol will just gradually keep accumulating in, and clogging up, your arteries. This will kill the flow of blood to your heart, starve it of oxygen and lead to, among other possible outcomes, a heart attack.

If you have high blood pressure of hypertension, taking an omega-3 supplement rich in omega-3 fatty acids can significantly reduce blood pressure.

Deficiencies in omega-3s have also been linking to many behavioral conditions such as ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, postpartum depression, bipolar disorder, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Inflammation is one of the major causes of heart disease, arthritis, asthma, and inflammatory bowel disease. And the worst part about it is that it comes with no symptoms, meaning that it’s almost impossible to know whether it’s a problem for you.

EPA and DHA are naturally found in cold water fish and the body cannot produce these, therefore you need to obtain them for either eating the above mentioned fish or take a naturally good fish oil supplement.

And it’s not just cholesterol levels that are improved, there is now a wide range of medical conditions that are known to be improved with the higher intake of Omega 3 fats.

It is true that the connection between fish oil and heart disease is beneficial to you; however, it is recommended that you take supplements instead of eating lots of fish because of the problem of contaminants.

Fish oil and heart disease, the two definitely do not go together. Researchers from all around the world are now telling us that fish oil helps to invigorate your brain and your body even if you are young or old.

Use Mental Photography To Get Astounding Results With The Law Of Attraction

What is Mental Photography?

Mental Photography is your brain’s natural ability to tap into your own photographic memory. It’s a capability that everyone possesses and enables us to take in books and other information at a phenomenal rate. This process even leaves speed readers in the dust. In fact this advanced learning technique allows a person to take in new information about 100 times faster than the average reading speed. Even people with Dyslexia, ADD or ADHD can quickly master learning new information at amazing speeds.

Not only does Mental Photography help your brain process information at a faster rate, but it also enables us to retain the memory for life. Most of the things we read are forgotten within the first 48 hours. This learning system uses different pathways in your brain to help you process facts quickly and easily. More importantly, your brain will not forget. Information goes straight in and stays in long-term memory. They say it’s as if you read a book 100 times.

The process also helps you to become a lateral thinker. This ability helps a persons brain to solve complex problems that would ordinarily boggle the mind. Your brain’s thinking capabilities will improve exponentially.

Using Mental Photography can fully enhance your use of the Law of Attraction. According to the people at Zox Training Systems, by using Mental Photography, “You are actually turbo charging the part of your brain that works with The Secret Law of Attraction…To put your powers of manifestation 100% into hyper-drive.” What an intriguing possibility that is, hyper-driven manifestation.

The only limitations any of us have are our own negative thoughts. Our brains are fully programmable. The problem is most of us have been programmed with limited, negative thinking. It is proven by years of research that a brain can be reprogrammed. It doesn’t matter how old you are. You can achieve anything if you only think you can. The human brain can be programmed to eliminate negative thought patterns. Without this negativity a person can begin to move toward his/her own unlimited being. The power of the Law of Attraction along with your own enhanced mental powers can be life changing.

Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell says this about the technique, “What better way to be of service to our fellow humans and to simultaneously create a better life for ourselves than to introduce everyone to the benefits of the Subliminal Dynamics/Brain Management process?”

Mental Photography can help to use that huge area of the brain that normally goes untapped. Imagine how that could alter your world.

Mental Health Counselling At Its Best

Whenever you think of Mental health counselling, you usually would go blank at one point of time thinking that if it happens to you, what you would do. Firstly, you would go crazy thinking the consequences of mental health of you or your near and dear ones getting detiorated over something. But with the Science advancing and its super effects on your fellow beings, you need not worry about these. There are specialists like Robin Leigh Maier who have been specializing in Cognitive Behavior Therapy and will take the best care of your dear ones mental health.

Robin Leigh Maier has been a Licensed Social Worker and an expert dealing in Mental Health Counselling. She has been dealing with the mental health hazards for the past 25 years and therefore understands your problem even before you start explaining it to her. She deals in the domain of mental health of new born babies, postpartum depression, ADD and ADHD in both children and adults.

She understands that life is unpredictable and even before you realize the same your ability to think normally can go out of the way. But she assures, with her empathetic Cognitive Behavior Therapy , she is able to analyse her patients lives and provide deep counselling to them so that she knows the roots of the problems.

She claims that her practice has no side effects and is especially designed for people who are suffering from ADD and ADHD, anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. This anxiety might occur from breaking up with your partner or losing your job which was very close to you. She has been into treatments like psychoanalytic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, anddialectical behavioral therapy which has benefittted the patients to a large extent and made them live their lives like normal people once again.

Robin is also a trained coach for life skills. She also founded the Mothering Center. She has been well acquainted with the problems of the women and therefore is well known for her counselling services in miscarriages, care of the babies, pregnancy and postpartum depression. If you are unaware, the postpartum depression is a term used for women who have their lost child and she has also ben handling such sensive services through her counseling services. To reach out to a wider audience, she is also a regular blogger through she is able to make her readers aware and motivate them in times of utter sorrow.