Allergy Effects On The Kidneys, Respiratory System And Stomach

The kidneys:

The two kidneys are responsible for many vital functions. Briefly, they perform the complex task of extracting from the blood, used up proteins, minerals and other elements making up the toxic waste of the metabolic process. This residual material, together with waste water, is then passed in the form of urine, through to the bladder before being finally expelled from the body.

Allergy-caused overloading may cause the liver to deteriorate and lose its capacity to cope fully with its detoxifying duties. As a result, the toxins, left to circulate in the blood, will poison the body and cause damage to the kidneys. Recent studies have shown that kidney failure can be caused by overloading with food toxins. Since undetected food allergies are known to overload the body with toxins, it follows that the kidneys will indeed suffer and may become a ‘target’ organ.

The respiratory system:

The respiratory system comprises the trachea (windpipe), the bronchials and the lungs. Air that we breathe passes through the trachea and bronchials into the lungs where it is used to oxygenate the blood. At the same time, carbon dioxide is extracted from the blood and expelled from the lungs into the atmosphere.

Victims of ecological allergies invariably suffer from chemical as well as food intolerances. Some of the more common chemical allergens are the hydrocarbon products, such as petrol and diesel fumes, pressure pack propellants, etc. When these substances are inhaled into the lungs they are absorbed along with oxygen into the bloodstream. To the allergic person, this ingestion through the lungs sets up the same allergic process as an allergy reaction, caused by eating an allergenic food. Consequently, the person becomes ill but often does not realize the cause, since chemical allergies, like food allergies, can be masked, with resultant symptoms that are seemingly unrelated to the chemicals concerned.

An example of food allergies causing respiratory symptoms is found ‘in a report from Dr Elmer Cranton, of Virginia, who says that recurrent coughs are due to food allergies, not colds. This view was also recently supported by the British Medical Journal. Dr Cranton said that the most likely causes were dairy products, yeast, wheat products, eggs and citrus fruit. He has found with people allergic to these foods, that once they have been removed from the diet, the coughing stops.

Milk and milk products are one of the commonest causes of food allergies. Often, the reaction is a general tendency for excessive mucus to form in the nasal and other respiratory passages. This, in turn, can lead to constant colds, sore throats, nasal catarrh and asthma – all by-products of an ongoing and debilitating food allergy.

The stomach:

The stomach is a simple, bag-like organ and is part of the alimentary canal. It lies between the esophagus and the small intestine. The upper end of the stomach connects with the esophagus, whilst the lower end opens into the doudenum, which is the upper part of the small intestine. The stomach serves as a storage place for food, enabling a large meal to be eaten at one time. It also produces hydrochloric acid and the enzyme pepsin, to digest the food partially.

There are a number of different foods that will irritate the mucous membrane lining the stomach. Highly spiced foods, extremely hot foods and alcoholic drinks can cause ulcers to develop in the stomach or duodenum. Another cause of stomach ulcers can be the regular ingestion of foods to which the person is allergic. It is interesting to note, that the Japanese have the highest rate of stomach cancer in the world, due to the high salt content in their diet.